City of Southgate


January 20, 2010

A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Southgate was held in the Municipal Council Chambers, 14400 Dix-Toledo Highway, Southgate, Michigan on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 and was called to order at 8:00 PM by Council President Phillip J. Rauch.

Present- Carol Batko, Jan Ferencz, Patricia Ganzberger, Karen George, Phillip Rauch, Christopher Rollet, Dale Zamecki.

Also Present - Mayor Joseph G. Kuspa, City Administrator Brandon Fournier, City Attorney Ed Zelenak, Assistant Administrator/Finance Director David Angileri, Engineer John Hennessey, City Clerk Thomas Alexander, Recreation Director Ron Jewell, Fire Chief Douglas Gildner, Police Chief Thomas Coombs, Building Inspections Director Bob Casanova, Interim DPS Director Keith Tackett, IT Lieutenant Scott Hayes, Plan Consultant Adam Young.

This meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call.


Moved by Batko, supported by Ganzberger, RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting dated January 6, 2010 be approved as presented. Carried unanimously.

Mayor Joseph G. Kuspa & City Beautiful Commissioner Shea Kwiatkowski

presented the 2009 Christmas Home Decorating Contest Awards as follows:

3rd Place: Richard Swetz - 2nd Place: The Sturtz Family - 1st Place: Eric Beregszaszy

persons in the audience:

1.  Request from Brian White; re: US Census Bureau was read.

Brain White, Partnership Specialist for the US Census Bureau (300 River Place Drive, Suite 2950, Detroit, Michigan), explained how important the US Census process is to the City of Southgate, County of Wayne, and State of Michigan. He educated the viewing audience with regard to the following aspects of the Census:

a.  Michigan has lost 3 Congressional Representatives (over the last 30 years) and is in danger of losing two more Congressional Seats (and federal resources) after the 2010 Census.

b.  It is expected that Wayne County will have the highest population loss of any US County.

c.  Each person represents about $1,200 (per year for the next 10 years). An undercount of 100 people could mean the loss of $1.2 million over the course of a ten year period.

d.  State Revenue Sharing is based on Census data.

Mr. White continued, on March 15, questionnaires will be mailed to each residence (not each person or family). He stressed that everyone living in each residence (even if it is only temporary) must be included on the questionnaire. On April 1, the non response follow up campaign will begin. To avoid a visit from an enumerator, the questionnaire must be returned to the US Census Bureau by April 1. If a neighbor fails to return their questionnaire, an enumerator may visit you to inquire about your neighbors. The non response campaign will continue through July. Cities will then have an opportunity to challenge the results. After that process is over

Regular City Council Meeting January 20, 2010

(in September), the information will be compiled and delivered to President Obama by December 31, 2010. President Obama and Department of Commerce review (and approve) the submitted figures which will be released to the States in March of 2011. The State will use the Census information to make budget decisions and reapportion/redistrict State House and Senate Seats.

To gain employment with the US Census Bureau, interested individuals must pass a test, be a US Citizen, be at least 18 years of age and pass an FBI Background Check. For more information, contact 866-861-2010.

Councilman Batko asked if there is an online option to complete the questionnaire. Mr. White replied it is of the utmost importance to ensure that information gathered for census purposes is 100% confidential. To date, use of the mail-in questionnaire is optimal for security purposes. He added that “Be Counted” Centers will be placed throughout Michigan. Councilman Batko asked if Census Enumerators will be equipped with ID Tags, with it being stated enumerators will have a white badge that contains their name and reads “US Census”. Residents can contact 313.396.5200 to verify the name of the Census Enumerator assigned to Southgate.

Councilman Ganzberger explained that enumerators (home visitors) pledge to the highest degree of secrecy. People visited by an enumerator do not have to worry about the release of any information they supply. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to fear being truthful. Each Census Enumerator understands the value of confidentiality. The information obtained is only used for census purposes only. She stressed the importance of being counted and thanked Mr. White for his time and dedication.

Mr. White explained that every Census Bureau employee takes a life time oath that prohibits them from sharing any personal identifiable information with any governmental agency, business, or individual. They are bound by that oath and subject to 5 years in prison as well as a $250,000 fine for each occurrence. The bureau is very proud that Census information has never been compromised (for over 220 years). Census information cannot be gained by the FBI, Homeland Security, CIA or even the President of the United States.

business minute:

Business Coordinator Batko explained that the Business Minute is an initiative by the Mayor to recognize businesses in the City of Southgate that go above and beyond and add great value to the City of Southgate. Tonight, the City of Southgate and Downtown Development Authority would like to recognize Ray Hunter Florist and Garden Center.

