Believe Inc. Nation(s)

“System for Success”

Step 1: Prospecting-

*Sharing the Arbonne Opportunity with as many people as you can DAILY!!!

“Your biz is OPEN when your MOUTH is open!!!”

-Things you can say to start a conversation…


1. “You look familiar??? Did I see you at an Arbonne Meeting???

2. Start talking to someone out and about at a store…

”You would be great at what I do!”…They always say:

“What do you do???”

3. Keep it short and simple- NO TMI or “Throwing up Arbonne on people!” Share why you do Arbonne in 30 sec. or less and get to know them and how Arbonne will fit into their lives…Opportunity 1st- Products 2nd- Think “Arbonne Bullseye”!

*You will need:

*Excitement (Explain why this is sooo important!), Yourself, Anyone with Skin (hair is optional!!!), business cards and Sample Packs/Tester Kits, Arbonne Sizzle Call number!!!

*Prospecting Packets/CuriosityHostess Packs- These are for people you have already introduced to Arbonne at some point-


They can include the above list plus 2-3 EOA’s that relate to them and your upline VP’s!!!

*100 PERSON LIST is the start- Everyone you know knows an ACE!!!

*Sorting Game- Either a “YES” OR a


Never NO’s…Those will be someone else’s YES’ someday when the timing is right!!! Keep doing monthly “touches” and “updates” with your biz!!!

*Fit Arbonne into your LIFE- “Nooks and crannies of your day!” Everyone is super busy!!! No Excuses!!!

*Listen more than you talk…Everyone needs Arbonne- Opportunity and/or Products! Always lead with Opportunity- Think “BULLSEYE” again!!!-

Less is more- YOU HAVE TO BE WILLING TO Re-launch your biz as many times as it takes!!!!

*Always get the information and set the date/time for a


-Examples of Close-ended questions you can use:

  1. Exchange info…and then- “I can’t wait for you to listen to the “Sizzle Call”/ or look at the Arbonne Now Brochure/CD and try the sample pack/kit!!! I know you are just going to fall in love with Arbonne just like I did—How about I give you a call on Wed. or Thursday??? Which is best for you? Answers- Thursday…great…Is a.m. or p.m. better for you??? p.m…great…How about 6 or 7 p.m.??? 7 great!!! I can’t wait! Talk to ya then!!!
  2. You can also offer incentives for the follow-up at the initial introduction…coupons for discounts, free gift(s), etc… to give an incentive to try and listen!!!

The RICHES are in the Follow up!!!!

*At Follow up-Offer a FREE GIFT (product(s)/ coupons for discounts on product orders)- Get them to something BIGGER than you!!! Class/Party, 1-1 with upline VP, Opportunity Call or Meeting!!!

Step 2: “I’m In…NOW WHAT???!!!”

*1ST- Sign up and order products/Schedule 2 “Launch” Classes!!!

-FOR THE ORDER- (If $29 sign-up…get them into actions with your help to collect orders for ½ of the RSVP order…

Or get products off of 1st booking/launch classes..)

Great 1st Order suggestions-

You will want:

*RE9 Kit for personal use/classes

RE9 Body Kit- Serum/Lotion for classes

*Sea Salt scrub(s) for classes/hostess gifts

*Results/Tester Kits- Only purchase if taught how to use it correctly!

*Basic Biz Builder Order-

Minimum suggestions- RE9 Kit, RSVP or Results Order, RE9 Sample packs, Arbonne Now brochure/CD, Business Cards,

“Success From Home” Magazines- optional!!!

-Important to become a product of the products!

Explain why “Arbonnizing your home” is sooo important!!!

-Minimum of 2 “Launch” Classes- Do these within first 1-2 weeks of the business!!! Help with invites & planning (KEEP IT SIMPLE/DUPLICATIBLE) and it is beneficial to have 2 classes/parties in the same week!!!

