AP Human Geography Syllabus 2016-17
Creekside High School
Mr. Adams
Required Materials:
1) Text: An Introduction to Human Geography: The Cultural Landscape, Rubenstein
2) Text: Barron’s How to Prepare for the AP Human Geography Advanced Placement Examinationbook
3) Composition Notebook JUST FOR THIS CLASS. This should be the classic composition book.
4) A highlighter to use with your Barron’s book!
Classroom Guidelines:
1) Be in your seat with your composition book, textbook and pen or pencil at the beginning of class
2) Participate with integrity.Active Participation is a key to success
4) Please do not interrupt the learning process.
5) Unexcused absences and tardiness will not be tolerated.
6) Academic dishonesty will be reported immediately.
7) Students will receive penalties for late work, including zeroes for consistent problems.
8) Students will have assigned seats throughout the year.
Grades will be determined by calculating the total percentage of points earned from tests, quizzes, written assignments, and classwork.
Tests – Chapter and section tests.Study! Learning the material as the chapters are covered will really help as we review for the AP Test, beginning in January. 60%
Assignments: classwork, written assignments, essays, quizzes 35%
Homework: 5%
Exams: Students will take semester exams both semesters. The first semester exam will be held during Creekside’s exam week. The second semester exam is the first week of May. It will be a practice AP exam given two weeks before the scheduled College Board test. Both exams count 10% of the student’s semester grade.
Course Outline & Pacing Chart:
To learn all the material that will be tested in May, this class must cover a chapter an average of every 2 weeks.
I. Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives
- Geography as a field of inquiry
- Evolution of key geographical concepts and models associated with notable geographers
- Key concepts underlying the geographical perspective: space, place, and scale
- Key geographical skills
- Sources of geographical ideas and data: the field, census data, etc.
II. Population
- Geographical analysis of population
- Population distribution and composition
- Population growth and decline over time and space
- Population movement
III. Cultural Patterns and Processes
- Concept of culture
- Cultural differences
- Environmental impact of cultural attitudes and practices
- Cultural landscapes and cultural identity
IV. Political Organization of Space
- Nature and significance of political boundaries
- Evolution of the contemporary political pattern
- Challenges to inherited political-territorial arrangements
V. Agricultural and Rural Land Use
- Development and diffusion of agriculture
- Major agricultural production regions
- Rural land use and change
- Impacts of modern agriculture
VI. Industrial and Economic Development
- Character of industrialization
- Spatial aspects of the rise of industrial economies
- Contemporary global patterns of industrialization/resource extraction
- Impacts of industrialization
VII. Cities and Urban Land Use
- Definition of urbanization
- Origin and evolution of cities
- Functional character of contemporary cities
- Built environmental and social space
- Responses to urban growth
Advanced Placement Human Geography is a complex and detailed study of human activities on the earth’s landscape. It is highly relevant for future leaders and citizens, and it gives students a deep insight into the world and their place in it.
Parents and students: my web page for this class needs to checked at least weekly. Parents: you will know what is happening in class based on my web page. Students and parents: there will be articles, web pages, videos and posts that will be important for your learning.