Business Coordinator Batko offered the history of the Hunter property which began as a dairy farm in 1919. The Hunters have served the City of Southgate and the community at large with the finest flowers to celebrate every event as well as plants, shrubbery, fountains and other decorations for their customer’s homes and gardens. They provide high quality goods with friendly and knowledgeable service. In 2000 the Hunters built a State of the Art Garden Center. The Hunter’s care of their business and property have always enhanced Southgate’s image as a place to live, work and shop. And, beyond the business aspects, Ray and Pauline Hunter were very active in the local schools and the community. So tonight, we recognize Ray Hunter Florist’s and Garden Center for their contribution to the City of Southgate for not only providing a greatly needed service to our residents but for also going above and beyond to make our schools and community a better place to live. Ray Hunter III thanked the DDA and Mayor Kuspa for recognizing Ray Hunter Florist and encourages working with the business community in the future.

scheduled hearings:

Moved by Ferencz, supported by Rollet, RESOLVED, that Council enters public hearings. Carried unanimously.

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM for scheduled hearings and reconvened at 8:28 pm.

Regular City Council Meeting January 20, 2010

Moved by Rollet, supported by George, RESOLVED, that public hearings be closed. Carried unanimously.

Moved by Ganzberger, supported by Ferencz, RESOLVED, that the Southgate City Council concurs with the recommendation of the CDBG Consultant and hereby authorizes submittal of the 2010-2011 Community Development Block Grant Program Application to Wayne County to fund the following projects:

·  Civic Center Elevator Project - $60,000.00

·  Senior Services - $29,000.00

·  Administration/Planning - $10,205.00

·  Housing Rehabilitation - $57,795.00

Vote on motion: Carried unanimously.

officials’ reports:

Councilman Rollet reported on the following:

1.  Cultural Commission Meeting Update:

a.  Plans for the 2010 Concert in the Park Series

b.  The Annual Art Show has been scheduled for March 26, 2010 at City Hall

c.  Consideration is being given to hosting a “Hoe Down” in October.

d.  Two vacancies remain on the Cultural Commission.

e.  Thanked Beverly Sunday for her dedication and service as the former Commission Chair.

2.  Public Safety Commission Meeting: Application for a “Safer Grant” was made; however, municipalities that were awarded those grant funds had implemented “Lay-Offs”.

Councilman Ferencz reported on the following:

1.  Recreational Program Update: (For more information contact 734.258.3010 ext . 3135)

a.  Gator Swim Club Program is still accepting applications (applicants must be at least six years old)

b.  Cheerleading 101 begins January 26, 2010

c.  Karate begins the second week of February

d.  Little League Baseball: Early Bird Registration is offered on January 23rd & 30th

e.  Adult Chair Exercise begins February 10th (10 week session)

f.  Adult Tai Chi begins February 8th (10 week session)

Councilman Batko reported on the following:

a.  Encouraged Seniors to visit the Senior Center to explore our Excellent Senior Citizen Program.

b.  Noted the Senior Center is looking for Volunteers (especially for the Bingo Program)

Councilman Ganzberger reported on the following:

a.  Attended the School Board Meeting; relayed complaints about the Sound System.

b.  Complimented ACO Bertera for his prompt response to an Animal Misbehavior call.

c.  Complimented the skills of the Police Department’s Traffic Bureau.

d.  Asked residents to be patient during Main Break Season; assured that breaks are handled ASAP.

e.  Women Celebrating Life is hosting their 5th Annual Ground Hog Day Celebration to raise funds to benefit local breast cancer survivors on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 5:30 PM at Arnoldo’s Banquet Center on Quarry Road. Recommended donation of $20 - Silent & Live Auctions will be held.

Councilman George reported on the following:

a.  Thanked the Water Department for their Excellent Water Main Repair Skills during inclement winter.

b.  Thanked the City Beautiful Commission for judging the Home Decorating Contest and other endeavors.

Regular City Council Meeting January 20, 2010

c.  Due to lack of a quorum, there was no Library Commission Meeting (one vacancy remains).

