ULearn09 – Breakout 3 : Digital Citizenship

Andrew Churches, Kristin School

·  The internet is changing how we are entertained. The growth of devices that can access the net is exponential.

·  Most households have mobile phones, gaming consoles etc… people are becoming immune to violence because of the nature of many of the games etc.

·  People have a vast global environment that they can access and they spend a significant amount of time online.

·  Where are our students going to look for information and what are they accessing?

·  Prentsky – has identified that our youth are spending huge amounts of time online, gaming, watching TV etc as opposed to reading.

·  The message of the site must be in the first couple of lines or it is not read.

·  The constant exposure of information and learning changes our brains and neurological functioning.

·  What does the impact of our children’s world mean for us as teachers?

·  DIGITAL CITIZEN – respect yourself, respect others, protect yourself, protect others respect and protect intellectual property.

·  Respect & Protect Yourself – FB has 300million friends, average # friends = 120. Kids need to understand that whatever they upload and out on the net is there forever! US Colleges are scanning FB as a way of weeding out prospective students.

·  Our children need to seriously consider what they are putting online… appropriate online names, personal information, actions & activities, images, no obscenities.

·  We need to be so aware that once something is posted it can be accessed by ANYONE! Kids need to understand that images can be forwarded and that what they post is not private.

·  Meeting somebody online – chn need to understand that the online persona might not be who the real person is!

·  Parents and adults need to ensure that safety mechanisms are set up in their computers, e.g. passwords set up to automatically access a site

·  NEVER publish personal details, schedules of activities or contact details or the details for family and friends.

·  Children need to report attacks and inappropriate behaviour

·  Passwords and accounts need to be protected

·  How can we teach our students to protect and respect themselves?

·  Lytton High School has great programme – The RAILS. Katerina Reedy (Bubbles) contact person.

·  Respect and Protect Others -

·  Cyber-Bullying – If you wouldn’t say it to a persons face then don’t say it.

·  Cyber-Hate – Should these sites be blocked? E.g. KKK If there is no audience the porno and racist sites would not exist

·  Not access inappropriate sites

·  Right to privacy, not enter others spaces

·  3 I’s for parents – informed, interested, in view

·  Children need to be taught how to report abuse, this is a responsibility!

·  Not forwarding inappropriate material

·  Accountability fosters rules, Responsibility fosters caring

·  3 S’s – Savvy, Sensible, Sensitive

·  Respect and Protect Intellectual Property…

·  Our children need to validate the information they find, triangulation.

·  Use Wikipedia with an open mind. Warnings regarding articles are posted.

·  Children need to seek permissions, suitably cite their resources (websites, books, media etc), validate information double referenced/triangulated, fair use of others intellectual property

·  Awareness of piracy

·  Creative Commons – free of charge as long as material is acknowledged and not used for financial gain

·  Wiki Commons – open source resources

·  Request the use of software and media others produce, use free and open source alternatives instead of pirating, purchase licenses, respect integrity.


·  www.edorigami.wikispaces.com

·  www.edorigami.edublogs.org

·  www.ulearn.netsafe.org.nz