As per decision of the General Body during the NZAROICON at Bhatinda & Jolly Grant, it was decided that elections for the posts of office bearers would be held at the NAROI meeting in Rohtak. I was given the task of conducting the elections. This would be the first endeavor to have elections in the NZAROI. Unfortunately we neither have a written constitution for the North Zone, nor do we have precedents to follow for elections! A lot of emails were exchanged between the President NZAROI, General Secretary NZAROI, Secretary General AROI and yours truly for past records of elections, documentation, precedents etc. but to no avail! Surely this highlights the need for developing SOP’s for various activities of the chapter!!

I propose to conduct the elections as follows:

Call for nominations to the posts from members, duly proposed and seconded. Publish the list of successful nominations, after due process of verification, withdrawals etc. Voting by secret ballot the GBM at the NZAROI at Rohtak. Criteria/Experience/Eligibility for the posts as per AROI Constitution.

The Election Commission shall consist of yours truly as per GBM decision, with Dr Rajiv Sharma from New Delhi assisting me along with Dr Rajesh Vashsitha, Dr Vivek Kaushal and Dr Rakesh Kapoor. The decision of the Election Commission being final and binding on all.

The following posts require to be filled up and the eligibility criteria as per AROI constitution are:

President- 1- Ten years as a valid and active member of AROI

Vice- President-1- Ten years as a valid and active member of AROI

Secretary General-1- Eight years as a valid and active member of AROI

Joint Secretary-2- Five years as a valid and active member of AROI- One post to be nominated by the President and one post to be nominated by the Secretary General on the floor of the house immediately on declaration of successful contestant for the post of President and Secretary General.

Treasurer-1- Five years as a valid and member of AROI

Executive Members-7- Five years as a valid member of AROI- one member each from the states of J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh UT and Delhi, to be nominated on the floor of the house after the election of the other office bearers.

Voters- Members of the NZAROI who have completed 3 years of continuous membership after having completed their MD/DNB Radiotherapy who are present at the NZAROI meeting at Rohtak on 20th September at 1800 hrs.

Nominations from August 18-August 30, 2014- 1200 hrs for the posts of President, Vice-President, Secretary General & Treasurer (one post each)

Scrutiny & Verification: September 01-September 06, 2014- 1200 hrs.

Declaration of valid and final nominations: September 08, 2014- 1600 hrs.

Elections: During the GBM on September 20th 2014 say at 1800 hrs from amongst valid voters of the NZAROI by secret ballot.

Counting and declaration of results immediately on completion of voting.

Prof Kumar T Bhowmik

Chief Election Commissioner- NZAROI- Mobile No 9911582531; email:




Name of Post:

Name of Candidate: LM No.

Signature of candidate:

Name of Proposer: LM No.

Signature of Proposer:

Name of Seconder: LMNo. Signature of Seconder

Each nomination form to be accompanied by a D/D payable at Rohtak in favor of NZAROICON for Rs.1000/= (Rupees One thousand only).

Completed nomination forms be mailed to:


Additional Medical Superintendent

Room No. 267, OPD Building

Safdarjang Hospital & VMMC,

New Delhi-110029.