YCDTC General Meeting Minutes June 20, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President, Stephanie Capkovic at 7:11 PM. Seventeen members signed the attendance paper. The meeting was held at the home of Stephanie and Scott. Members brought snacks to share.

The Secretary’s report has been email or mailed to all members. A copy was also available at the meeting for review. Suzanne White moved to approve the report and Jennifer Nowak seconded the motion. Report approved.

No Treasurer’s report due to the treasurer being out of town recently. The Treasurer was present at the meeting and reported that there was very little change in the accounts since last report. Taxes will be done the end of June.

Unfinished business:

Earthdog Trial – May 2 & 3rd. Results are on the YCDTC website. AKC has approved the results.

Dogs Days of Summer – Huge improvement from last year’s event. A Tea Cup agility Match was held. Eleven dogs got their CGC titles. Freestyle demo was enjoyed. Laurie did a great job with the First Aid talk. Vendors said they would come back.

Building Rental Bella Vista – It was discussed at the last Board meeting that YCDTC should pay Bella Vista for using buildings to hold meetings. Treasurer, Suzanne White suggested that it would be best to pay an annual fee. Bella Vista owner, Stephanie Capkovic will prepare a plan to present at the next Board meeting.

Reduce numbers of meetings - The Board will be working on a schedule that will reduce the number of meetings held each year. Right now we are required to hold 6 general membership meetings and 6 board meetings. We will tentatively schedule 4 general membership meetings and 4 board meetings. Many YCDTC are involved in a lot of other activities so the attendance at our meetings has been very low. We rarely get the 20 % required for a quorum attending meetings. The schedule will be presented to the general membership for a vote and the Board approves it.

Raffles - The board discussed rules for holding raffles at YCDTC events. In the past we have had no record of how much money was spent on the raffle and how much was given to what group or person. In future all raffles must be for a designated non-profit because of tax issues. If we give too much to a private person on association that is not a non-profit we may have to file tax forms and they may have to claim income. People may conduct other raffles at our events but the YCDTC name cannot be used and no funds may come from YCDTC to purchase items for the raffle. There needs to be better records for giving money to raffle and if some is reimbursed must be recorded. Suzanne White has prepared a written policy which will be voted on by the board then made available to all members.

New Business:

Picnic - Originally scheduled for July 18th. Stephanie cannot be present for that date and Bella Vista is not available. After discussion it was decided to change the date to Saturday, July 25th. Stephanie will prepare a flyer to send to members. Cheryl Myers and Jennifer Nowak will be in charge of games. Connie Lentz and Melissa Graham were going to be in charge of food. Stephanie will check to see if they can still do the food with the date change. Any others who want to volunteer should contact Stephanie Capkovic.

Annual Elections – The nominating committee presented the slate . President – Stepanie Capkovic, Vice President – Melissa Graham, Secretary – Gail Deller , Treasurer – Suzanne White, Board of Directors – Leslie Hoy, Connie Lentz, Janet Rodgers, Cindy Peacock, Candace Lagaza. At this time the floor was open for additional nominations. Wanda Stare, Wade Stare, and Cheryl Myers were all nominated. Wanda and Wade were present at the meeting and accepted as required per the by-laws. Cheryl Myers was not present but had accepted when called by the nominating committee. There was no letter confirming her acceptance. It was decided that the Secretary must receive a letter from Cheryl Myers accepting the nomination before June 22nd for her name to appear on the slate. ( Post note: A letter from Cheryl Myers was received by the Secretary later that evening after the meeting accepting the nomination)

AKC Obedience Trial – August 31, 2009 – Full with waiting list

AKC Rally Trials – September 1, 2009 – Still about 25 openings in each Trial. We could still use some help. An email was sent by Cathy Hivner with trial updates. She seems to have everything under control.

AKC Agility – October – Applications has been submitted.

