BTE 4280

Implementing Business

and Marketing Education


Instructor: Rita A. Schildknecht

E-mail Address:

Credit Hours: 3 UG/G

Class Schedule: Summer 2008 (June 23 – August 1)

Location: Online—students will use Central’s course management program, Blackboard, for course access and information. Log in at

Prerequisites: (none) Course may be taken for graduate or undergraduate credit.

This is an on-line course. Students should have Internet access and an up-to-date browser.

Office Hours: Please see Instructor Support section.

Course Description: This course is addresses information needed to design, implement, and maintain business/marketing education courses and programs.

Class format and teaching methods

This course utilizes Blackboard, a course management tool, to deliver course information via the Web. Additionally, Adobe Connect is used to facilitate synchronous meetings and group/team work. Attendance is monitored through class participation.

Students must have a working campus log-on to gain access to campus computers and the Blackboard Web site for this course. Problems with campus logins can be resolved through the Help Desk on the basement floor of Ward Edwards, or by calling 543-8484.

Central College of Education Conceptual Framework Belief Statement

The Central educator is a competent, caring, reflective practitioner committed to the premise that all can learn.
As a cornerstone of the institution for over 130 years, the University of Central Missouri's Teacher Education Program develops teachers and other school professionals who are well grounded in theory, display competence in content knowledge and instructional strategies, and possess the dispositions to ensure success for all learners. The Teacher Education Program prepares individuals as professional educators for an ever-changing, culturally diverse population. Faculty and candidates provide support and service to schools in meeting their present and future challenges by developing communities that learn through research and scholarly activities. Educator preparation is a campus-wide responsibility, a commitment that reflects the honor and worth of serving a vital profession.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will

§  Demonstrate a knowledge of the history of business and marketing education.

§  Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the effect of legislation, current federal and state programs and initiatives, and potential funding for business and marketing programs.

MO-STEP 1.2.2, 1.2.3

§  Understand the role of career education programs in providing instruction and learning opportunities for students in today’s school systems.

MO-STEP 1.2.4

§  Demonstrate a knowledge of business and marketing curriculum resources and how to use them in curriculum planning.

MO-STEP 1.2.8

§  Create authentic assessments for courses/programs.

§  Be able to explain the MSIP process and how to prepare for the evaluation using available resources.

MO-STEP 1.2.9

§  Prepare a plan for professional development including both short- and long-term goals.

Mo-STEP 1.2.10

§  Develop a plan for creating and utilizing a career education advisory committee.

§  Demonstrate a knowledge of the operation of professional student organizations and how to incorporate activities into the curriculum.

§  Add the following artifacts to the teaching portfolio:

-  **list of business/marketing certification requirements

-  list of business/marketing resource web sites

-  list of equipment vendors and state equipment requirements

-  **information about assistive resources

-  **information about VTECS (Marketing only)

-  Program Improvement Plan

-  school to careers resources

-  information about professional organizations

-  **plan for evaluating SBE students/Cooperative Education students

-  **graduate/employer follow-up survey

**Graduate Student Requirement

Research equipment/software needs for a new career education business classroom/program and prepare the documentation for an Enhancement Grant or program approval. The graduate student will also need to submit the items notated on the last course objective (**).

Required Text(s) and materials:

Missouri Business Education Resource Book: on-line DESE web site—

Missouri Marketing Curriculum: on-line DESE web site –

No / Course Topics/Assignments / Date Due
1 / Introduce yourself to the class by creating your Home Page on Blackboard and participate in other discussions through the use of Blackboard. / June 25
2 / Develop a Business/Marketing Career Pathway (formerly known as Scope and Sequence) of courses for your Business/Marketing Education program and write an appropriate Mission Statement. / June 27
3 / Incorporate Career Cluster information and your Business Career Pathway in a brochure about your school’s Business/Marketing Education program. / July 3
4 / Research and prepare a Course Proposal for Career Education. / July 8
5 / Discuss the importance of Student Organizations to support Career Education Business programs. (Discussion Forum) / July 1 - 11
6 / Investigate and prepare a report on Funding Sources for Career Education Business programs. / July 14
7 / Discuss the functions of an Advisory Committee and create a handbook for your advisory committee members. (*Discussion Forum) / *July 3 - 21
July 21
8 / Consider implications for the Missouri School Improvement Program review process and evaluate your local program by submitting a Program Evaluation. / July 25
9 / Identify your short-term and long-term goals and prepare a plan for Professional Development. / July 25
10 / Discuss legislative issues that pertain to Business/Marketing Education. (Discussion Forum) / July 18 - 25
11 / Create an authentic assessment for a unit of study in the course of your choice that uses new technology tools. / July 30
12 / Create a list of web resources for two courses in the Business/Marketing Education Program that would be useful to a new teacher. / July 30
*13 / Research and create an Enhancement Grant that could be submitted for the Business/Marketing Education programs. / August 1
*14 / Artifacts for teaching portfolio (Notated in last objective) / August 1


Projects will be rubric graded. Rubrics will be posted along with the assignments on the course Blackboard page. Grading Scale:

Undergraduate credit: Graduate credit:

90-100 percent =A 93-100 percent = A

80-89 percent = B 85-92 percent = B

70-79 percent = C (required for certification) 75-84 percent = C

*Graduate credit –Graduate students will have additional assignments (Enhancement Grant and teaching portfolio artifacts) and need to demonstrate a higher level of proficiency, application, and reflection than the undergraduate requirement.

Need for assistance

If you have a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as outlined, or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible.

Instructor support

Class schedule, announcements, assignments, and grades may be found on the Blackboard course management page for this course. If you have a question that is not addressed on this website, or need additional instructor assistance, please email me at . Though this is not an instant message system, students may expect a response within 24 hours excepting Sundays. If a faster response is desired, please call (660) 747-9554 and leave a message if I am not available. A face to face meeting may also be requested.


University policy deals severely with students caught cheating, copying papers or programs, or participating in dishonest behavior. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is claiming a thought or idea as your own when it was actually set forth by someone else. In a paper or presentation, it is assumed that all information originated with you unless you state otherwise. If ideas or thoughts originate with another person, cite that source in your papers and presentations. Do not present another person’s work as your own.

If a student is suspected of dishonesty, a meeting with the instructor will be scheduled. Responses to such an offense may include a zero on the assignment or test, a grade of "F" in the course, or recommendation for removal from the degree program. All instances of dishonesty will be reported to the Vice President for Student Affairs. For more information see the University Calendar/ Handbook.

Related Web Sites (linked through Blackboard—Blackboard links will be checked for currency and updated.


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