Revision Date: / TANK FARM Pumper No. 1/2/3 Section 1500 Appendices / Annual Certification Date
Original Date: Oct. 2001
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2011
2012 / 2012
2013 / 2013

Section 1500 – Appendices

Table of Content

Reference Materials and Resources

Regulatory Requirements

Product Specifications

Tank Strappings

Electrical Equipment Service

Equipment Numbers and Specifications

Safety and Relief Valves

Plot Plans and P&IDs

Glossary of Refinery Terminology

Reference Materials and Resources:

All materials listed are available at the Safety and TrainingCenter.

American Petroleum Institute Standard 2545

Annual Book of American Society for Testing and Materials Standards, Volumes 05.01, 05.02, and 05.03.

Hydrofloat HR DAF Operation and Maintenance Manual.Hydron, Inc.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Nalco Water Handbook

NUS Operations Training Program Manuals:

  • Piping and Auxiliaries
  • Pumps 1
  • Pumps 2
  • Pumps 3

Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs)

UOP Train Your Refinery Operators ( TYRO ) Training Manual

Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Materials. U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Washington, D.C., GPO.

Regulatory Requirements

The PSM Database:

29 CFR 1910.119, Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, went into effect May 26, 1992. The law was intended to establish standards of safety that would apply to certain processes involving hazardous or flammable materials.

The law referenced above addresses the elements listed below that are essential to process safety:

  • Employee Participation
  • Process Safety Information
  • Process Hazard Analysis
  • Operating Procedures
  • Training
  • Contractors
  • Pre-Startup Review
  • Mechanical Integrity
  • Hot Work Permit
  • Management Of Change
  • Incident Investigations
  • Emergency Planning And Response
  • Compliance Audits
  • Trade Secrets

The law requires employers to comply with the provisions of each element, to document that compliance, and to make that information readily available to employees. Valero has chosen the Refinery computer network as the most efficient means of compiling process safety information, documenting compliance, and making that information available.

Employees may access the database by double-clicking the PSM Navigator icon on the Windows NT desktop.

Click on any of the buttons to go each element of PSM. Additional menus will guide you to specific areas of information.

LPG rail car unloading:

The Department of Transportation requires that certain conditions be met when loading or unloading a rail car. These regulations are set forth in 49 CFR 174.67 and pertinent requirements can be summarized as follows:

  • Reliable persons properly instructed in unloading hazardous materials must perform tank car loading and unloading.
  • The tank car brake must be set and the wheels must be chocked.
  • A caution sign must be placed on the track that reads, “STOP - Tank Car Connected” or “STOP - Men at Work”. The sign must be blue with white lettering. The letters in the word ‘STOP” and must be no less than 3.9" tall, with the rest of the lettering no less than 2" high.
  • All unloading connections must be secure.
  • A standby man must attend the tank car during loading or unloading.
  • The tank car must be disconnected if loading or unloading is discontinued.
  • After unloading, all tank car valves and connections must be closed wrench tight.

Product Specifications:

Propane Standards - ASTM D1835 and GPA 2140

Requirement / Commercial Propane / SD or HD-5 Propane
Vapor pressure / 208 psig / 208 psig
Volatile residue maximum evaporated temperature, 95% / 37 / 37
Maximum volume, butanes & heavier / 2.5% / 2.5%
Maximum propylene content / 5.0%
Maximum residue on evaporation, 100 ml / 0.05% / 0.05%
Oil stain observation / Pass / Pass
Copper corrosion / #1 / #1
Sulfur / 185 ppmw / 123 ppmw
Moisture content / Pass / Pass

Kerosene B standard ASTM D 3699

Requirement / Jet A / JP-8 / 1-K
Minimum flash point / 100 / 100 / 100
Sulfur, total maximum by weight / 0.3% / 0.04%
Mercaptan sulfur, maximum by weight / 0.003% / 0.003%
Copper corrosion / #1 / #3
Burn test / Pass
Saybolt color, minimum / +16
Maximum aromatics / 20%

Tank Strappings:

