In response to fleet distribution needs and significant fleet feedback, PERS-411 has revised the Post-Department Head detailing process. This revision is aimed at enhancing fairness within the detailing process while providing more flexibility to fill assignments based on community leadership priority. PERS-411 remains focused on placing the right talent and skills into the jobs our community most needs - while striving to accommodateyour individual desires in a fair and equitable way.

The previous LCDR/CDR detailing process relied upon a first come-first served methodology that was both frustrating for Officers up for orders and for Commands seeking qualified, skilled reliefs. In particular, Officers unable to access the latest downstream fills lists and “pick first” (due to being afloat or overseas, e.g.),may not have been detailed in the most efficient or effective manner. The new model outlined below, based on the submission of preferences based on PRD (vice “pick first”) and subsequent reconciliation, is effective immediately.

What does this mean to Officers in the fleet?

1. When you are 12 months from your PRD, you should start reviewing the Downstream Fills list for potential billets within your detailing window. Your detailing window is defined as one (1) month prior to your PRD to two (2) months past your PRD.

You will be expected to submit your list of billets for which you want to be consideredat least six (6) months from your PRD. A minimum of five (5) billets is required, and you must include at least one (1) GSA on your potential billet list.

2. The Detailers in PERS-411 will formally reconcile the Downstream Fills list monthly to fill the available billets, based on:

- Your career needs

- Your previous experience and performance

- The needs of the Navy (priority fill billets)

- Your personal preferences

Nominally five (5) months from your PRD, as soon as that reconciliation process is complete, your Detailer will contact you to inform you of the results of the billet reconciliation. If you are not satisfied with the billet you have been assigned, you may opt to submit additional preferences during the following month. However, there is no guarantee that the results will change. In the end, finding the proper billet fit (officers with the skill sets needed to succeed in that billet) will take precedence over just filling the billet with any available officer. Orders will be started shortly after the process is complete.

Key Takeaways

1. Know your sea/shore rotation and ensure the list you provide is reflective. Non-due course officers on shore duty should expect to rotate to a sea/overseas assignment.

2. Make sure you provide any extenuating circumstances along with your preferences to your Detailer. If it is important to you, make it important to us.

3. If you intend to retire or separate you must declare your intentions before you are within 6 months of your PRD, or you will be considered available for orders.