Reporting and Analysis Suite (RAS) for Instructional Leaders
All reports are accessed from the home screen and clicking on the Reporting button.
Report / Report Description / Essential QuestionsComparing Measures
This report provides a comparison of the DIBELS Next composite scores. At mid-year, you can do a comparison of your BOY and MOY results. /
- Compare assessment results for one student population across various measures
- At a glance, you can see the number or percent of students who have achieved a specific performance
- Where are students in need?
- How have different student populations changed over time?
- On which grades should resources be focused?
- What are instructional areas of strength or weakness?
3D Measure Breakdown /
- Shows student results for each of the Reading 3D Measures
- What are instructional areas of strengths or weaknesses?
- How have your students progressed in different areas over time?
- Where should you focus instructional resources?
DIBELS Effectiveness Formula (DEF) Correlation/ Effectiveness
- Allows you to see student results from one point in time on one measure in relation to a second measure and time.
- At a glance, you can see student performance over time.
- Is your instructional program effective at moving students from high risk to low risk?
- Of the students who were red last period, how many have moved up to yellow or green this period?
- Of the students who were green last period, how many have fallen back to yellow or red this period?
- Shows growth trends over time for one measure.
- At a glance, you can see whether the student performance improved or declined over the periods selected for observation.
- How has student achievement changed over the course of this year?
- Are students on track to meet end-of-year goals?
Looking at Subgroup Data
- You can view your subgroup demographic data for any report by clicking on the “To Ethnicity” button found at the top of each report.
- You can also drill deeper into your subgroups by using the Student Filtersdrawer on the left-hand side of the report.
- Title 1 (used for all schools) – Select Title I and then select Yes to Reading and Yes to Unspecified (includes students served in both literacy and math) to identify all students for literacy support
- ELL – Select English Proficiency and then select LEP – English Language Learner
- Students with Disabilities – Select Special Ed and then select Yes – this indicates students who currently have an IEP
- You will want to apply only one subgroup at a time to get a picture on how students in Title I, ESL, or Special Ed Services are progressing.
- To monitor your students who are in overlapping categories, you can apply multiple filters at one time. For example, applying all three student filters will show students who are being served by Title I, identified LEP, and currently have an IEP.