Preventing Hospital Admission

Supporting Timely

Discharge from Hospital


Voluntary Sector Grant FundingProgramme Guidance

2017 – 2018 Criteria


  1. The Voluntary Sector Grant Funding Programme 2017 – 2018 will contribute towards funding for the provision of initiatives supporting:
  • Preventing a hospital admission and/or;
  • Supporting timely discharge from hospital
  1. As part of the application process for Voluntary Sector Grant Funding Programme 2017 – 2018 there is a requirement that submissions include details of the contribution which will support the initiative from your organisation for example funding, staff resource, transport, community assets.
  1. In addition organisations are required to share their ideas on the future sustainability of the service initiative.


  1. The local health economy system in Stoke-on-Trent is under severe pressure.
  1. It is acknowledged that there is an ageing population, many of whom have multiple co-morbidities this being the norm rather than the exception.
  1. Individuals present at different points throughout the health and social care system. It is acknowledged that there are frequent users of health and social care services, coupled with individuals who may enter the health system due to an acute episode, who may have also reached crisis point.
  1. The Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Strategic Plan 2014 – 2019 sets out ambitious intentions to reduce A & E attendances and emergency admissions.
  1. Radical changes are requiredto support interventions before hospital admission, within the acute setting and post hospital discharge within the community. Therefore services should be joined up and tailored to meet the needs of people in Stoke-on-Trent.
  1. The Council and its partners are reaching out to the voluntary sector to work collaboratively with social care and health to make a difference and create a change to the way in which services are delivered currently. The Council and its partners recognise the valuable support which the voluntary sector can bring to individuals in Stoke-on-Trent.


  1. Voluntary Sector Grant Funding Programme is available to deliver outcomes for people in Stoke-on-Trent that support:
  • Preventing a hospital admission and/or;
  • Supporting timely discharge from hospital
  1. There is up to £500k available for the period 2017/18:

Scheme 1 – grants up to the value of £10,000 (Indicative pot £100k)

Scheme 2 – grants up to the value of £100,000(Indicative pot £400k)

The funding allocated to each scheme is indicative and may be amended.


  1. Applications may be for a new concept idea or may be for a service area which is currently being delivered but with additional funding could be expanded or adapted to meet new or additional needs.
  1. Applications should consider the following:
  • The problem which the initiative is trying to solve and the key aims and objectives of the proposal.
  • How the initiative would be delivered including collaborative and partnership approaches.
  • What your organisation(s) contribution would be. This could be funding, staff resource, transport, community asset etc.
  • What the impact of the initiative will be in terms of added value, geographical area reached and number of people supported.
  • How the outcomes will be measured/demonstrated and how the key learning from the initiative will be shared.
  1. The Council strongly encourage joint/collaborative applications.
  1. The Council areparticularly interested in initiativeswhich meet needs 7 days a week.
  1. The Council would like to know how quickly your organisation is able to implement/mobilise service initiatives which you are seeking funding for.
  1. The Council expect service initiatives to be delivered during the financial year 2017 – 2018. We intend to use the learning from the initiatives to inform commissioning decisions for 2018/19 and beyond.

Application Process

  1. All applications must be made on the official application form.
  1. Applications can be submitted via email to
  1. The closing date for applications is 4.00pm on Thursday 6th April 2017.
  1. Any applications received after 4.00pm on Thursday 6th April 2017 will not be considered.
  1. All applications will be evaluated based on the criteria described above. These will be ranked in order of scores and value and successful applicants awarded accordingly.
  1. The Council envisage that all applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Friday 28th April 2017.

Further Information

Should you have any queries regarding the process please