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EcoSolve® 2000


A major problem facing our nation and the world is one of misplaced hydrocarbons. These are oils, fats, fuel and other related substances that once they have been used, are being disposed of, often contaminating the home, work place and the environment. A mild form of contamination would be an oil spot on your driveway, while a severe form of contamination would be an oceanic oil spill.

Microbial cleaning in its basic form is a process that has existed since the beginning of time. It is Nature’s way of returning a substance near to its original state. Through the use of naturally occurring microorganisms, nature has been cleaning up the environment through the ages. There are microorganisms capable of literally eating every natural substance known to man. Over the ages man has recognized the value of bacteria nature has provided and has been using them to benefit mankind ever since.

In the past, hydrocarbon pollution problems have primarily been transferred from one area to another, for either storage or disposal. This did not result in ridding the environment of the pollutant. However, through the use of specific microbes, these pollutants can be transformed into natural occurring elements, carbon dioxides and water, which are harmless to the environment.

As we use the term microbial cleaning today, it applies to the numerous and various surfaces man has contaminated with some form of pollutants. Through technology and research, man has devised methods of augmenting natures’ answer to pollution in a more efficient and safe manner.

EcoSolve® 2000

Microbes are very tiny life forms. The diameter of a single microbe is approximately one micron. One needs to magnify a single microbe a thousand times, just to see it in a microscope. If a man would be magnified similarly, he would appear one mile tall. Microbes are everywhere. A billion microbes could easily occupy a space not much larger than a pinhead.

Microbes are nature’s waste degraders. Naturally occurring microbes are found in our rivers, streams and soil. The slippery substance found under rocks in riverbeds are microbe colonies called biofilm. They consume the waste products in the water and thereby, clean it up. Microbes, by the billions, are present in human and animal digestive and elimination systems. Man could not exist without microbes.

Many food processes employ microbes. All fermentation utilizes microbes. Such products as cheese, buttermilk, sour cream, soy sauce, dill pickles and beer could not be made without microbes. In spite of all the good that microbes do, we often associate microbes with “germs” which are harmful, however, less than one percent of all microbes fit this category. Salmonella is the kind of “bad” microbe capable of making us sick. ECOSOLVE® 2000 is certified to be free of any “bad” microbes. Because of the scientific nature of our product and the very special care taken in the preparation and packaging, you can be sure that ECOSOLVE® 2000 is absolutely free of salmonella or any other harmful microbes.

ECOSOLVE® 2000 is the highest quality microbial product of its kind on the market. It is a scientific blend of multiple strains of naturally occurring active microbes, which are capable of literally consuming all of the organic contaminants that clog drain lines and fill up grease traps. These strains digest organic waste such as fat, grease, oil, protein, starch, cellulose, and detergent. The blend is synergistic, which means that all strains are compatible with each other and compliment each other’s activity. ECOSOLVE® 2000 has over 500 billion active microbes per gallon of product.

There are three (3) basic types of additives that are used to clean and maintain drain lines and grease traps. These are: Chemicals, Enzymes, and Microbes.

  1. Chemicals are either acids or alkalis. They function by producing a chemical reaction, which generates heat. This strong thermal effect tends to melt solid fats and greases at the point of a clog. Frequently the clog is cleared, but the fats and greases are redeposited in more distant parts of the drain system where future problems might arise. In addition, chemicals tend to erode the pipes and fittings of the drain line, eventually causing leaks and necessitating expensive repairs. In many areas of the country, the use of chemicals is prohibited because they are strong pollutants of the waste water system. Their use also allows some of the melted oil and grease to enter the public system. This practice is prohibited in many areas and may result in fines.
  1. Enzymes are organic catalysts that cause oils and greases to dissolve. When used regularly in a drain system, the dissolved oils and greases are allowed to move into the public drain lines and eventually into the waste water treatment plants. In many areas the use of enzymes is prohibited as the polluting oils and greases are still present in the wastewater. Enzymes are totally used up in a short time and must be added frequently to be effective. There is also a possibility that oil and grease contaminants will be redeposited in harder to reach areas of the drain system.
  1. Microbes are living organisms, which consume oils, greases and other organic contaminants in a drain system and convert them into non-polluting, harmless substances. Microbes do this by generating specific enzymes in the kind of quantities that render a particular food source digestible. The microbes then absorb the dissolved food source. The result is the increase in the number of microbes, as they do not grow in size but multiply by a system called cell division. When ECOSOLVE® 2000 drain line and grease trap maintenance product is added to the drain system, the number of microbes double approximately every twenty minutes.

The EcoSolve® 2000 Process

The EcoSolve® 2000 process is achieved with a two-part system. The first of which is the EcoSolve® 2000 liquid. This is commonly referred to as the biocatalyst. This has three (3) major properties.

