Numbers in parentheses preceded by P indicate pages in Property Law: Ownership, Use & Conservation; numbers preceded by S indicate pages in the instructor’s Supplemental Materials; numbers preceded by IM indicate pages in Information Memos available on the course page; numbers preceded by E indicate pages in Estates and Land & Future Interests (3d ed.).

Introductory Material

A. Course Outline (IM1)

B. Scheduling Information (IM2)

C. Information about the Course (IM3-11)

D. Information about the Instructor (IM12-14)

E. Fajer, Out at First (1988) (IM14-15)

F. General Instructions for Written Assignments (IM16-17)

Unit I: But It’s Mine

Involuntary Transfers of Property Rights

Chapter 1: An Important Stick: The Right to Exclude and Some Exceptions

A. Trespass

1. Notes on “The Right to Exclude” and “Trespass” (P53-54)

2. Jacque v. Steenberg Homes (Wisc. 1997) (P54-57)

3. Notes 1-4, 6 (P57-59)

4. Discussion Questions 1-5 (S1-2)

B. Access to Migrant Agricultural Workers

1. State v. Shack (N.J. 1971) (S2-6)

2. Discussion Questions 6-15 (S6-7)

3. Review Problems 1A- 1C (S7-8)

4. Written Assignment #1 (In Info Memo #2: To Be Posted)

C. Private Property Open to the Public

1. Background

a. Common Law Privileges: Notes 1-2 (P83-84)

b. Civil Rights Laws: Notes 4-5 (P84-85)

c. Discussion Questions 16-18 (S8)

2. Undesirable Patrons

a. Brooks v. Chicago Downs Assn. (7th Cir. 1986) (P79-83)

b. Note 3 (P84)

c. Discussion Questions 19-20 (S8)

3. Free Speech Access

a. N.J. Coalition v. J.M.B. Realty Corp. (N.J. 1994) (P85-92)

b. Notes 1-3 (P92-93)

c. Discussion Questions 21-25 (S8-9)

d. Review Problem 1D (S9)

D. Review Problems 1E-1H (S9-10)

Chapter 2: The Price of Living in a Democratic Society: The Eminent Domain Power and the Public Use Requirement

A. Introduction and Overview

1. Introductory Note (P178-79)

2. Note 6 (P196-97)

3. Discussion Questions 26-28 (S11)

B. Federal Standards

1. Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff (U.S. 1984) (S11-16)

2. Discussion Questions 29-31 (S16)

3. Kelo v. City of New London (U.S. 2005) (P179-93)

4. Notes 1, 4, 7 (P193, 195-97)

5. Discussion Questions 32-37 (S16)

C. State Standards

1. Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit (Mich. 1981) (S17-18)

(facts from Ryan, J., Dissenting)

2. Discussion Question 38 (S18)

3. Notes 2, 3, 5 (P193-98)

4. Discussion Questions 39-41 (S18)

D. Review Problems 2A-2E (S18-20)

Chapter 3: The Statute of Limitations: The Adverse Possession Doctrine

A. Introduction

1. Overview of the Doctrine (S21-22)

2. Color of Title

a. Note (S22)

b. Note 5 (P120)

3. Justifications for Adverse Possession (Note 1) (P108-10)

4. Sample Statutes

a. Florida Statute (S22-23)

b. Pennsylvania (S23-24)

5. Sample Cases

a. VanValkenburgh v. Lutz (N.Y. 1952) (S24-30)

b. Ray v. Beacon Hudson Mountain Corp. (N.Y. 1996) (P102-05)

c. E. 13th St. Homesteader’s Coalition v. Lower East Side Coalition Housing Dev. (N.Y. Supr. 1996) (P105-08)

d. ITT Rayonier, Inc. v. Bell (Wash. 1989) (S30-33)

6. Discussion Questions 42-43 (S34)

B. Elements & Related Issues

1. Actual Use

a. Note 1 (S34) & Note 3 (P119)

b. Discussion Questions 44-46 (S35)