*2nd- Schedule an appointment for “Strategy Session” at Starbuck’s or over phone with you and your upline

(VP if possible) within 48 hours of sign-up date!

-Complete Arbonne’s Action Plan Workbook and bring to coffee meeting for questions!

- Go over GOALS at this time AND get a “Plan of Action” for DM in motion- 1-2 month options only- not 3!!!

-Schedule rest of activity dates for the rest of the month!!!

Help them call (verbiage and action) and book at least 8-12 presentations and 1-1’s on their calendar at all times!!! Explain why we love majority of Class presentations –vs- 1-1’s…

”If you meet with a friend and she is not interested at a 1-1…you never meet her network….”

*Overbook---for cancellations…ALWAYS A REALITY!!!

*If a person isn’t able to:

-Attend a class or launch when handing out the invite or on a call invite you can:

1. If they missed last night- You can start the call by saying…”Wow…You missed a great party last night- then…Tell them you are going to take them a sample/kit to try SO THEY DON’T MISS OUT!!!….ALSO…Let them know they can host a class for you with 3-5 friends and get an incentive---suggest- skin care set discount/free/

Sea salt scrub…whatever you want to give!!! Have 2-4 open dates “pre-picked” by you ready to offer…don’t ask them what date they want…

  1. If no booking- Give incentives for you dropping off a sample pack or tester kit and getting 3-5 names from them that you can share Opp/Product with…and you will give them---fill in the blank!---for those contacts!
  2. Get them on the Sizzle Call and do a follow up for a free gift!!!

Step 3: Income-Producing Activity and


*Get into Massive Activity- Help them make calls (verbiage and 3 way calls) and let them go with you to watch Prospecting- Sample packs and Tester kit

drop-offs!!! ALSO- Have them follow you and their uplines for their first month at least! You can also have people partner up for launches/crosslines…


-Continue to help them with finding Business Partners…

Remember- People stick when they have a Team!!!

*Get plugged in- Attend a BIG Event to get the BIGGER picture and build that belief!!!

-Car Presentations, Trainings with Upline VP’s, Arbonne Opp Meetings!

-Get familiar with w and


-Read books about Arbonne TO BUILD BELIEF-

“The Gift”

-Dr. Shad Helmstetter

“The Future Choice”

-Michael S. Clouse


“KEEP IN MIND”!!!***

*Non-Income Producing Activities –vs- Income Producing Activities-

Non-Income Producing Activities:

Necessary to do to build a better “you” and your biz…but do these in addition to everything else!!!

Remember- Your biz is open when your mouth is open!!!

Reading Books/Listening to CD’s, Learn and Burns, AU Modules, Coaching Calls, Emails, Flyers, etc….

“Often He who does to much, does to little.”

-Italian Proverb

Income-Producing Activities move your biz forward….

Keep it simple and don’t reinvent the wheel!!!

Follow people whose businesses you want to have!!!

Sample packs, Tester kits, 1-1’s, Class Presentations, Conference Calls, Opportunity Meetings, Prospecting, anything you do to share the ARBONNE GIFT with others! Income-Producing activities help you put the Non-Income producing activities into ACTION….

Only with Massive activity will you get to where you are going in YOUR ARBONNE BIZ!!!

You must get COMFORTABLE with being UNCOMFORTABLE in this biz to move to the TOP!!!

“The difference between a successful person and others is not the lack of strength, not the lack of knowledge, but rather the lack of will!”

-Vince Lombardi

***Never Give Up!!! Just eliminate that from your options and start with the end in mind!!! You must have a NO MATTER WHAT ATTITUDE!!! Be an ENVP before you earn the title!!!! Whether you believe you can or can’t…Your right!!! This business is just a DECISION to do WHATEVER it takes no matter what!!!”

Are you PASSIONATE AND UNSTOPPABLE in your business??? Small price to pay to live your dreams…


“Countless unseen details are often the only difference between mediocre and magnificent!!!”