Tank / Barrels Per Foot / Gauge Height / Maximum Fill Height
22 / -- / -- / --
43 / 253 / 39' 3" / 34' 0"
44 / 253 / 40' 3" / 38' 0"
45 / 253 / 40' 1" / 34' 0"
46 / 253 / 40' 6" / 34' 0"
47 / 253 / 40' 3" / 34' 0"
48 / 504 / 40' 6" / 36' 0"
51 / 253 / 40' 02" / 37' 0"
52 / 253 / 40' 42" / 37' 0"
53 / 253 / 40' 4" / 34' 0"
54 / 253 / 40' 6:" / 34' 0"
55 / 253 / 40' 5" / 34' 0"
56 / 1626 / 33' 11" / 31' 0"
58 / 2010 / 42’9” / 35' 0"
59 / 2011 / 44’2” / 35' 0"
60 / 1011 / 43' 7" / 34' 0"
62 / 3143 / 40' 5" / 38' 0"
63 / 3143 / 40' 7" / 38' 0"
65 / 2009 / 40' 8" / 38' 0"
66 / 1915 / 40' 9" / 38' 0"
67 / 1398 / 40' 4" / 38' 0"
68 / 1629 / 42' 11" / 40' 0"
71 / 1830 / 35' 5f" / 31' 6"
72 / 2013 / 46' 1" / 36' 0"
73 / 3129 / 45' 7” / 34' 0"
74 / 3122 / 45' 6” / 35' 0"
75 / 3115 / 45'11” / 35' 0"
76 / 2760 / 45' 10" / 37' 0"
80 / 1260 / 41' 7" / 36' 0"
81 / 2010 / 41' 8" / 36' 0"
82 / 3145 / 48' 3" / 46' 0"
83 / 1617 / 52’2” / 44’6”
85 / 3146 / 47’11” / 46’0”
001 / 2606 / 54' 2" / 46' 0"
002 / 2606 / 53' 6" / 46' 0"
003 / 2010 / 41' 8" / 38' 0"
15001 / 383 / 38' 2" / 35' 0"
15002 / 402 / 37' 3" / 35' 0"
3070 / 102 / 30' 3" / 27' 0"
101 / 2010 / 31' / 28' 0"
102 / 2014 / 43' 5" / 40' 0"
105 / 312 / 32' 0" / 30' 0"
115 / 1011 / 43' 7" / 40' 0"
604 / 19 / 31' 1" / 28' 0"

Electrical Equipment Service:

DC4Located east of the old lead plant.

MCC 4A-1

24-15-035Normal butane

24-15-36Normal butane

24-15-3724-15-038LPG loading/unloading west

24-15-039LPG loading/unloading east

24-15-088Propane truck loading north

24-15-089Propane truck loading south

24-15-109Isobutane to Alky @ 1807 tk west

24-15-110Isobutane to Alky @ 1807 tk east

24-15-132Normal butane to poly reactor

24-15-179Air compressor @ LPG tanks

41-15-054Intercept basin oily water pump east

41-15-055Intercept basin oily water pump west

41-15-101Intercept basin sump pump west

41-15-102Intercept basin sump pump middle

41-15-103Intercept basin sump pump east

DC5On West Fourth Street, south of 44 tank.

MCC 5A-3

MCC 5A-4

24-15-026Caustic truck loading pump

25-15-034Platformate to blend north of 60 tk west

25-15-035Platformate to blend north of 60 tk east

25-15-03781 tank to Bottom Loading

MCC 5A-5

25-15-03681 tank to Bottom Loading

41-15-130Water segregation pump east

41-15-131Water segregation pump west

MCC 5A-6

24-15-097Waste oil pump @ 48 tk

24-15-143#2 Jet A to airport

24-15-158Jet A transfer @ 101, 102, & 115 tks west

24-15-159Jet A transfer @ 101, 102, & 115 tks east

24-15-197Sour water pump @ 48 tk west

24-15-198Sour water pump @ 48 tk east

DC6Located east of DC5

MCC 6A-1

24-15-?Small pump at 81 tk

24-15-093FCC charge @ 67 tk north

24-15-094FCC charge @ 67 tk south

24-15-113Stripper bottoms to Reformer @ 43 tk

24-15-197Sour water pump @ 48 tk west

25-15-001Alkylate to blending @ 46 tk

25-15-002Isomerate to blending @ 47 tk

25-15-003Platformate to blending @ 16 tk

25-15-023Platformate to blending @ 16 tk

25-15-024FCC gasoline from 72 tk to blend @ 47 tk

25-15-02743 tank to inline blending

DC11Located southwest of 104 tank.

