NIGHT Multiple Choice Quiz

Chapters 4 & 5
1. When Elie and his father arrive in Buna Concentration Camp, they notice that the head of the camp is especially kind to children. Why is this so?
a. He is a father and has a special love for children
b. He wants the children to grow up to become strong workers
c. He does not want to make the parents angry and cause a revolt
d. He uses the children for sexual purposes
2. The tent leader promises to get Elie into a good work group if Elie will give him what?
a. Half of his food rations
b. His shoes
c. His gold tooth
d. Plans to escape
3. Why are they given medical inspections soon after they arrive in Buna?
a. They are looking to liquidate the sickly and weak
b. They want to isolate those with; contagious diseases
c. They are looking for gold teeth
d. They are under guidelines from the United Nations
4. Where do the group of musicians that Elie meet work in the camp?
a. In the ballroom
b. In the officer’s quarters entertaining the top brass
c. Repairing musical instruments for German citizens
d. In the warehouse of electrical equipment
5. Elie becomes close friends with two brothers whose parents have been liquidated. What do they all agree they will do if they live until the liberation?
a. They will not spend another day in Europe
b. They will seek revenge against the Nazis
c. They will tear down the concentration camps brick by brick
d. They will just try to live their lives the best that they can.
6. When Elie is summoned to the dentist to have his gold tooth extracted, how does he manage to escape having the tooth removed?
a. He gives the dentist his shoes
b. He tells the dentist that he is not feeling well
c. He threatens to expose the fact that the dentist is keeping the gold himself
d. He sobs and the dentist feels pity for him
7. What eventually happens to the dentist?
a. He defects to the United States
b. He is moved to another camp
c. He drops dead of a massive heart attack
d. He is thrown into jail and later hanged

8. The foreman beats Elie’s father because Elie will not give the foreman his gold crown. How does Elie get the foreman to stop beating his father?
a. He gives the foreman his gold crown
b. He punches the foreman in the stomach
c. He gives the foreman his gold crown and a ration of bread for waiting
d. He complains to the head of the camp
9. Why does Idek give Elie 25 lashes?
a. Elie is not working quickly enough
b. Elie will not give Idek his gold crown
c. Elie caught Idek having sex with a female inmate
d. Idek hates Elie
10. What does one inmate do during a bombing raid that causes him to be shot?
a. He sabotages the electrical warehouse
b. He steals soup
c. He tries to escape
d. He cries, “God bless the Americans!”
11. What holiday is celebrated at the end of the Jewish year?
a. Yon Kipper
b. Hannukah
c. Rosh Hashanah
d. Passover
12. Why does Elie refuse to fast with the other prisoners who are celebrating the Jewish holiday?
a. They have particularly good soup that day
b. He is too hungry
c. The Germans force him to eat
d. His father tells Elie to eat to keep up his strength
13. Why does Elie run very fast when he is examined by the SS doctors?
a. He wants to get out of the cold quickly
b. He is embarrassed because he is naked
c. He wants to catch up with his father
d. He does not want to be selected for liquidation
14. Why is Elie put in the camp hospital?
a. He is ill from the beating that Idek gave to him
b. He has pneumonia
c. His foot swells and they have to operate or he will lose his legs
d. He is used for scientific experiments
15. Elie leaves the hospital when the camp is evacuated. What happens to those prisoners who remain behind in the hospital ward?
a. They are liquidated by the Germans
b. They are loaded onto hospital trains and moved to another camp
c. They are liberated by the advancing Russian Army
d. The book does not say