Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Jodok Wicki

Dr. Jodok Wicki



German (native), English, French, Italian, Spanish (basic)

T +41 44 285 11 11


CMS von Erlach Poncet AG

Dreikönigstrasse 7

PO Box 2991

CH-8022 Zurich
Jodok Wicki is concentrating on international and national arbitration and litigation cases and international legal assistance matters. In arbitration matters he is acting as counsel and also as arbitrator (as chairman, co-arbitrator and sole arbitrator).

He has represented as counsel a large number of corporations (companies in the high-tech business, professional services firms, banks, insurance companies, brokers, trading companies and companies from other industries) in a variety of cases and defended also individuals in claims for directors' liability.

In addition to arbitration and litigation, his practice spans advisory activities in contract, corporate, banking and insurance matters, as well as white collar crime and tort cases.

He qualified as Specialized Attorney Swiss Bar Association for Tort and Insurance Law in 2014.

Jodok graduated 1992 from Zurich University and was admitted to the bar in 1994. In 2001 he published his doctorate thesis on Market Making and Price Manipulation of Own Shares of Listed Securities Dealers. He is a partner of CMS von Erlach Poncet in Zurich since 2005 and was before a partner with another business law firm in Zurich since 2000, where he had practiced since his admission to the bar. He has also worked with law firms in New York and Sydney as foreign associate in 1996 and 1997.

Having command of English and French and being conversant in Italian, in addition to his native German language, a major part of his work is cross-border. He has substantial experience in working with clients and lawyers across several jurisdictions, speaking various languages and having different cultural backgrounds. Several of the arbitrations conducted by Jodok Wicki both as arbitrator and as counsel involved Asian parties and projects, as well as Asian counsel.

Before taking up the legal practice, Jodok had an international sports career in Olympic sailing. He participated twice at the Olympic Games as helmsman in a two man dinghy and won a number of national and international titles in different sailboat classes.

Memberships in Professional Organizations

¾  Zurich, Swiss and International Bar Associations;

¾  ASA Swiss Arbitration Association;

¾  ICCA;

¾  IADC International Association of Defense Counsel.

Panels of Arbitrators

¾  ICC




¾  Fallstricke des Replikrechts im Zivilprozess und Lösungsvorschläge de lege ferenda (Pitfalls of the right of response in civil litigation and proposals for solution de lege ferenda), AJP/PJA 07/2013, p. 975 et seq.;

¾  Zur Verbrauchereigenschaft des Bankkunden bei Spekulationsgeschäften mit Fremdkapital nach Art. 13 Abs. 1 Nr. 3 LugÜ (On the qualification of bank customers involved in speculative transactions as consumers pursuant to article 13 para. 1 sec. 3 Lugano Convention), AJP/PJA 11/2010, p. 1481 et seq.;

¾  Vorvertragliche Schiedszuständigkeit (Pre-contractual Competence of Arbitral Tribunals), ASA Bull. 2/2009, p. 236 et seq.;

¾  Failure of Reorganization – Claw-back of Fees of Auditors and Advisors (Sanierung gescheitert - Rückerstattung der Honorare der Revisionsstelle und von Beratern), TREX Der Treuhandexperte, 2/2009;

¾  Obtaining Discovery Abroad, 2nd edition, 2005, Publication of the American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law, chapter XII on Switzerland;

¾  Market Making und Kurspflege kotierter eigener Aktien durch Effektenhändler (Market Making and Price Manipulation of Own Shares of Listed Securities Dealers), Thesis, Zurich, 2001.

Conferences and Lectures:

¾  IADC European Regional Meeting 2014 Stuttgart, Do's and don’ts in international arbitration;

¾  Young ICCA Istanbul Workshop - 29 September 2014, Working with intersecting cultures in international arbitration, Choice of arbitrator(s) and assistance of the regional/international institutions;

¾  Recent Court Practice on Accounting and Auditing: Lecture at educaris – Academy of the Swiss Institute of Certified Accountants and Tax Consultants, September 14, 2012;

¾  Attorneys' Secrecy – Selected Aspects of Business Law: Lecture at University of St. Gallen; October 12, 2010;

¾  Is the Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine Relevant Abroad?- Pitfalls and Best Practices, Legal Professional Privilege in Switzerland: International Corporate Counsel College, Paris, October 7/8, 2010;

¾  Recent Developments in Accounting – Legal Aspects: Lecture at educaris – Academy of the Swiss Institute of Certified Accountants and Tax Consultants, September 30, 2010;

¾  Reorganization - Selected Aspects of Business Law: Lecture at University of St. Gallen; February 11, 2008;

¾  Evidence Gathering, Remedies and Relief in Switzerland: Conference of LexisNexis Butterworths; London; June 26/27, 2007;

¾  Gathering Evidence and Freezing Assets in Switzerland: Conference of LexisNexis Butterworths; London; November 2, 2006;

¾  Corporate Gouvernance in Business Practice: Lecture at University of St. Gallen; February 1, 2006;

¾  Lectures on the responsibility of financial advisers and on banking law; Institute for Financial Planning; Switzerland; from 2002 until 2006.