NPS FETE Newsletter No.1

Welcome back everyone to the new school year and a brand new school FETE. For some families you know what this time of year is all about when it comes to the fete and for some families this is all very new, possibly overwhelming, but hopefully an exciting new adventure to your child’s years at Northcote Primary School.

The school fete is the largest fundraising event of the school year and also hopefully one of the most fun. Our school aims to raise 10’s of thousands of dollars each year that goes towards improving our school facilities and the opportunities we can provide the students through redevelopment of playgrounds, technology that provides access to and experience with up to date facilities.

There are so many ways the kids, families, businesses and the community can help us to reach our goals. Each week a separate FETE Newsletter will be sent out with the school newsletter with important information that you will need to know. Please take the time to read the information, print out the important dates note and donations lists, which are designed to go on your fridge for easy reference and we look forward to another great Northcote Primary School FETE.

Some important information.


Fete Coordinators;

Susan Callaghan (Liam grade 4 and Drue Prep)

Brooke van der Hoeven (Indigo year 7 ex student and Ned grade 4)


We are still looking for the following so please contact us if you can assist in any way or would like more information;

* You live on a major road and are prepared to have a billboard displayed on your fence in the lead up to the fete

* You are interested or know of someone who might be interested in hearing about our sponsorship packages and opportunities

* Have a particular skill set that could be helpful in organising, performing or sourcing for a school fete.

List of donations for the NPS Fete

Whole School donations

Silent Auction Items / Second hand toys, trikes & games
Mystery Bottle / Second hand Clothes & shoes
Treasure Island trinkets / Second hand Homewares
Home made craft items / Second hand Books & Music
Home made jams, chutney’s preserves & sauces / Plants, cuttings & terrariums
Home made cakes & slices / Home made kids treats

Grades 5 & 6

Tombola lollies, nail polish and coloured hair spray

Notes to be sent home with kids in the following week

Grades 3 and 4

Blocks of chocolate

Notes to be sent home with kids in the following week

Grades 1 and 2

Cans of soft drink

Notes to be sent home with kids in the following week


Tombola bagged lollies or small lolly pops

Notes to be sent home with kids in the following week

Key Dates

Saturday 7th FebruaryFete Billboards go up

Monday 8th FebruaryDonations Open for;

Mystery Bottle

Grade specific donations

Treasure Island trinkets

School picnic raffle

Volunteer sign up opens

Tuesday 9th FebruarySecond hand donations at school 8:30 to 9:30, 3:00 – 4:00

Wednesday 10th FebruarySecond hand donations at school 8:30 to 9:30, 3:00 – 4:00

Thursday 11th FebruaryPoster Competition OPEN

Wed 17th FebruaryWristband Sales OPEN

Tuesday 23rd FebruarySecond hand donations at the school 8:30 to 9:30, 3:00 – 4:00

Wednesday 24th FebruarySecond hand donations at the school 8:30 to 9:30, 3:00 – 4:00

Friday 26th FebruaryBottling morning at the school canteen 9:00 to 12:00

Saturday 27th FebruarySecond hand donations at the school 10:00 to 1:00

Sunday 28th FebruarySecond hand donations at the school 12:00 to 3:00


Sunday 28th FebruaryOnline auction OPENS

Wednesday 2nd MarchWristband Sales CLOSE

Poster Competition CLOSES

Grade specific donations CLOSE

Treasure Island trinket donations CLOSE

Silent Auction items delivered and finalised

Thursday 3rd March Kitchen clean-up for food preparations

Friday 4thMarchEarly prepaid wristband collections 3:00to 4:00pm

Fete Collective equipment arrives

Online auction CLOSES

Mystery Bottle donations CLOSE

Information on donations

What we use them for and what you can donate

Second hand donations;

Toys: All donations are to be clean and in a workable condition. Please check the toy before donating. If you are donating a set or a jigsaw of some kind, please note whether any pieces are missing and if so what.

Books: We accept all books except text books. If you are donating magazines, they need to be vintage or almost new. Please check there are no ripped or missing pages in the books before donating. Working CD’s are also accepted

Homewares: Goods that are still in good working order. We cannot accept electrical & babyproducts as we are unable to guarantee the safety of them. We also cannot accept second Tupperware or drink bottles. Some suggestions are vases, pictures, crockery etc

Mystery Bottle;

Mystery Bottle something just for adults... The Fete isn't just about the student and children. The Mystery Bottle stall is just for adults! For the stall to work, each family is required to donate a bottle to the value of minimum $5.

The bottle could be anything but some suggestions are: olive oil, vinegar, cordial, wine, sauce, beers, soft drink, cider, soap, aftershave, sweets perfume. It can be home-made or store-bought. Basically donate something that you'd be happy towin back when you participate on the day.

On the day, people at the Fete attend the stall, pay $5 and effectively do a "lucky dip". They could end up with a bottle of cordial, the grand prize or something in between. Got to be in it to win it!

Donations can be made directly to the office and asked to put in the "Mystery Bottle" box or handed to Stall Co-ordinator Sue Lawson

Treasure Island;

Arhhhhhhrrr be needin your treasure donations for Treasure Island!

Looking for anything that can be hidden in the sandpit to delight treasure hunters - beads, plastic animal toys, sparkly bits, shopkins, dinosaurs, cars, fake coins, etc...

Please scour your toy boxes forsmall, safe, glittery, scary, freaky trinkets and place them in the treasure barrel in the foyer of the office. Dig deep, m'hearties

Stall Coordinators

Contact can be made in person or via

Food / Snacks and Drinks
BBQ – Duncan McKenzie / Coffee – Katherine Forrest
Souvlaki – Maria Papazolou / Bar – Miles Callaghan
Salads & Snacks – Rochelle Pennefather / Cake Stall – Violetta Elizabeth
Pete’s Poffertjes – Tahlia Dyson / Kids Café – AngeMoutoulas
Handmade Stalls / Secondhand Stalls
Plants – Kylea Clarke / Clothes – Julie Todaro
Craft Stall – Amanda O’Donnell / Book & music Stall – Catherine Hart
Helens Harvest (Jams &preserves) – Emily Nance / Toys – Vanessa O’Neill
Homewares & Bric-a-brac – Sally Swan
Silent Auction – Karen McWilliam
Loud Auction – Susan Callaghan
Mystery Bottle – Sue Lawson
Lucky Dip – Jennifer Arnold
Tombola – Kirsty Teague
Activities / Organisation
Treasure Island – Chris Mitchell / Facebook/ Instagram – Pauline Sendejo
Side Show Alley – Louise Brown Sarah Pollitt / Fete Collective – Bronwyn Wickett
Amazing Race – Sandra Palmer / Volunteers – Susan Callaghan
Kids Craft & Secret garden – Susan Callaghan / Fete Setup – Ian Taylor
Crazy Hair, Nails & Face paint – Kylie Kilgour / Sustainability - Martin Bush
Kids Stage – Adrian &MiryanaStojanovska / Washing up – Nicole Oke
Main Stage – Chris Wheatley & Anthony Shortte / Wristbands & Ticketing – Marnie DaphneNarelle Frazer
Commercial Rides – Brooke van der Hoeven