Marquette University Graduate School UniformApplication for

Distinguished Fellowships and Assistantships

To be filled out and summited by the nominator (Department Chair or Director of Graduate Studies)

Student name (First)(Last/Family)Marquette identification number

 Doctoral Master’s

Graduate program

Print name of nominatorSignature of nominator

If submitting more than one application,

This is an application for (check all that apply):state that this nominee ranks:

Richard W. Jobling Distinguished Research Assistantship# of # nominees

Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J. Fellowship(May only nominate one.)

Arthur J. Schmitt Leadership Fellows Program # of # nominees

Smith Family Fellowship# of # nominees

Application Instructions: Answer questions 1-8 (current doctoral students only), then attach all documents required for the fellowship(s) requested.

(1)No. of years of graduate study at the end of the current academic year:

(2)Has student completed all credits (including dissertation credits) for the program? Yes  No 

  1. If no, how many remaining credits must be taken?
  2. If no, what is the number of creditsstudent will take (including thesis/dissertation)during the fellowship year?

(3)Current grade point average:

(4)Qualifying Exam Passed?Yes.Date:No.Anticipated Date:

(5)Advanced to Candidacy?Yes.Date:No.Anticipated Date:

(6)Prog Planning Form Approved?Yes.Date:No.Anticipated Date:

(7)Dissertation Outline Approved?Yes.Date:No.Anticipated Date:

(8)Smith applicants only:Language Exam Passed?

Yes.Date:No Anticipated Date:

Attach the following documents to this nomination form:

See award guidelines for unique requirements of individual awards.

 Curriculum Vitae.

 Written statement from nominee addressing their current academic work/research and plans for the future (3-page maximum). See individual award guidelinesfor details on what must be included in this statement.

 Letter of recommendation #1 from nominator.

 Letter of recommendation #2 from .

 Letter of recommendation #3 from .

 Schmitt applicants: Include biographical statement, and statements of leadership, and values.

 Smith applicants: Include statements of travel and financial need.

Submission Instructions: Send a PDF file of all documentslisted above, in order,to .

All nominations are due in the Graduate School by 4 p.m. of thefirst Thursday of December.