MCC 11A-1

24-15-087Crude charge @ 74 tk east

24-15-091Crude charge @ 73 tk east

24-15-101Crude charge @ 74 tk middle

24-58-002Mixer 74 tk

24-58-003Mixer 75 tk

MCC 11B-1

24-15-090Crude charge @ 73 tk south

24-15-092Crude charge @ 73 tk middle

24-15-102Crude charge @ 74 tk west

24-15-124Water draw sump @ 73 tk

24-15-181Metering crude pump @ 73 tk west

24-58-001Mixer 73 tk

DC16 B On dike between 003 and 63 tanks.

MCC 16A-1

24-15-001No. 2 fuel oil to river @ 63 tk north

24-15-002Regular unleaded to river from 002 tk west

24-15-008No. 2 fuel oil to ICRR

24-15-058NHDS charge booster @ 001 tk east

24-15-059NHDS charge booster @ 001 tk west

24-15-107No. 2 fuel oil to bottom loading @ 63 tk east

24-15-108No. 2 fuel oil to ICRR

24-15-115Regular gasoline to B/L and river @ 002 tk middle

MCC 16B-1

24-15-116Regular gasoline to B/L and river @ 002 tk east

24-15-187No. 2 fuel oil to river @ 63 tk south

24-15-199No. 2 fuel oil to bottom loading @ 62 tk

DC17East of 54 tank, across Gasoline Alley.

MCC 17A-1

24-15-012Unleaded gasoline to river @ 59 tk

24-15-018Regular gasoline to river, SW of 54 tk

24-15-064Regular gasoline pump @ 53 tk north

24-15-083Jet A transfer @ 51 tk south

24-15-120Vapor recovery pump @ 58 tank

24-15-129Jet A to bottom loading east

24-15-130Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 59 tk middle

24-15-139Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 76 tk west

24-15-142Regular gasoline to bottom loading from 58 and 71 tks east

24-15-200Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 59 tk north

41-15-061Storm water from bottom loading

CRed Unit One Jet A to Airport

MCC 17B-1

24-15-064Regular gasoline pump @ 53 tk north

24-15-065Unleaded gasoline to bottom loading @ 59 tk south

24-15-066Jet A transfer @ 51 tk north

24-15-082Jet A to bottom loading

24-15-135Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 53 tk (OOS)

24-15-140Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 76 tk east

24-15-141Regular gasoline to bottom loading from 58 and 71 tks west

24-15-144Regular gasoline to river @ 59 tk north

24-15-145Regular gasoline to river (south of 54 tk)


DC19Located at Dissolved Air Flotation treater

MCC 19A-1

41-06-006DAF recycle compressor

41-15-022DAF tank skimmer



41-15-026Surface water surge basin lift pump

41-15-058Storm water surge basin pump north

41-15-059Storm water surge basin pump south

41-15-094DAF recycle pump north

41-15-095DAF recycle pump south

41-15-096DAF solids pump

41-15-133DAF charge pump west

41-15-134DAF charge pump east

41-15-147476 oil recovery tank to 42 tanks

41-58-008Mixing basin mixer #2

41-58-009Mixing basin mixer #3

41-15-010Mixing basin mixer #4

41-58-023Coagulation tank mixer

DC20Located east of API separators.

