WausaukeeSchool District

Staff Acceptable Use Policy

For Information and Technology Resources

Purpose and Scope
Information and Technology resources are extremely important to the operation and success of the Wausaukee School District (WSD). The District requires all employees with computer access to use the computer systems carefully and responsibly. This policy applies to all employees of the WausaukeeSchool District.
Computer Use
The Wausaukee School District’s computer systems, especially the Internet access and e-mail systems, promote access to information, rapid communication with other employees, fellow educators, and families.
Computer systems, including e-mail and Internet access, are District-owned resources and are provided as tools for the educational mission of the schools. To ensure security, do not share User IDs and passwords and always log off or secure workstations when away from them.

Employees are responsible for the access to their computer systems. Employee laptop computers are to be used by school employees for school purposes only, both on or off site. These laptops are to be used by District employees only and are not to be used by students, friends, or family members. Spouses, children, and any friends, associates, or relatives who are not District employees should not be logged in to any District-owned computer under an employee ID and password.

Under no circumstances should a friend, associate, or family member perform any manner of technical support or software installations on a District computer or other technology system. All technical support or software installation or removal will be provided by the District-designated trained computer technician. Only District-owned software is to be installed on District computers, unless permission is granted by the District Administrator. Backup of District-owned software onto a personal device, such as a thumb drive, flash drive, or external hard drive is strictly prohibited.

Care of Equipment

Employees are to follow the procedures for proper care of District-owned or leased Information and Technology equipment, as outlined in the “Technology Use and Care” information guides provided by the District.

Electronic Communications and Internet Use

Electronic communications systems access and use are intended for educational purposes. However, the WausaukeeSchool District permits its employees incidental personal use of its email and Internet systems subject to the following conditions and restrictions:

  1. Personal use must be infrequent and must not:
  • Involve any prohibited activity (see below)
  • Interfere with the productivity of employees or their colleagues
  • Consume system resources or storage capacity on an ongoing basis
  • Involve large files transfers or otherwise deplete system resources available for educationally related purposes.
  1. Employees should not have any expectations of privacy. Because e-mail is not private, employees should avoid sending personal messages that are sensitive or confidential.
  2. Personal e-mail communications should not give the impression that they are representing, giving opinions, or otherwise making statements on behalf of the District. Where appropriate, a disclaimer should be included. An appropriatedisclaimer is: “These statements are my own, not those of the WausaukeeSchool District.
  1. Employees should not send mass emails or forward mass emails to All Staff, unless the mailing is school related.
  1. Employees should not email or forward any form of chain letter email.
  1. Criminal speech, dangerous information, and other illegal activities are strictly forbidden. School harassment regulations apply to electronic communications. Wis. Stat. 947.0125 provides criminal sanctions for threatening, intimidating, abusive or harassing messages sent to another person through electronic mail or other computerized communication systems.
  1. Any questions regarding what constitutes an inappropriate or prohibited use of District Information and Technology resources should be brought to the attentionof the District Administrator.

Prohibited Activities

In accordance with the School Board’s policy on sexual harassment, no images in violation of said policies will be displayed on a monitor.

Employees are strictly prohibited from using the WausaukeeSchool District’s computer systemsand equipment in connections with any of the following activities.

*Engaging in illegal, fraudulent or malicious activities.

*Illegal distribution of copyrighted materials (see below)

*Viewing, sending, or storing material that could be considered offensive, obscene, harassing, or defamatory.

*Annoying or harassing other individuals.

*Sending uninvited email of a personal nature.

*Using another individual’s account.

*Attempting to test, circumvent, or defeat security systems.

*Permitting any unauthorized individual to access the Districts system.

*Distributing or storing chain letters, solicitations, offers to buy or sell, or other non-educational material of a trivial or frivolous nature via individual messages and the distribution lists.

*Partisan political activities and political fund-raising

*Modifying hardware on laptops, workstations, or servers except by authorized personnel.

*Using or storing unapproved encryption software or software designed to circumventsecurity systems without written approval from District Administrator.

*Failing to report a known breach of network of computer security.

* Any attempt to delete, erase, or otherwise conceal information stored on a school computer or network that violates this policy.

All users must adhere to the rules of copyright and intellectual property protection, and respect all copyright issues regarding software, information, and authorship. The unauthorized copying, storage, and or transfer of copyrighted materials violate federal and state laws and are strictly prohibited.

Software Use
All software installation or removal will be provided by the District-designated trained computer technician. Only District-owned software is to be installed on District computers, unless permission is granted by the District Administrator. Unauthorized software can make a machine inoperable, cause network conflicts, spread computer viruses, and take up valuable computer space.

Backup of District-owned software onto a personal device, such as a thumb drive, flash drive, or external hard drive is strictly prohibited.

Only Software purchased by or licensed to the WausaukeeSchool District may be used on District computers unless approved by the District Administrator. Use of licensed software must conform to the terms of the agreement.
Security Issues

Shutting down, circumventing or removing any security device or procedure is strictly prohibited.

Computer viruses and Spyware are some of the most common threats from the Internet or other electronic communications. Employees may unknowingly expose their computer or the network to these problems when downloading information from these systems. All files downloaded from the Internet, received from e-mail outside the district or brought in on transportable media should be scanned for malicious code using anti-virus software.
Deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt system performance of the Wausaukee School District networks or any other computer system or network system by spreading viruses constitutes criminal activity under state and federal law.

Attempts to log in to the network as an administrator may result in cancellation of other user privileges. Escaping to DOS prompts and system files is prohibited unless authorized.
The District reserves the right to delete any information and files to protect itself from malicious code.

No Expectation of Privacy
The district does filter Internet access and Internet activity may be logged. Employees should have no expectation of privacy in any computer-related activities. System maintenance or technical support activities may result in the viewing of messages.

All files stored on the District network or on the hard drives of District-owned computers are the property of the WausaukeeSchool District. As such, employees should have no expectation of privacy.
Obscenity and Harassment
Users who receive threatening or unwelcome communications should bring them to the attention of the District Administrator immediately.

Violators of this policy are subject to progressive discipline following federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations, and the District/Employee Collective Bargaining Agreement. Any employees who use the WSD assets to engage in illegal or fraudulent activity may be subject to criminal prosecution.

Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges and the user shall make restitution. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempts to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet, or any of the above listed agencies or other networks that are connected to the Network File System/Internet backbone. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. The vandalism of physical computer components (printers, mice, monitors, etc.) is also prohibited.

Employees shall be responsible for any losses or costs incurred by WSD for malicious or negligent damage on or off campus to District computers and equipment, or for situations related to violations of this policy.

The removal of any security device or the inclusion of any unauthorized file or programwill immediately result in appropriate discipline and may be grounds for termination.

System users have full responsibility for the use of their Internet and e-mail accounts. The WausaukeeSchool District has the responsibility to report possible violations on the part of other people using the WausaukeeSchoolDistrict computer systems.


The WausaukeeSchool District assumes noresponsibilityon or off campus forany unauthorized charges made by employees, including but not limited to credit card charges, subscriptions, long distance telephone or other telecommunication charges, equipment or line costs, or for any illegal use of its computers and equipment such as copyright violations.

The School District of Wausaukee makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied for the service it is providing. The School District of Wausaukee will not be responsible for any damages suffered by the user. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence or your error or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at your own risk. The School District of Wausaukee specifically accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through its services.


Staff Member SignatureDate

The staff member signature indicates having seen / reviewed this AUP.