MAY 2013

The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm

A motion was made to wave the reading of the meeting minutes for last month.

1st by Aaron Taney 2nd by Tara Myers

Commissioners Report- Brian Kazmorck-

Brian would like to thank everyone for the help at registration. The forms to use the gymnasium and field usage forms have all been filled out and turned in.

Football Commissioners report- Chris Weller

Bill Parks the high school football coach has opened up his staff meetings and would like to have our coaches observe their practices. This will help promote transition into the school football programs.

The high school is in need of a camera to film games and someone to film the games.

There is a position for an assistant coach at the middle school level. If anyone knows someone who is interested please contact Bill Parks.

Cheer Commissioner- Tish Leahy

No Report

Treasurers Report- Jeff Landis

Cash on hand is a little over $48,000.

All of the obligations have been paid. The only thing needs to be paid is the insurance for the year at a cost of $3,500.

We are doing well; the lottery and registration are on budget for the year.

There was a counterfeit $100 bill given to us at registration.

Registration- Steve Beatty

We need to update the way registration is done. New forms need to be made up that helps to keep the payment separate from multiple kids being registered. The liability waiver should be signed every year. A separate meeting will take place and a committee will be formed in order to revamp the registration process.

There are some kids that have custody papers that forbid certain people from having contact with the child or picking the child up. ALL coaches and board members need to be aware of any situation where a child has custody papers in order to avoid problems.

Steve will be at all the football handouts to make sure all kids have their paperwork in order.

The numbers for registration are-

173 Cheer

24- 6th grade

27- 5th grade

16- 4th grade

30- 3rd grade

24- 2nd grade

32- 1st grade

19- Kindergartners

203 Football players

60- Midgets

53- Mites

56- Mighty mites

34- Flag

Concessions- open

Jeff Landis’ wife is interested in running the concession stand and Maryanne Angstadt is also interested in helping.

Fundraising- Jen DeMild

The BMF pep rally can not be held this year due to not being able to get the church for the dates desired. Brian suggested we put it on the calendar for 2014. Scott Zeigler suggested a brawl for the mighty mites. They do not have a championship game and there may be interest in us hosting a brawl for them. This could be a great opportunity for a fundraising event.

Kelli Taney will be setting up a Ritas fundraising night for July.

Tish Leahy will have more information on doing a cheer competition at the next meeting.

Football Equipment- Aaron Taney

The jerseys are ordered. The helmets are all back. Aaron requests help for equipment handouts this summer.

Football ops- Darrell Barton

Darrell looked into the cost of Sleds. They range in price from $800 to $4,000. Darrell will get the information to the coaches to see what is needed the most. Chutes are not feasible at this time.

Cheer ops-

No report

Parents Day- Kelli Taney

No report

First Aide- Anita Slabodin

No report

Flag Football- Jon Errington

We have enough kids to make 3 teams. We need 2 more kids to make 4 full teams.

League Reps-

Cheer- Wendy Tucci

No report

Football- Scott Zeigler

The league is looking at ways to establish better guidelines where Berks Catholic can pull there player rosters from.

Our dues for the league are due. Jeff has written a $200 check.

There is a league presidents meeting in August all commissioners need to attend the meeting. There is also a coaches meeting in August.


Communications- Bob Reno

An email blast about needing flag players will be sent out.

New Business

Brian read the first of 3 changes to the by law for Kindergarten and 1st grade flag cheer. There will be 2 more readings in order to add flag cheer to our by laws.

A motion to approve the new by law was made by Scott Zeigler and 2nd by Darrell Barton.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Darrell Barton and 2nd by Steve Pangburn

The place and date for next months meeting will be determined at a later date. An email will be sent out. Due to Fathers day and people not being able to attend the meeting.


Brian Kazmorck Jeff Landis Kelli Taney Tish Leahy Aaron Taney Darrell Barton

Steve Beatty Steve Pangburn Jerry Pennington Scott Zeigler Tara Myers

Ginny Stein