MCC 20A-1

24-06-002Butane loading compressor west

24-06-003Butane loading compressor east

24-15-027Normal butane deep well pump west

24-15-028Normal butane deep well pump middle

24-15-029Normal butane deep well pump east

24-15-118Isobutane Alky charge pump @ 1807 tank

24-15-189DHDS charge pump @ 82 tank north

24-15-194DHDS charge pump @ 82 tank south


25-15-022Normal butane to inline blending




41-15-107API separator recovered oil pump east

41-15-108API separator sludge pump east

41-15-109API separator recovered oil pump west

41-15-110API separator sludge pump west

41-15-111API separator recovered oil pump spare

41-15-112API separator sludge pump spare

41-15-113API separator pad sump pump

41-15-114Surge tank recovered oil pump west

41-15-115Surge tank recovered oil pump east

41-58-024Sludge auger east

41-58-026Sludge auger west

DC23Located west of the west crude desalters


24-15-007Red unit three Jet A pump to the airport

24-15-030North C3/C4 splitter charge pump

24-15-031South C3/C4 splitter charge pump


24-15-098Caustic to the FCC pump

24-15-099Caustic to the crude unit pump

24-15-100Strong caustic to mixing tank pump

Equipment Numbers and Specifications:
Fuel oil truck loading @ 3070 tk / 16-15-013
LPG loading compressor mid east
Motor30HP @ 1765 RPM / 24-06-002
LPG loading compressor east
Motor30HP @ 1765 RPM / 24-06-003
LPG loading compressor west
Motor30HP / 24-06-004
LPG loading compressor mid west
Motor30HP / 24-06-005
LPG vaporizer / 24-13-001
No. 2 fuel oil to river @ 63 tk north / 24-15-001
Regular gasoline to river from 002 tk west
Motor125HP @ 1780 RPM / 24-15-002
Large fire water jockey pump / 24-15-003
Electric fire water pump east / 24-15-004
Diesel fire water pump / 24-15-005
Fire water jockey pump
24-15-006#3 Jet A to airport
Motor800 HP @ 3560 RPM
Capacity575 GPM / 24-15-007
No. 2 fuel oil to ICRR
Motor200HP @ 3570 RPM / 24-15-008
Oily water sump southwest of 58 tank / 24-15-009
Regular gasoline to river @ 59 tk
Motor500HP @ 3570 RPM / 24-15-012
Jet fuel circulation north of 55 tk (O.O.S.) / 24-15-014
Jet fuel additive north of 55 tk (O.O.S.) / 24-15-015
Regular gasoline to river, SW of 54 tk
Motor100HP @ 1770 RPM / 24-15-018
Normal butane deep well pump west / 24-15-027
Normal butane deep well pump middle / 24-15-028
Normal butane deep well pump east / 24-15-029
C3/C4 splitter charge pump north / 24-15-030
C3/C4 splitter charge pump south / 24-15-031
Normal butane @ 403 tk east
Motor10HP @ 3530 RPM
24-15-035 Normal butane @ 403 tk west
Motor10HP @ 3530 RPM / 24-15-036
LPG loading/unloading west
Motor7.5HP @ 1740 RPM / 24-15-038
LPG loading/unloading east
Motor7.5HP @ 1740 RPM / 24-15-039
Old No. 6 fuel oil pump south of 81tk. / 24-15-045
Gas oil transfer @ 67 tk / 24-15-050
Gas oil transfer @ 68 tk / 24-15-051
NO. 6 fuel oil transfer @ 65 tk
Motor100HP / 24-15-054
NO. 6 fuel oil / 24-15-055
NHDS charge booster @ 001 tk east
Motor125HP @ 3560 RPM / 24-15-058
NHDS charge booster @ 001 tk west
Motor125HP @ 3560 RPM / 24-15-059
Sour water to desalters / 24-15-060
No. 2 fuel oil to river
Motor150HP @ 1780 RPM
24-15-062 No. 2 fuel oil to river
Motor150HP @ 1780 RPM / 24-15-063
Regular gasoline pump @ 53 tk north
Motor75HP @ 1780 RPM / 24-15-064
Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 59 tk south
Motor100HP @ 1775 RPM / 24-15-065
Jet A transfer @ 51 tk north
Motor30HP @ 1770 RPM / 24-15-066
Gasoline blend pump @ 46 and 47 tanks
Motor75HP @ 1780 RPM / 24-15-080
Jet A to bottom loading @ 57 tk west
Motor60HP @ 1775 RPM / 24-15-082
Jet A transfer @ 51 tk south
Motor15HP @ 3550 RPM / 24-15-083
Crude charge @ 74 tk east
Motor200 HP @ 1800 RPM
Capacity2500 GPM @ 250' TDH / 24-15-087
Propane truck loading north
Motor25HP @ 1765 RPM / 24-15-088
Propane truck loading south
Motor25HP @ 1765 RPM
24-15-089Crude charge @ 73 tk south
Motor200HP @ 1800 RPM
Capacity2500 GPM @ 250' TDH / 24-15-090
