San Ramon Little League House Rules for 2012

These house rules are a supplement to the Little League Green Book. It is the responsibility of each teams Manager to read and be familiar with the Green Book and the rules of the game. Any rules related questions should be directed at SRLL’s UIC at .

Additionally, these house rules are to be enforced for all inter-league games.


1) If a ball hits the branches of the tree behind right field on AD3, it will be ruled a “home run”

2) A pitched ball that lands in the gap between the wooden backstop and chain link fence at any of the Athan Downs fields will be considered a dead ball. Base runners will advance one base.

Juniors, seniors, and Big League Divisions

·  Green Book rules only.


·  Green Book rules.

·  10-run rule will be used.

·  Continuous Batting option elected per Rule 4.04

·  Rule 4.10(e) 10 Run Rule Majors Yes, Minors No (See below)

·  Rule 6.05(b) Dropped Third Strike Yes

AAA & AA & A

·  10-run rule

o  Is NOT in place in AAA

o  Is in place in AA and A

§  If, at the completion of the top of the 5th inning the home team is up by 10 or more runs the game is over. If at the completion of the 5th inning, the visiting team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game is over.

·  No new inning shall begin after 2:15 hours from start of game. Once an inning begins, it shall be completed unless the umpire or UIC determines the game needs to be called due to darkness, inclement weather, or any other unsafe conditions.

·  If a scheduled game follows, then the game must end 30 minutes prior to the next scheduled game. (Allows for field prep and infield for next teams).

·  Exception to the 5 run rule.

o  The 5 run per inning rule is waived in the last inning of the game.

§  The last inning is defined as:

·  The 6th inning, or any extra inning.

·  Any inning, which begins after 2 hours from the start of the game?

§  This rule is not in effect at the AA level when the 10-run rule described above is used.

·  Continuous Batting option elected per Rule 4.04

AA & A Only

·  Stealing of home is not permitted on a wild pitch or passed ball, or overthrow from the catcher to the pitcher. A runner may advance to home on any play to an occupied base.

·  Max 3 innings pitched per game (AA) – supplementary to the pitch count rules

A Only

·  Coach Pitch for (1/2) of games. Each player gets a total of 5 pitches if they don’t hit they are out. Player pitch will start after 1/2 of the games have been completed.

·  Player Pitcher – 2 innings max per game – supplementary to pitch count rules

·  Player Pitcher throws (7) seven pitches, after that, coach will come in and throw 3 pitches. If hitter does not hit the ball fair in three pitches the player is out.

·  No walks.

·  Coaches and Parents can warm up pitchers

·  Nine players in the field, outfielders on the grass.

·  No bunting allowed

·  No sliding allowed

·  No stealing allowed

·  No scoring for the first half of season, scoring will be done for the second half of season.

·  Parents or coaches will Umpire in second half of season, league umpires during tournament.

·  Standings will be kept in second half and end of the year tournament will be seeded by rank.

·  First and second place as well as concellation bracket winner will be awarded medals.

·  No helmets are to be worn by pitcher.

·  Continuous Batting