Chairman’s Report 2016

Financial Our end year balance is healthy at £9190.

Membership Ellie Kibble continues to be our ex-officio membership secretary and we express our gratitude for her continued hard work in this area and particularly in continuing to update membership forms with help from other committee members. Our total membership remained at around 150, including partner members and friends.

Committee TheCommitteehas remained unchanged this year but our President, Peter Ewins has regretably stood down. I would like to thank him for his steady support of the Association over many years.

Bee Health There have been a number of reports of EFB within the area over the last year, as well as outbreaks in surrounding areas. Varroa continues to be a problem. The first Disease Clinic for some time was held at the end of April to test bee samples for nosema. Attendance was low but a number of samples were found to have high levels of disease. Thanks should go to the team of helpers who ensured that the day ran smoothly.

Apiary The apiary report will be covered separately but the apiary continues to be well-managed byan active committee, chaired by David Fitzpatrick. Weekly meetings have run from March to September, with hives and nucs maintained for classes. Our swarm collectors have been busy into September and swarm distribution has been managed by Oliver Chadwick. I would like to extend my thanks to the committee for arranging the purchase and erection of the new shed and tothe team of members and friends for the work they have put in, ensuring the smooth running of the apiary.

Honey Yield Yields have varied within the association but the apiary hives yielded 165lb of standard honey and 41 lb of heather honey. Many members also reported having a mix of standard and heather honeys this year. Our grateful thanks to Ian Clifton for managing the bottling and distribution of the apiary honey.

Honey Shows At our own Honey Show in November, there were fewer entries than previously. David Clague won the Challenge Cup and Geoff Redwood won the Cup for Best in Show. At the Surrey County Show this year, Farnham again did well with good representation and gaining 28 certificates. We came away with the Novice Trophy, awarded to Richard Fulleylove, Rosalind Clague was awarded the Composite Cup and Farnham again won the Vincent Challenge Cup for the division with most points. We have still not won the Blue Ribbon for best exhibit in the show, which continues to be our aim next year. Our grateful thanks to Hazel Sharples and Daphne Thomas for their hard work in organising the entries to the show this year.

Education Rosalind and David Clague ran their largest ever Beginner’s Course,with 34 prospective beekeepers, most of whom continued on to the practical sessions. To accommodate this, sessions were run at the apiary on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Alastair Welch ran a Basic Course in the spring for 4 candidates, all of whom passed. We offer our grateful thanks to them, and to other members for their help teaching and fortheir hard work at events throughout this year.

Schools and Public Events Farnham BKA had a presence once more at a number of summer fetes in the area, often taking the observation hive, as well as offering ‘taster’ sessions at the apiary for people interested in bees and beekeeping, and which 24 people attended. With the help of a small team of volunteers whose help is much appreciated, Margaret Lennard has met over 300 children in school visits as well as participating in a Countryside Day at Hampton Estate in Searle with over 100 children from 3 schools. She has also given talks to Brownies and adult groups throughout the winter and fielded many enquiries from members of the public. Once again, we were represented at the Rural Life Museum Activity Thursdays during August.

Website We are very grateful to Daniel Josty for hosting our excellent website and to David Clague and Margaret Lennard for updating the content.

Wax exchange Bob Monk has continued to handle the purchase and exchange of wax and we are most grateful to him.

Social events A series of interesting talks were arranged by Geoff Redwood and Di Cook, keeping us all in touch over the cold months. In June, Ann Jones hosted a Garden Meeting where around 20 members explored her garden and spent a pleasant afternoon eating, chatting and getting to know each other.

David Dennington

Chairman 2016