2. Open & Notorious

a. Note 2 (S35) & Note 4 (P119-20)

b. Discussion Questions 47-49 (S36)

3. Exclusive

a. Note 3 (S36) & Note 7 (P121)

b. Discussion Questions 50-52 (S36-37)

4. Continuous

a. Note 4 (S37); Note 4 (P111); Note 6 (P113); Note 8 (P121-22)

b. Discussion Questions 53-55 (S37)

5. Adverse/Hostile, Claim of Right & State of Mind

a. Notes 5-6 (S38); Note 3 (P110); Note 6 (P120-21)

b. Discussion Questions 56-57 (S38)

6. Other Issues: Note 7 (S39)

C. Boundary Disputes

1. Special Issues: Note 8 (S39)

2. Dorschner, Nightmare on 68th Street (1992) (S40-49)

3. Discussion Questions 58-60 (S50)

D. Policy Implications

1. Squatting (Note 5) (P111-13)

2. Environment (Note 6) (P127-28)

3. Discussion Question 61 (S50)

E. Review Problems 3A-3H (S50-53)

F. Written Assignment #2: Stealing Home

1. Team Assignments & Instructions (In Info Memo #2: To Be Posted)

2. Client Information (Handouts)

3. Materials on Perception, Memory and Evidence

a. Wigmore, Principles of Judicial Proof (1931) (S53-59)

b. Calvin, The River That Flows Uphill (1987) (S60-62)

c. Sondheim, Someone in a Tree (1976) (S63-66)

4. Binder & Price, Legal Interviewing and Counseling (pp.20-52; 124-34)

(on reserve at circulation desk in library)


Voluntary Transfers of Property Rights

Chapter 4: Nobody’s Perfect: Defects in Purchased Property

A. Overview of the Sales Process

1. Land Sales (P312-13)

2. Johnstone, Land Transfers: Process & Processors (P313-14; 319-22)

3. Sample Contract of Sale (P331-35) (skim)

4. Deeds: Sample, Formalities, Construction, Delivery & Acceptance (P379-83)

5. Barry, The Ritual Closing Ceremony (S67)

B. Physical Defects and Off-Site Problems

1. Duty to Disclose

a. Stambovsky v. Ackley (N.Y.App.Div. 1991) (S68-72)

b. Strawn v. Canuso (N.J. 1995) (P404-12)

c. Notes 1-3, 5-6 (P412-15)

d. Note 5 (P316-17)

e. Discussion Questions 62-69 (S72-73)

2. Warranty of Fitness

a. Wawak v. Stewart (Ark. 1970) (P415-18)

b.. Nichols v. R.R. Beaufort & Assoc. (R.I. 1999) (P418-24)

c. Notes 3-8 (P425-29)

d. Discussion Questions 70-75 (S73)

C. Risk of Loss/Equitable Conversion

1. Skelly Oil v. Ashmore (P369-76)

2. Notes 1-4 (P376-79)

3. Discussion Questions 76-77 (S73)

D. Review Problems 4A-4E (S74-75)

Chapter 5: Where There’s a Will … and Where There Isn’t: Property Transfer at Death

A. Intestate Succession

a. Overview of Intestate Succession (S76-77)

b. Florida Intestacy Statutes (S77-79)

c. Written Assignment III: Intestacy and the Variety of State Law (in IM#3)

B. Wills

1. Overview of Wills Issues (S79-83)

2. Florida Laws Relating to Wills (S83-86)

3. Sample Will Formalities Cases

a. Estate of Weiss (Penn. 1971) (S86-87)

b. Estate of Stasis (Penn. 1973) (S87-89)

c. Discussion Questions 78-79 (S89)

4. Testator’s State of Mind

a. Estate of Webb (Okla. 1993) (S89-95)

b. In re Strittmater’s Estate (N.J. Eq. 1947) (S95-96)

c. Discussion Questions 80-82 (S96-97)

C. Review Problems 5A-5E (S97-99)

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