Lezen engineering A2:

A. 1 Harness

A. 2 Bridge

A. 3 jet engine/bow

A. 4 plane vocabulary

A. 5 GPS

A. 6Voice Protect® technology


A.1.What is the harness?

A.2.What is the bridge?

Translate the words into Dutch:

A.3. What is a jet engine?

What is the pylon ? What is the bow?

A.4 plane vocabulary

How many words do you know?































A. 5 How GPS Works:

Our ancestors had to go to pretty extreme measures to keep from getting lost. They erected monumental landmarks, produced detailed maps and learned to read the stars in the night sky. Things are much, much easier today. For less than $100, you can get a pocket-sized gadget that will tell you exactly where you are on earth at any moment. As long as you have a GPS receiver and a clear view of the sky, you’ll never be lost again.

When people talk about ‘a GPS’, they usually mean a GPS receiver. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is actually a constellation of 27 earth-orbiting satellites (24 in operation and three extras in case one fails). The U.S. military developed and implemented this satellite network as a military navigation system, but soon opened it up to everybody else.

A GPS receiver locates four or more of these satellites. It figures out the distance to each and then combines it with information in an electronic almanac. Once the receiver makes this calculation, it can tell you the latitude, longitude and altitude of its current position on earth. To make the navigation more user-friendly, most receivers have internal map files. These map files connect the receiver to a computer that can hold even more maps in its memory.

Standard GPS receivers do not only place you on a map at any particular location, they also trace your path across a map as you move. If you leave your receiver on, it can stay in constant communication with GPS satellites to see how your location is changing. With this information and its built-in clock, the receiver can give you several pieces of valuable information, such as:

  • How far you have travelled (odometer)
  • How long you have been travelling
  • Your current speed (speedometer)
  • Your average speed
  • A trail showing you exactly where you have travelled on the map
  • The estimated time of arrival at your destination if you maintain your current speed

1 Wat meet de odometer?


2 Wat meet de speedometer?


3 Wat betekenen de letters GPS?


4 Uit hoeveel satellieten bestaat het netwerk?


5. Door wie is het netwerk ontwikkeld?


A.6 Voice Protect® technology

Development on the Voice Protect® technology started in 1989. Voice Security Systems engineers were trying to create a low-cost, user-friendly voice authentication method. The concept was first used in a voice-controlled garage-door opener. While working on the concept, developers discovered the security aspects of other voice controlled security devices. Soon after this, Voice Security Systems focused on personalized biometric security. In those days, the technology of using voice prints for security purposes was in its early stages. It still required expensive processors and large storage devices to store the software and voice templates.

Voice Protect®
Fifteen years of research and development by Voice Security Systems followed. This resulted in a state-of-the-art patented technology: the Voice Protect® technology. This technology is a process that allows access control using a voice command stored on a microprocessor. The security aspect of the technology is that the voice command will ONLY work for the person whose sample was taken.

A great benefit of this technology is that it can be used for electronic devices, such as doors, computers, etc. An even bigger benefit, however, is that user security can be stored in almost any device with a microprocessor. Cell phones, ATM cards, automobiles and door access are just some of the applications that are protected by Voice Protect® technology.

Many other speaker verification technologies are based on the principle of managing a database of user templates. This is quite expensive and unsafe as, in many cases, the biometric data is sent over telephone lines, air waves, or Internet lines. Voice Protect® technology, on the other hand, ensures that the biometric data stays safe as the spoken phrase cannot be copied from the key voice print that was created by the user. For Internet applications, user voice prints can even be stored in a single, encrypted IP packet of less than 1KB.

Voice Protect® technology is the only stand-alone technology that does not require a large database to protect the privacy of users and their biometric data. The software and templates can be stored on the microprocessor that is already inside the device using Voice Protect®.

1 Waar gaat deze tekst over?


2 Voor wie is deze tekst bedoeld?


3. Wanneer is men begonnen met de ontwikkeling van de voice protect?


4. Is Voice Security Systems eigenaar van Voice Protect technology?


5. Is het voor alle apparaten geschikt?


6. Kunnen de beveiligingsgegevens van een persoon worden opgeslagen op een microprocessor?


7. Kan informatie het best worden opgeslagen in databasebestanden?


8. Hoeveel KB is nodig voor gecodeerde IP pakketten?