First is the emulsifier, which breaks oil down to molecule size, allowing the oil/water interface to expand. This is the reason the product is an exceptional cleaner. It breaks down oil. The emulsifier effect when mixed with oil and water allows the oil to expand. This function of the product puts the oil in greater contact with the natural microbes already present in soil and water. This action also dilutes the hydrocarbon contamination. Although dilution of the contamination does not solve the problem, it does lessen the harmful potential to the environment and greatly accelerates remediation.

The second major function of the biocatalyst is oxygenation. This compound literally wakes up the microbes and they begin to feed.

The product also contains a mixture of ingredients essential to microbial life. These nutrients induce the microbes to multiply at a greatly accelerated rate. The accelerated growth provides a super concentration of the oil-eating microbes. A side benefit is the enhancement of the natural microbes in the surrounding soil.

The second part of they system is the microbial culture. The microbes are a blend of several varieties that break up the hydrocarbon chain. They are a blend of several varieties that break up the hydrocarbon chain. They are cultured natural bacteria and not genetically engineered. The microbes are cultured and impregnated on a carrier that allows them to stay alive but in a dormant state. When awakened, these microorganisms thrive on hydrocarbons. However, there are precautions that must be addressed. These bugs are living and as with any living creature they can be killed. The bugs will not survive an excessive amount of bleach or any bactericide. They will not survive pH above 11 or below four and they must not be subjected to high temperature about 120 degrees. A common rule of thumb is this: if you are in a comfortable and safe environment you can survive. These microbes must have the same environment.

The bugs must have water to work. The water provides oxygen and basic ingredients which allow them to break down hydrocarbons. The bugs can only work at the oil water interface. This is the reason the emulsifier is important.

  1. Enzymes break down oil.
  2. Biocatalyst wakes up bugs.
  3. Nutrients accelerate reproduction.
  4. Microbes are natural.
  5. Microbes are living organisms.
  6. EcoSolve® 2000 has a pH range of 4 to 11.
  7. It works in a temperature range of 40 degrees F to 120 degrees F.
  8. Water is needed for oxygen.

EcoSolve® 2000

Use Anywhere Oil Is A Problem!

Parking Lots: New laws under consideration will require a holding tank capacity for impounding five minutes of rainwater runoff. EcoSolve® 2000 will remediate areas of oil contamination and largely prevent buildup of oil-based waste in holding tanks.

Restaurants: EcoSolve® 2000 can be used in food service establishments to clean and treat floors in kitchens and associated dining areas. All ingredients in the carrier solution conform to the Food and Drug Administration Regulation (FDA), INDIRECT FOOD ADDITIVE 1983, code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, and Parts 174-1798.

Grease Traps: EcoSolve® 2000 is the highest quality microbial product of its kind on the market. It is a scientific blend of multiple strains of naturally occurring active microbes, which are capable of literally consuming all of the organic contaminants that clog drain lines and fill grease traps. These strains digest organic waste such as fat, grease, oil, protein, starch, cellulose, and detergent. The blend is synergistic, which means all strains are compatible with each other and compliment each other’s activity. Our product has over 500 billion active microbes per gallon of product.

Oil Spill Equipment: By spraying the oil absorbent material used with oil spill booms, sox and pads, EcoSolve® 2000 will remove the hydrocarbons, and allow the booms to be reused. Prior to this, the oil contaminated material had to be disposed of as toxic waste.

Fire Department: By spraying the product on gasoline and diesel spills prior to washing them with water, cleanup time is reduced and when the product is washed into the ditches it will be bioremediated. Another important benefit to fire departments is where once applied with EcoSolve® 2000 the contaminated area becomes much less flammable.

Airports: Runways and tarmacs contaminated with spills of oil and fuels can be easily cleaned.

Shop Floors: Any floor in a machine shop type environment, which has been exposed to cutting oils and equipment lubrication, can be completely cleaned using this process.

Service Stations: Work bay areas can be cleaned and kept clean with this process. Other methods do no more than spread the oil in a thin layer over the complete floor area. This does not clean up the oil and actually produces a safety hazard due to extremely slick floors.

Parts Cleaner: When it is desirous to degrease parts, this process can be employed. It produces totally oil free parts and is not harmful to the skin (like other solvent cleaners).

Shop Rags: Shop rags can be washed in the parts cleaner, wrung out, hung over a line and used the next day. No solvent odors remain and the rags can be used over and over.

Dip Vats: Machine shops, auto shops, etc. can use EcoSolve® 2000 in their dip vats to remove oil from parts that need painting or plating. It will replace many “hot caustic” dips, saving money on electricity and eliminating toxic waste problems associated with “hot caustic” dips.

Soil: Determine the type or amount of contamination by lab tests. Determine the presence of other contaminants harmful to the bacteria by lab tests. Plow or till the soil to the depth of contamination or remove the soil and spread it 12 to 18 inches deep. Spray the biocatalyst solution onto the soil at an approximate rate of 1/3 gallon per cubic yard of soil. Test every 28 days to determine bioremediation process results.

Tank Cleaning: EcoSolve® 2000 has been used by major oil companies to help increase safety and efficiency in the removal of sludge from large above ground tanks and the removal of gasoline and diesel from tank trucks.