Crude charge @ 73 tk east
Motor50HP @ 1780 RPM
Capacity1300 GPM @ 145' TDH / 24-15-091
Crude charge @ 73 tk middle
Motor50HP @ 1780 RPM
Capacity1300 GPM @ 145' TDH / 24-15-092
FCC charge @ 67 tk north
Motor25HP @ 1765 RPM / 24-15-093
FCC charge @ 67 tk south
Motor25HP @ 1765 RPM / 24-15-094
Waste oil pump @ 48 tk
Motor5HP @ 3480 RPM / 24-15-097
Caustic charge to FCC
Motor40HP @ 3545 RPM / 24-15-098
Caustic charge to Crude Unit
Motor5 HP @ 3530 RPM / 24-15-099
50 Bé caustic to blend tank
Motor7.5 HP @ 1750 RPM / 24-15-100
Crude charge @ 74 tk B middle
Motor25 HP @ 1800 RPM
24-15-101Crude charge @ 74 tk west
Motor25 HP @ 1800 RPM / 24-15-102
No. 2 fuel oil to bottom loading @ 63 tk east
Motor135 HP @ 1775 RPM / 24-15-107
No. 2 fuel oil to bottom loading @ 63 tk west
Motor135 HP @ 1775 RPM / 24-15-108
Isobutane to Alky @ 1807 tk west
Motor20 HP @ 3510 RPM
Capacity30 GPM @ 1020' TDH / 24-15-109
Isobutane to Alky @ 1807 tk east
Motor20 HP @ 3510 RPM
Capacity30 GPM @ 1020' TDH / 24-15-110
Stripper bottoms to Reformer @ 43 tk
Motor40 HP @ 3540 RPM
Capacity700 GPM @ 185' TDH / 24-15-113
Regular gasoline to B/L and river @ 002 tk middle
Motor100 HP @ 1770 RPM / 24-15-115
Regular gasoline to B/L and river @ 002 tk east
Motor100 HP @ 1770 RPM / 24-15-116
Isobutane to Alky @ 1807 tk
Motor100 HP @ 3560 RPM
Capacity120 GPM @ 1399' TDH
24-15-118Vapor recovery @ 58 tk
Motor20 HP @ 3515 RPM / 24-15-120
Water draw sump @ 73 tk / 24-15-124
Jet A to bottom loading east
Motor60 HP @ 1775 RPM / 24-15-129
Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 59 tk middle
Motor100 HP @ 1780 RPM / 24-15-130
No. 6 fuel oil @ 66 tk B east / 24-15-131
Normal butane to poly reactor
Motor25 HP @ 3530 RPM / 24-15-132
Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 53 tk (OOS)
Motor125 HP @ 1780 RPM / 24-15-135
Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 76 tk west
Motor100 HP @ 1790 RPM / 24-15-139
Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 76 tk east
Motor100 HP @ 1790 RPM / 24-15-140
Regular gasoline to bottom loading from 58 and 71 tks east
Motor100 HP @ 1790 RPM / 24-15-141
Regular gasoline to bottom loading from 58 and 71 tks east
Motor100 HP @ 1790 RPM
24-15-142#2 Jet A to airport
Motor200 HP @ 3565 RPM
MOVLimitorque Type AP@ 1.6 HP / 24-15-143
Regular gasoline to river @ 59 tk north
Motor100 HP @ 1790 RPM / 24-15-144
Regular gasoline to river (south of 54 tk)
Motor100 HP @ 1790 RPM / 24-15-145
Recovered oil to FCC / 24-15-151
Jet A transfer @ 101, 102, & 115 tks west
Motor75 HP @ 1780 RPM
Capacity1200 GPM @ 165' TDH / 24-15-158
Jet A transfer @ 101, 102, & 115 tks east
Motor75 HP @ 1780 RPM
Capacity1200 GPM @ 165' TDH / 24-15-159
Water draw sump @ 67 tk / 24-15-160
Water draw sump @ 102 tank / 24-15-061
72 tank to FCC
Motor3 HP @ 3480 RPM / 24-15-171
Jet A to bottom loading / 24-15-173
Propane to fuel drum
24-15-174 Water draw sump south of Jet A filters
Motor5 HP @ 1740 RPM / 24-15-178
Air compressor @ LPG tanks
Motor1.5 HP @ 1750 RPM / 24-15-179
Metering crude pump @ 73 tk west / 24-15-181
Methanol pump @ LPG tanks / 24-15-186
No. 2 fuel oil to river @ 63 tk south
Motor150 HP @ 1780 RPM / 24-15-187
DHDS charge @ 82 tk north / 24-15-189
DHDS charge @ 82 tk south / 24-15-194
Sour water pump @ 48 tk west / 24-15-197
Sour water pump @ 48 tk east / 24-15-198
No. 2 fuel oil to bottom loading @ 62 tk
Motor250 HP @ 1785 RPM / 24-15-199
Regular gasoline to bottom loading @ 59 tk north
Motor150 HP @ 1785 RPM / 24-15-200
Load barges from 44 and 45 tanks
Motor15 HP @ 3500 RPM
24-20-501Alkylate to blending @ 46 tk
Motor125 HP @ 1775 RPM
Capacity2600 GPM / 25-15-001
Isomerate to blending @ 47 tk
Motor125 HP @ 1785 RPM / 25-15-002
Platformate to blending @ 16 tk
Motor125 HP @ 1780 RPM
Capacity2600 GPM @ 180' TDH / 25-15-003
N-butane to blending @ 1809 tk
Motor50 HP @ 3565 RPM / 25-15-022
Platformate to blending @ 16 tk
Motor125 HP @ 1780 RPM