AKC Earthdog Trials – At Graham Farm. Both Melissa and Dan Graham judged at our last Earthdog Trial and were not allowed to be paid. They also did not charge for using their property. Suzanne White suggested that the club could possibly purchase something that we could leave at the farm. Possible ideas were a picnic table or planting grass seed. Dan does borrow some of YCDTC property for other agility trials he supplies equipment for.

Tracking Trial- December 2009 – At Redding Farm – No report

Website - The new website is nearly finished although there are still changes to be done. It was suggested that the members should be able to view the site and comment before it is activated. More photos are needed. If photos have a copy write we must have written permission to use it on the website. Photos need to be fairly large files.

Cookbook – Still need more recipes. Suzanne only got about 3 since last request. Non profit clubs will be able to purchase from us at cost and sell to make money for their clubs. We need at least 300 recipes and only have about 220 now.

Anniversary Picture Book - October 31st deadline. We need to resend email to members because we have had very few people reply so far. Amy Staub had samples of pages at the meeting. Pictures and text should be sent to Amy Staub. She will set up pages. We need written permission for copy written photos. The planned delivery would be next year’s award dinner. If we don’t get more response we will not be able to publish the book.

Public Education - June 27th 10-5 PM. Shiloh Vet Hospital new facility open house. Jenn Nowak is in charge of volunteers. YCDTC will be doing Rally and Agility demos. Area will be fenced. She has enough volunteers for demos at this time but could still use help to set up. Dogs are welcome at the open house.

Sunshine committee – Wanda Stare made a motion to send $150.00 to Westie Cancer Foundation in memory of Stephanie Capkovic’s Bubba. Motion passed.

TNT – CPR & First Aid Seminar/ member appreciation at Hog Wild Bar-b-que in East Berlin. August 30, 2009, 4:30 PM. Must pre-register. Suzanne White will send a flyer to all members. Suzanne is not sure if there will be a dummy dog to practice on. The course is more intensive that the Red Cross course. ------July 3rd.- Run Thrus at Dandy Dog Training for Rally and Agility------July11 & 12 – UKC Rally Obedience at Dandy Dog Training. ------June 26th – Agility run thrus at Dandy Dog Training outside.------NADAC agility – July 31 & Aug 1st. Premium is available ------September – UKC Agility Fundraiser for Catahula Agility at Dandy Dog Training.------November 7 & 8 UKC Agility at Bella Vista ------December 5 & 6 UKC Obedience and Rally obedience at Danday Dog Training------. Donna Brown Seminar - August 29 at Bella Vista ------USDAA Agility December 12 & 13 at Diamond 7.

YCDTC – Tracking Seminar – October 3 & 4 – Still 3 openings. To be held at Graham Farm and Bella Vista. OK for beginners. Friday morning Summit Search and Rescue may have special tune up.

AKC Obedience Trial – January 29 ,30,31, 2010 – We still need to submit obedience judges panel. We also need to apply for Rally. Saturday Obedience is full and there are about 5 openings on Friday.

Pat Fallon presented a letter she would like to print on the back of all obedience/rally catalogs. The letter explains where donations to PETA and HSUS are used. We often receive payment on checks that are bought supporting one of these organizations. Jenn Nowak moved and Suzanne White seconded approving the printing

First Reading: Margarite Plank

Second Readings: All approved.

Colleen & Amanda Haws , 12 Hearthstone Ct. Mechanicsburg, PA 17050; Ph 717-691-3065; email . Have Chihuahua and Labs.

Jean Macilory and Carolyn Ney; 695 Pleasant View Rd, Lewisberry, PA 17339; ph 717-938-3579; email – . Have a Border collie

Gale Wise; 4306 Marblehead St, Harrisburg, PA 17109; ph – 717-652-3787; email - ; Has Chihuahua

Rosemary Evans ; 904 Scenery Dr, Harrisburg, PA 17109. Has a Pomeranian & a mixed breed.

Next meeting – We will pick a date later after the Board decides on a meeting schedule.

Suzanne White moved to adjourn. Lara Livergood seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:10 PM