WEEK TWO - I Timothy 3-4

I Timothy 4:12

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.


I COR. 10:31

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 4:12

Read through the Bible – Psalms 29-30

Read - I Tim.3:1-7

Examine -

1. Is the office of bishop a good work?

2. Should we desire it?

3. Define Bishop -

4. List the sixteen qualifications of a pastor. Out beside each one put a short definition.

5. How should a pastor's children act?

6. Why should he have his house in subjection?

7. Why should he not be a novice?

8. Why should he have a good report with those that are without?

9. What does “without” mean?

Apply -

This is quite a list. It should do two things for you. 1) If you plan on going into the ministry, it should show you the need to develop these things.

2) It should make you appreciative of a pastor who meets these. Ours does. This week I want you to write a note to tell him why you appreciate him. He will enjoy it when he gets back. When you have completed it come tell Pastor Ogle for a bonus. Don't miss this opportunity!

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 4:12

Read through the Bible – Psalms 31-32

Read - I Timothy 3:8-13

Examine -

1. List the nine qualifications of a deacon. Define them as well.

2. What four things are mentioned for deacon's wives?

3. What must first happen?

4. Then how are they to use the office?

5. What do those who serve faithfully in this office have for themselves? (2 things)

Apply -

The church has 2 offices and we have looked the last two days at both. God has a high requirement for both. How does your life match both of these lists?

Ask yourself, “Would I meet either list”?

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 4:12

Read through the Bible – Psalms 33-34

Read - I Timothy 3:14-16

Examine -

1. What did Paul hope to do soon?

2. Is it possible he will be delayed?

3. What did he want Timothy to know?

4. Whose church is it?

5. What is the church in relation to truth?

6. The mystery of godliness is .

7. What 6 things does it say happened to God?

8. To what is this referring?

9. This verse gives a brief synopsis of whose life?


Each one of the six things in question #7 has significance. Choose one and write a small paragraph how it has changed your life?

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse -I Timothy 4:12

Read through the Bible – Psalms 35-36

Read - I Timothy 4:1-5

Examine -

1. Who speaks expressly?

2. When will these things happen?

3. Who will depart?

4. From what will they depart?

5. To what two things do they give heed?

6. Define Seduce -

7. What do you think this means?

8. Define Seared -

9. What do you think this means?

10. Do we have people like that today?

11. What two things do they say is wrong?

12. What is good to eat?

13. How should we eat it?

14. How are these things sanctified?

Apply -

Has your conscience been seared? Do the commercials or cursing on T.V. not bother you anymore?

Ask God to restore your clean conscience and do your part! Psalm 119:9

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 4:12

Read through the Bible – Psalms 37

Read - I Timothy 4:6-11

Examine -

1. How can Timothy be a good minister?

2. In what two things is Timothy nourished?

3. What should he refuse?

4. After what should he seek?

5. Does bodily exercise profit?

6. What is more profitable?

7. Why is this true?

8. Does verse 9 refer to vs. 8 or 10?

9. The therefore probably refers back to the godliness of verse 8. What two things do they do?

10. What should he do according to verse 11?

11. What things?

Apply -

Are you striving to be godly?

Is this your whole focus?

Or if not how might you be pre-occupied with other things?

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 4:12

Read through the Bible – Psalms 38-39

Read - I Timothy 4:12-16

Examine -

1. What should men not despise?

2. Does this mean we should fight if they do despise us or does it mean don't give them reason to despise?

3. What is he suppose to be?

4. In what 6 things should he be an example?

5. What is the difference between word and conversation?

6. To what 3 things should he give attendance?

7. What should he not neglect?

8. How should he respond to these things? (2 things)

9. What does the first one mean?

10. To who or what should he take heed?

11. Does the word “save” in verse 16 refer to salvation or to something else?

Apply -

Today people don't have a lot of respect for teens. Why, do you think?

If you have the qualities listed in verse 12, would people look at you differently? Ask God to help you develop these things!

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 4:12

Read through the Bible – Psalms 40-41

Read - Review I Timothy 3 & 4


1. What have you done special for Pastor?

2. What is the mystery in chapter 3?

3. Will we have problems with the faith in latter times?

4. How does God see every creature?

5. Could Timothy be a good minister?

6. What is profitable in all things?

7. What should people not despise?

8. How can you do this?

Apply -

Choose one verse other than your memory verse that stood out to you and apply it directly to you. Write the application here!

Praise -

Pray -