Other Areas of Use: Car Dealerships, Schools, Municipalities Garages and Shops, Pipeline Companies, Oil Field Service Companies, Transport Carriers, Freight Lines, Utility Districts, Hospitals, Body Shops, Truck and Car Washes.

EcoSolve® 2000 Suggested Uses

Anywhere Food is Prepared:

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Grocery Stores


  1. Kitchen Floors
  2. Cleaning Tables
  3. Wiping down stoves and oven hoods
  4. Keeping drain lines clear
  5. Keeping grease traps clear and free flowing
  6. Keeping septic systems clear and free flowing

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Industrial Applications:

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Automotive Manufacturing

Steel Process


Ships and Ship Yards

Aircraft Carriers

Automotive Repair

Parts Washers

Wastewater Pre-Treatment Process

Environmental Companies

  1. Contaminated Soil Remediation Services
  2. Contaminated Water Remediation Services

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Around the Home:

Automotive Engines

Lawn Mower


Washing hands

Washing Parts

Septic Systems

Hydrocarbon List EcoSolve® Can Be Used For:

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Bunker C

Canola Oil

Carbon Disulfide

Carbon Tetrachloride




Corn Oil

Cutting Oils




Diesel Fuels



Ethyl Ether

Ethylene Glycol









Jet Fuels



Methylene Chloride

Methylethyl ketone


Motor Oil




Oil Base Paints

Oil Base Fluids

Oil Base Ink

Paraffin Oil





Scintillation Liquid

Silicon Oils








Vinyl Acetate

Vinyl Chloride


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Questions & Answers

Q:What Is EcoSolve® 2000?

A:EcoSolve® 2000 is a two-part product made up of a biocatalyst and of hydrocarbon ingesting microbes. It is protected by a U.S. Patent.

Q:Is EcoSolve® 2000 dangerous?

A:Absolutely not! It is non-toxic, non-pathogenic and is completely harmless to human, plant, animal, and marine life when used properly.

Q:What is EcoSolve® 2000 used for?

A:EcoSolve® 2000 has two primary uses. First, as a cleaner anywhere oil, grease, gasoline, etc. are a problem. Second, it will remediate hydrocarbons naturally, by breaking them down to the harmless by-products of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Q:What makes EcoSolve® 2000 different from other products?

A:EcoSolve® 2000 not only cleans, but also removes hydrocarbons from the environment, whereas soaps, solvents, enzymes and acids add harmful ingredients to the environment.

Q:Why not use just the liquid and not add the microbes?

A:You may use the liquid without the microbes for any cleaning job that does not require remediation, but remember, you must add the microbes if the job requires remediation!

Q:What’s the difference between a microbe and an enzyme?

A:A microbe is a living organism that eats and reproduces. An enzyme is a chemical, which certain microbes produce. The reason EcoSolve® 2000 contains microbes and not enzymes is that enzymes only break down oil without actually destroying it at the molecular level. Therefore, you only move the problem from one area to another without remediating anything. Microbes eat and digest oil, leaving only harmless by-products without causing any problems down stream. Many commercial drain cleaners, for example, contain enzymes, which are neither bio remediating nor safe to humans.

Q:How do I know EcoSolve® 2000 is working?

A:In most cases where oil contamination occurs, plant life will cease to grow. It has been our experience that grass and weeks will usually begin to grow in an area treated with EcoSolve® 2000 within a few weeks.

Q:Why do I need to mix it 24 hours prior to use?

A:EcoSolve® 2000 will work even if mixed at the time of use. However, the microbes double in number every 20 minutes and are much more active after 24 hours.

Q:How long does EcoSolve® 2000 last?

A:Before it is mixed, EcoSolve® 2000 can last for years. After it is mixed, it has a shelf life of around 90 days. It is recommended that it be used within 90 days of being mixed.

Q:Can I make EcoSolve® 2000 last longer?

A:If you mixed more than you needed, place the excess mixture in the refrigerator. The cold temperature will slow down the digestive cycle of the bugs and cause them to go dormant. When you are ready to use the produce again, just remove it from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for a couple of hours.

Q:The EcoSolve® 2000 doesn’t seem to be working – why?

A:EcoSolve® 2000 will work in all situations, except in the presence of high acid water, large concentrations of disinfectants, bactericides, chlorinated products, or hot water (over 140F). These can kill the microbes found in EcoSolve® 2000. All of these problems can be dealt with by either adjusting application rates or chemically treating the contaminate first.

Q:Can I dilute EcoSolve® 2000 with water?

A:Yes, however, it is best to use EcoSolve® 2000 full strength for the first application. After that, use whatever dilution rate will still do the job.

Q:Will EcoSolve® 2000 work if I don’t scrub the surface?

A:EcoSolve® 2000 will remediate oil in dirt by simply applying and mixing with the soil. However, when cleaning a surface, it is necessary to break up the oil and dirt. The better the agitation the better it will clean.