Capacity2000 GPM @ 180' TDH / 25-15-023
FCC gasoline from 72 tk to blend @ 47 tk
Motor200 HP @ 1785 RPM / 25-15-024
60 tank to inline blending
Motor40 HP @ 3540 RPM / 25-15-026
43 tank to inline blending
Motor15 HP @ 3475 RPM
Capacity220 GPM @ 160' TDH / 25-15-027
Motor100 HP @ 1180 RPM
81 tank to Bottom Loading
Motor200 HP @ 1780 RPM / 25-15-036
81 tank to Bottom Loading
Motor200 HP @ 1780 RPM / 25-15-037
Flare knockout drum pump east
Motor150 HP @ 1780 RPM / 41-15-010
Flare knockout drum pump west
Motor15 HP @ 3520 RPM / 41-15-011
Water segregation pump at 20 tk east
Motor30 HP @ 3525 RPM / 41-15-130
Water segregation pump at 20 tk west
Motor30 HP @ 3525 RPM / 41-15-131
Safety Relief Valves:
Tank and Relief Valve Information: / RV ID#:
801 tk
Size3" x 4"
Set250 psi / 24-SV-021
802 tk
Size3" x 4"
Set250 psi / 24-SV-022
804 tk
Size3" x 4"
Set250 psi / 24-SV-024
805 tk
Set250 psi / 24-SV-025
806 tk
Set250 psi / 24-SV-026
1807 tk
Size3" x 4"
Set250 psi
24-SV-027A & B @1808 tk
Size3" x 4"
Set250 psi / 24-SV-028A & B
1809 tk
Size3" x 4"
Set250 psi / 24-SV-029A & B
810 tk
Set250 psi / 24-SV-030
811 tk
Set250 psi / 24-SV-031
812 tk
Set250 psi / 24-SV-032
813 tk
Set250 psi / 24-SV-033
814 tk
Set250 psi / 24-SV-034
Jet A Clay Filters @ 101 tk
Size4" 300# x 6" 150#
Set80 psi
24-SV-052Jet A Clay Filters East Tank Farm
Size4" x 4"
Set60 psi / 24-SV-053
66 tk Loading Pump
Size3" x 3"
Set100 psi / 24-SV-040
Crude pump 24-15-090 suction PSV @ 73 tk
Set300 psig / 24-SV-014
Crude pump 24-15-090 discharge PSV @ 73 tk
Set300 psig / 24-SV-013
Crude pump 24-15-087 suction PSV @ 74 tk
Set150 psig / 24-SV-018
Crude pump 24-15-087 discharge PSV @ 74 tk
Set300 psig / 24-SV-019
Crude charge pump 24-15-090 @ 73 tk on 12" suction
Set150 psig / 24-SV-
Crude charge pump 24-14-090 @ 73 tk discharge
Set300 psig / 24-SV-
Crude charge pump 24-15-101 @ 74 tk on 12" suction
Set150 psig / 24-SV-003
Crude charge pump 24-15-101 @ 74 tk on 8" suction
Set150 psig
24-SV-017Crude charge pump 24-15-101 @ 74 tk discharge
Set300 psig / 24-SV-005
Crude charge pump 24-15-102 @ 74 tk B on 12" suction
Set150 psig / 24-SV-002
Crude charge pump 24-15-102 @ 74 tk on 8" suction
Set150 psig / 24-SV-004
Crude charge pump 24-15-102 @ 74 tk B discharge
Set300 psig / 24-SV-
73 tk 12" crude suction back to tank
Set150 psig / 24-SV-015
74 tk 12" crude suction back to tank
Set150 psig / 24-SV-015
Filter Location: /
Filter ID#
Jet A clay filter @ 52 tank / 24-10-030
Jet A filter @ 57 tank
24-10-032 Jet A filter @ 102 tank east / 24-10-034
Jet A transfer filter @ 102 tank / 24-10-035
Jet A barge unloading filter @ 101 tank / 24-10-040
Jet A clay filter @ 52 tank / 24-10-030
Jet A filter @ 57 tank
24-10-032Jet A filter @ 102 tank C east / 24-10-034
Jet A transfer filter @ 102 tank / 24-10-035
Jet A barge unloading filter @ 101 tank / 24-10-040
Other Storage Tank Information:
Fresh caustic (east) / 24-10-001
50º Bé caustic storage (west) / 24-10-002
Weak caustic (horizontal) / 24-10-003
73 tank mixer / 24-58-001
74 tank mixer / 24-58-002
75 tank mixer / 24-58-003
42 tank mixer / 24-58-004
Flare blowdown drum / 41-10-035
Above-Ground Bulk Storage Tanks
Tank Number / Tank Contents / Maximum Capacity in Barrels / Average Quantity Stored, in Barrels* / Size / Tank Type / Year Constructed
150085 / HSD / Steel, cone roof / 2007
22 / ULSD / Steel, cone roof / 2006
10052 / JET A / 10,000 / 6000 / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1952
10053 / 93 OCT / 10,000 / 6000 / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1952
10054 / 93 OCT / 10,000 / 6000 / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1952
10055 / Out of Service / 10,000 / n/a / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1952
53056 / Jet A / 53,000 / 26,190 / 107' 10" Ø x 33' 4" h / Steel, cone roof / unknown
80058 / Blended gasoline / 80,000 / 22,204 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, external FR / 1957