Mayor Kuspa reported on the following:

a.  After meeting with Janet Lockwood of the Michigan Film Office, Administration plans to present Council with Ordinance Amendments to attract Film Studios to use Southgate as a Movie Venue.

b.  Thanked residents at Windemere/Mark Streets for their patience with regard to DTE’s light pole repair.

c.  Invited interested individuals to attend the first Southgate Business Advisory Council Meeting on February 11 at City Hall at 10am (the advisory committee will be formed of proactive individuals to help the business climate in Southgate).

d.  The Technology Team will meet on January 27 at 3PM in the Caucus Room.

e.  The DDA will be reviewing the potential to expand the Wi-Fi Range to encompass the entire District.

f.  The Recreation Director/Department hosted a 35 Team Tournament this week.

g.  Announced that the Financial State of the City Address will be offered in the Municipal Council Chambers at 7PM on January 27. It will be broadcast live & is open to the public.

h.  Thanked the Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber for honoring the City of Southgate with the “Greening of Downriver” Award; thanked those responsible.

i.  Congratulated 4 Police Officers (Lt. Sukel & Sgt. Scott/Fobar/Farrah) who were honored for Professional Excellence in assistance with the Downriver Violence Task Force.

Council President Rauch reported on the following:

1.  Attended the recent School Board Meeting; urged residents to continue to provide input; provided a demonstration for proper use of the Council Chamber Microphones.

*For further information on an Official Report, contact City Hall or the Reporting Official*

communications “a”:

1.  Letter from Administrator ; re: Downriver Public Works/Services Mutual Aid was read.

Councilman Batko pointed out that equipment owned by the City of Southgate will not be released to another community without proper supervision from the City of Southgate personnel. She explained this is an opportunity for us to assist other communities and receive assistance from other communities. She continued, Council has requested a list of participating communities to date. Also, Council would like to be advised of communities that join the Downriver Public Works Mutual Aid Team in the future. She stressed if it is determined that this program is not in the best interest of the City, the City can opt out at any time. Council President Rauch added that the City has the same type of agreement with area municipalities for Public Safety Services.

Moved by Zamecki, supported by Rollet, WHEREAS, the City of Southgate is a member of the Downriver Community Conference and desires to cooperate with other members of the Downriver Community Conference in the sharing of its Department of Public Works/Services’ personnel and equipment during times of emergency on a reciprocity basis; and

WHEREAS, the Downriver Community Conference has facilitated the preparation of an Agreement for Downriver Public Works/Services Mutual Aid to accomplish such reciprocal sharing of personnel and equipment; and,

WHEREAS, the Director of the City of Southgate’s Department of Public Works/Services recommends approval of said Agreement;

Regular City Council Meeting January 20, 2010

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Agreement for Downriver Public Works/Services Mutual Aid is hereby approved as presented, and that the Chief Elected Official and Clerk of the City of Southgate are authorized and directed to execute said Agreement; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of the City of Southgate’s Department of Public Works/Services, or his/her representative is designated as the Requesting Designee and Responding Designee for purposes of said Agreement; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is directed to transmit the executed Agreement and a certified copy of this Resolution to the Director of Planning of the Downriver Community Conference.

Motion carried unanimously

2.  Letter from Mayor; re: Appointment for the Millennial Mayors Congress was read.

Mayor Kuspa explained that the Millennial Mayor’s Congress (MMC) is a regional partnership of city officials and young leaders that work together to solve issues facing municipalities in Southeastern Michigan. The Mayor serves as the City Official and he is recommending that Neil Cameron be appointed to serve as Southgate’s Young Millennial Representative. He explained that the MMC has met several times over the last three months to formulate energy conservation recommendations for the communities it represents.

Discussion took place regarding the MMC’s affiliation, with it being determined it was created by the Michigan Suburban Alliance.

Councilman Ganzberger inquired about the cost (association fees, travel expenses) to join the Millennial Mayor’s Congress. Mayor Kuspa replied to date, there have been no expenses. He is under the impression that meeting costs are absorbed by the Michigan Suburban Alliance. Councilman Ganzberger inquired about expenses associated with belonging to the Suburban Alliance. Mayor Kuspa indicated he will gather that information for her. She expressed concern about spending additional monies during times of economic hardship. Mayor Kuspa stated any costs would be presented for Council consideration.