Helicopter Project

Due A = 9/21 and B = 9/22

This project is designed to help students understand and practice the steps of the Scientific Method and how to perform a controlled experiment. Check out the “Recent Assignment Instructions” page of the website for examples. Use the data collected in class, your Scientific Method PowerPoint Notes, Scientific Method reading packet, Sewer Maggot Lab, Bernadette and the Corn Plants and other worksheets.


1. Board size 17" x 22" You may use the construction paper given to you in class or use some sort of board. Your board should not be more than 1 or 2 inches larger or smaller than this approved size.

2. The board must stand up on its own – see examples.

3. Must be in the format that you copied down from the white board (absent? please see the board in my room).

4. Must include the following category titles with information typed and in the following order:

Center: Title, Graph, Results/Conclusion

Left side: Observations (at least 4), Question (How can I make a better helicopter? (One that stays in the air longer.), Hypothesis, Prediction, Variables: Independent, Dependent, and Controls

Right side: Materials, Procedures, Extra (optional)

Back or Center: Data Table (the chart with the data you collected during the lab)

* Please refer to Scientific Method / Research Project PowerPoint notes if you are unsure of any area. Ask Mr. Miller if you still need help.

Graph: Please label the X Axis (horizontal) and Y Axis (vertical). Make sure to label your units of measure. Use the averages you recorded on your Data Table. Go to the graphing link on the "Cool and Safe Links" page of this website for an easy way to create your graph. http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/graphing/classic/

Results/Conclusion: This is where you explain what happened. What did the data table show? Was your hypothesis supported? Why or Why not? What would you change next time to get a better result and why do you think it would work?


* Always refer back to your notes and the Sewer Maggot Lab.

* Use these instructions as a checklist to make sure you aren’t missing anything.

* Remember to change only one factor for your independent variable.

* Be sure to make your board interesting and colorful.

* Be creative!

* Go above and beyond for extra credit!