80059 / Blended gasoline / 80,000 / 40,476 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, external FR / 1957
40060 / Platformate / 40,000 / 23,810 / 85' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1968
125062 / No. 2 fuel oil / 125,000 / 42,857 / 150' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, cone roof / 1957
125063 / No. 2 fuel oil / 125,000 / 40,476 / 150' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, cone roof / 1957
80065 / No. 6 fuel oil / 80,000 / 52,381 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1964
80066 / MCB / No. 6 fuel oil / 80,000 / 28,571 / 119' 9" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1982
55067 / Gas oil / FCC charge / 55,000 / 35,714 / 100' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1952
69068 / Gas oil / FCC charge / 69,000 / 23,810 / 106' 0" Ø x 42' 11" h / Steel, cone roof / 1956
3070 / No. 6 fuel oil / 3000 / 1381 / 27' 0" Ø x 30' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1968
64071 / Blended gasoline / 67,000 / 19,571 / 114' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, external FR / 1975
40060 / Platformate / 40,000 / 23,810 / 85' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1968
125062 / No. 2 fuel oil / 125,000 / 42,857 / 150' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, cone roof / 1957
80072 / FCC / Poly gasoline / 80,000 / 29,190 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1976
10052 / JET A / 10,000 / 5333 / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1952
10053 / 93 OCT / 10,000 / 6000 / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1952
10054 / 93 OCT / 10,000 / 6000 / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1952
10055 / Out of service / 10,000 / n/a / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1952
53056 / Jet A / 53,000 / 26,190 / 107' 10" Ø x 33' 4" h / Steel, cone roof / unknown
80058 / Blended gasoline / 80,000 / 22,204 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, external FR / 1957
80059 / Blended gasoline / 80,000 / 40,476 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, external FR / 1957
40060 / Platformate / 40,000 / 23,810 / 85' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1968
125062 / No. 2 fuel oil / 125,000 / 42,857 / 150' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, cone roof / 1957
10053 / 93 OCT / 10,000 / 6000 / 42' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1952
125063 / No. 2 fuel oil / 125,000 / 40,476 / 150' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, cone roof / 1957
80065 / No. 6 fuel oil / 80,000 / 52,381 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1964
80066 / MCB / No. 6 fuel oil / 80,000 / 28,571 / 119' 9" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1982
55067 / Gas oil / FCC charge / 55,000 / 35,714 / 100' 6" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1952
3070 / No. 6 fuel oil / 3000 / 1381 / 27' 0" Ø x 30' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1968
64071 / Blended gasoline / 67,000 / 19,571 / 114' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, external FR / 1975
80072 / FCC / Poly gasoline / 80,000 / 29,190 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1976
125073 / Crude oil / 125,000 / 73,810 / 150' 0" Ø x 42' 0" h / Steel, external FR / 1979
125074 / Crude oil / 125,000 / 83,333 / 150' 0" Ø x 42' 0" h / Steel, external FR / 1979
125063 / No. 2 fuel oil / 125,000 / 40,476 / 150' 0" Ø x 40' 3" h / Steel, cone roof / 1957
125075 / Crude oil / 125,000 / 47,619 / 150' 0" Ø x 42' 0" h / Steel, external FR / 1980
110076 / Blended gasoline / 110,000 / 57,143 / 140' 6" Ø x 42' 0" h / Steel, external FR / 1981
50080 / ETHANOL / 48,000 / 26,190 / 95' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1992
80081 / Blended gasoline / 80,000 / 21,048 / 120' 0" Ø x 40' 0" h / Steel, internal FR / 1992
