Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Office of the Governor
Judicial Nominating Commission
Application for Chief Justice of the Appeals Court
Biographical Information
Please attach a current resume as a cover page to this application, containing a brief professional history and educational background. Please include adequate detail about any legal employment to provide an understanding of the entity, your role(s) and the experience you gained during that employment.
- Full name:
- Residential Address:
- Telephone number:
(a) Home:
- Preferred E-mail address:
- Date of birth:
- Place of birth:
- Optional: If you wish to be identified with a particular racial or ethnic group, please list that here:
- Spouse/Domestic Partner’s Full Name:
- Spouse/Domestic Partner’s Maiden/Birth Name:
- Spouse/Domestic Partner’s Current Employment:
- Please list the names and ages of your children and their full-time employment, if they are employed.
- Please list the names of all immediate family as well as persons related to immediate family by marriage who serve as employees or elected officials of the Commonwealth.
- Have you ever previously applied for a judgeship? If so, please complete the following table:
Court / Year / Interviewed
by the JNC
(Yes/No) / Recommended by the JNC (Yes/No) / Nominated by Governor (Yes/No)
- List three cases, matters, transactions or activities in which you have significantly participated and of which you are the most proud, and explain why.
- A diverse range of interests, personal perspectives and life experiences adds much to the judicial mix. Describe something about your personal background or experiences that would contribute to your perspective in the role of Chief Justice of the Appeals Court.
- What was your greatest professional disappointment?Please explain why it was and what you learned from that experience.
The Appeals Court
- Why are you interested in serving as Chief Justice of the Appeals Court, and what strengths would you bring to this position?
- What are the four attributes or qualities you believe should be given the greatest weight in evaluating candidates for Chief Justice of the Appeals Court, and how do you assess yourself pursuant to those attributes?
- What is the greatest strength or asset of the Appeals Court and how would you preserve and improve it?
- What would you find most challenging about serving as Chief Justice, and how would you address those challenges?
- As Chief Justice, please describe your priority agenda for the Appeals Court over the next five years. Include in the agenda your top three priorities and a brief discussion of why each is important.
- List any activities or organizations in which you have participated to a significant extent in the last five years and, if you wish, prior to the last five years, in the order of their interest/importance to you. For each, specify the dates and nature of your involvement, estimate the number of hours devoted (whether weekly, monthly, or annually), describe any major accomplishments in which you played a principal role, and provide the name and contact information for persons knowledgeable about your involvement.
- List any courses or programs that you have taught or at which you have lectured. For each, specify the date, course/program name, and nature of your participation.
- List all books, articles or other publications that you personally have authored, including the citations, dates of publication, and names of any co-authors.
- Please describe any experience you have had in budgeting or personnel management that has not already been discussed in your resume.
- List any hobbies or vocational interests, that do not already appear in your answers to prior questions, in the order of their interest to you.
- Have you ever been sued by (or yourself sued or assigned a claim for purposes of suing) a client or former client, or been a party to a fee arbitration or grievance proceeding, or had a legal malpractice claim against you settled? If so, please provide the details, including docket number and court.
- Other than as counsel, have you or your spouse ever been a party to or been involved in any civil legal proceedings? If so, please provide the details and include all bankruptcies as well as proceedings in which you or your spouse was a party in interest or a witness. Please do not list proceedings in which you were a guardian ad litem, executor or administrator.
- To the best of your knowledge, has any complaint ever been made against you to the Board of Bar Overseers or any other bar grievance committee or professional association? If so, please provide the details. If you are currently a judge, has any past or present complaint ever been made against you to the Commission on Judicial Conduct? If so, please provide the details.
- Have you or your spouse ever been found in violation of any court order or been held in contempt of court or been sanctioned in excess of $1,000 by any court? If yes, please provide the details, including case number(s) and court(s).
- Have you and your spouse timely filed all required state and federal tax returns in each year since you became a member of the Bar? If not, please explain.
- Have federal, state or local authorities ever instituted a tax lien or other collection procedure against you or your spouse? If so, please provide the details, including case numbers and court.
- State the nature and disposition of any of the following actions that apply to you:
(a)Are there any unsatisfied judgments against you or your spouse?
(b)Have you or your spouse ever defaulted in the performance of any court-imposed obligations, including payment of child support or alimony or compliance with another court order or decree?
(c) In each case, please list the name and address of the creditor, the court that rendered the judgment, the docket number, the date, the amount of the judgment, and the circumstances on which such claim was based.
- Has property owned by you (or jointly with others including property held in a real estate trust or a legal entity in which you own an interest) been either judicially or non-judicially foreclosed? Please state the circumstances and outcome of any such unsatisfied or default judgment, or any foreclosure.
- Have you ever made an assignment for the benefit of creditors? Has any petition in bankruptcy ever been filed by you or your spouse? If so, please state the circumstance, docket number, and the outcome.
- Are you able to perform the essential functions of the judicial position for which you have applied?
Catch-all Questions
- In the interests of full disclosure and reading this question very broadly, is there any other information which the JNC and the Governor should know about you and/or any immediate or related family members that might reflect adversely on your personal or professional background and qualifications or otherwise have an impact on your ability to serve? If so, please explain.
- Is there any additional information which you wish to share in support of your application?
Writing Sample
- Please attach as a writing sample one copy of a brief, memorandum of law, or legal opinion or similar example of legal writing (preferably related to an appellate matter) prepared solely by you within the last five years. Writing samples should not exceed 30 pages in length, exclusive of table of contents, table of authorities, and title pages. If you do not have a sample of this length, please include an excerpt from a longer writing. Please do not exceed the 30-page limit.
- Please list five references in the following format who could speak to your qualifications to serve as Chief Justice of the Appeals Court:
City: State: Zip Code:
I hereby swear or affirm under penalties of perjury that the information provided in my application, is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; and that I am a citizen of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and I am licensed to practice law in Massachusetts.
I waive any privilege of confidentiality I may have with respect to information concerning my qualifications for judicial office that the Judicial Commission may desire to obtain. I specifically authorize the Commission to obtain and examine my personnel files from current and past employers, including all files maintained by the Massachusetts Court System, and to obtain information, records and documents regarding me from any credit reporting agency, any law enforcement agency, any bar association, any occupational licensing board, any educational institution, and any disciplinary body, including specifically the Board of Bar Overseers. I further authorize these institutions, organizations, and individuals, and any other institutions, organizations and individuals to make available to the Commission all confidential and non-confidential documents, records and information concerning me that the Commission may request.
I understand the submission of this application expresses my willingness to accept appointment to the judiciary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, if tendered by the Governor, and further, my willingness to abide by the Code of Judicial Conduct, if appointed.
DateSignature of Applicant
Print Name