Neighbourhood Watch Monthly Report for February

Beat 3 - Oakley

Beat 3 covers the villages of Oakley, North Waltham, Steventon, Deane, Malshanger, Wootton StLawrence & Popham.

Ring 999 to report emergencies which as well as danger to life includes crime in progress.

Ring 101 to report non-emergencies.

Daytime Dwelling Burglaries in Steventon & Oakley

As previously reported on the day of the breaks:


Between 10:45am and 12:45pm the occupant of a detached house in Steventon left home securing the property, on returning he discovered that entry had been gained to his home by the rear wooden French patio doors being forced causing the bolts to break off. The intruder carried out an untidy search of most of the house leaving items strewn on the floors with draws and cupboards left open. A computer, a mobile phone and jewellery was stolen using a pillow case to take the items away. On the same day at a neighbouring property in Steventon, an occupant returned home between 12:30 – 12:45pm when she saw a grey VW Golf or Polo pull into a gate entrance at the neighbouring property. Whilst she emptied the car a male appeared from the back garden, he gave the excuse he had knocked on the door to ask directions for Park Farm when he heard a noise in the back garden, he walked off toward where she had seen the VW car.

Description of suspicious male

The male seen in the rear garden is described as being white, 5 feet 9 to 10 inches tall, aged 20 to 30 with a pale, good complexion which was clean shaven. He has black hair which is straight, tidy and cut short, but not cropped and wore dark framed obvious oval shaped glasses. He had on dark blue jeans, a dark coloured shirt over which he wore a navy blue ‘puffa’ style sleeveless jacket. He wore black leather slip on shoes. He spoke carefully choosing his words.


Between 8:30am and 4:30pm a house in Rectory Road, Oakley was entered by the intruder forcing open a wooden framed kitchen window to the rear of the property and climbing onto the draining board. A methodical search of the whole house was carried out; it is not believed anything was stolen.

Burglary non-dwelling – in the early hours of February 5th unknown offenders gained entry to a container in the grounds of Popham Airfield and stole items from within. Damage was caused to aircraft parked on the airfield. This is the second such incident at the location in recent weeks. Two males were arrested but released. The investigation is on-going.

Overnight onFebruary 24thentry was forced to two garages in the grounds of properties in Oakley Lane and Croft Road, Oakley. No property was stolen.

Between the hours of 12:20 am and 1:20 am onFebruary 6th, a Valmet Vaktra 151T tractor to the value of £40,000 was stolen from Malshanger sawmill yard. A vehicle was heard in the area of Malshanger prior to the incident although not seen. The tractor was driven away in the direction of the A339 with flashing lights activated and headlamps in use. If you are returning home in the early hours and see farm or plant equipment on the roads please report it to police so the vehicle can be stopped checked out.

Theft – three incidents of making off without paying for fuel was reported at Popham Services on the A303 Westbound.

On February 9th at 4pm a BMX bicycle was stolen from outside of a property in Itchen Close, Oakley. A male described as white, aged around 16 years, 6 feet tall and of slim build was seen to casually walk into Itchen Close past a dog walker; he then rode out of the road on the BMX. The dog walker then saw the BMX being loaded into the rear of a small black car in Avon Road near to Frome Close; it is believed to be a Corsa. The youth got into the passenger seat and it was driven off at speed. The male was wearing a grey hooded top which he wore up, no other description of clothing given. The BMX is black with no markings on it, the handle grips and pedals are white. The vehicle was insecure and on show prior to the theft.

On February 8th at 1:30 pm two youths entered the One Stop shop in Oakley and stole two crates of Fosters Lager. One local youth who was identified from CCTV was arrested and interviewed. He admitted the offence but would not name his co- offender. The youth is to receive a Final Warning.

Recently a Basingstoke male, who regularly visits family in Oakley, stole a bottle of wine from the One Stop but had a twinge of guilt and returned the bottle immediately to the store when the assistant shouted after him that she knew who he was. The male has committed previous thefts from the shop and as such is known to staff as ‘Stella Man’. He was interviewed and admitted the offence. He had sent a letter of apology to the assistant and as such the theft was resolved by way of Community Resolution. He has since received a letter from the head office banning him from the shop.

Policing Priorities

You said: Burglary

We did: Over recent months additional patrols have been carried out to target rural crime. Using local knowledge the Safer Neighbourhood Teams are crewing up with Roads Policing Unit officers in vehicles technologically equipped to assist with targeting the right vehicles suspected of being involved with criminal activity. Although we haven’t had any headline successes it remains a valuable resource and will continue to be used in the coming months. We have been stopping the right people in the right places and crime has been down as a result. We have seized vehicles, issued cannabis street warnings and have prevented crime whilst gaining information on local criminals. Rest assured that the patrols are taking place during all hours of the day and night in the fight against rural crime.

A ‘Hermes’ system is now used to record the details of property of value, so in the event of it being stolen and later found it can be returned to the rightful owner. If you wish to have your property recorded please contact PCSO Benjamin Howard or PCSO Paul Harrison via email using the same address as for me but replacing the name.

You said: Speeding

We did: I carried out speed enforcement throughout February in Oakley using the hand held radar device. Several motorists were issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for speed in excess of 30 mph. One further motorist was issued with an FPN for using a mobile phone whilst driving. The Roads Policing Unit and rural response vehicle have also engaged in speed enforcement on the beat. A car was seized by an RPU officer on the B3400 Andover Road after the motorist was found to have no insurance.

You said: Anti-social Behaviour

We did: Only three incidents of ASB were reported on Beat 3 this month. Three relate to vehicle nuisance in Oakley Lane and Sunnnymead, the other relating to rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour in the area of Laurel Close

Anti-social behaviour is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity thatdamages or destroys another person’s quality of life. This includes a variety of behaviour covering a whole complex of selfish and unacceptable activity that can blight the lives of individuals and communities. Examples include nuisance neighbours, rowdy and nuisance behaviour, vandalism, litter and graffiti, yobbish behaviour and intimidating groups taking over public spaces.

There are no current hotspots of ASB to my knowledge on the beat at this time, however high visibility patrols are carried out when possible at times and in areas that could attract ASB.

PC 292 Bradley

07554 775610