60101 / Jet A / 60,000 / 26,190 / 120' 0" Ø x 31' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1982
85102 / Jet A / 80,000 / 28,571 / 120' 0" Ø x 43' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / 1981
104 / Fire water / 25,000 / 23,810 / 48' 0" Ø x 32' 0" h / Steel, cone roof / unknown
604 / Naphthenic spent caustic / 600 / 24 / Steel, cone roof / Unknown
15001 / No. 6 fuel oil / 15,000 / 3810 / Steel, cone roof / 1958
125075 / Crude oil / 125,000 / 47,619 / 150' 0" Ø x 42' 0" h / Steel, external FR / 1980
15002 / No. 6 fuel oil / 15,000 / 3810 / Steel, cone roof
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Tanks
Tank Number / Tank Contents / Maximum Capacity in Barrels / Average Quantity Stored, in Barrels* / Size / Tank Type / Year Constructed
815 / Normal Butane / Steel bullet
816 / Normal Butane / Steel bullet
817 / Normal Butane / Steel bullet
818 / Normal Butane / Steel bullet
819 / Normal Butane / Steel bullet
820 / Normal Butane / Steel bullet
821 / Normal Butane / Steel bullet
Steel sphere
Steel sphere
Section 1500 - Glossary Of Refinery Terminology:
Acute / A term used to describe a reaction that occurs immediately upon exposure to a substance
Alkylate / Alkylate is a gasoline blend component produced at the Alkylation Unit
Barrel / A standard of liquid measurement used in the refining industry, equivalent to 42 U.S. gallons at 60ºF
Baumé Gravity / Baumé gravity is a unit of measurement that indicates the concentration of caustic solution. It is expressed in degrees (º) of Baumé
BFO / Blended fuel oil - A mixture of kerosene, diesel, and light cycle oil. It is sold as No. 2 fuel oil
Bleeder / A connection consisting of a valve and nipple, located on a line, pump, or vessel. It is used for draining or sampling
Blend / A mixture of two or more components to create a finished product.
Butane / A liquefied petroleum gas. It exists in two forms, isobutane and normal butane. Both have the same chemical formula, C4H10, but have different molecular structures
Butylene / C4H8=One of the Feedstock’s for Alkylation Unit - produced in the FCC Unit
Cat Gasoline / A gasoline blend component produced at the FCC Unit - Also called FCC gasoline
Cavitation / A condition in which vaporization of product inside a pump causes the pump to lose suction
CCR Unit / Continuous Catalyst Regeneration Platforming Process from which Platformate ( a high – octane gasoline blending component ) is produced
Charge / Product sent to a process unit as raw material for refinement - Synonymous with feed
Check Valve / A mechanical device that permits flow in only one direction through a pipeline
Chronic / A term used to describe an illness or reaction that develops over a period of time due to lengthy or repeated exposure to a substance
Combustible / Generally used to describe a product with a flash point above 100F
Commercial Grade Propane / A grade of propane containing greater than 5% propylene - but no more than 2% butane
Crude Oil / The naturally-occurring raw material from which all petroleum products are refined
Dike / An earthen embankment surrounding a tank, intended to contain the tank's contents in case of a leak or spill
Ethanol / Ethyl alcohol - An oxygenate used to enhance gasoline octane and reduce auto exhaust pollutants
Ethyl Mercaptan / An odorant added to LPG's to aid in leak detection
Exposure / Subjection of the body to the effects of a potentially harmful substance
FCC / The Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit - Also called the Cat
FCC Gasoline / A gasoline blend component produced at the FCC Unit - Also called cat gasoline
Feed / Product sent to a process unit as raw material for refinement - Same as charge
Flammable / Generally used to describe a product with a flash point below 100?F
Flash Point / The minimum temperature at which application of an ignition source such as a flame causes the vapor of the product to ignite