Munford Recreation Center:

(901) 837-5965

Dorothy Isbell

Sports Coordinator

(901) 837-5965

(901) 356-2187-cell

***I will be on maternity leave the majority of the season. Please still fill free to text/e-mail me if needed. If you need to talk to me please text & I will call you back as soon as I can. I am going to do my best to respond within 24 hours. If you need an immediate response please contact the office @ 837-5965 and speak with Cori or Glenn.

Glenn Beard


(901) 837-5965

(901) 598-8717

Cori Yarbrough

Programs Coordinator

(901) 837-5965

(901) 652-4358

Helpers @ the fields during the week:

Genesis Leftheris

Austin Gleason

*Please ask them any questions you may have during practices. Even if they don’t know the answer they will find out and get back with you.

On behalf of the Munford Parks and Recreation Department thank you for coaching this season. This season would not and could not be possible without you. People like you definitely provide our kids with an awesome league!!


Delta Marketing Services

Don Currie: President

*We order the jerseys & socks.

*When they come in we contact the coaches so that you can pick up them up.

*If you would like names on the back you will need to arrange it with Sign Prints @ 901.837.6384. Due to me being on maternity leave I will not be able to coordinate this. Each team will be responsible for handling it if they would like it.

Each player will receive a numbered jersey & a pair of socks. Players must have shin guards. If players choose to wear cleats they cannot have metal tips on the bottom.


Roger Cotton Photography

Picture Date: September 17th.

Location: Back of Valentine Park

Rain-Out Date: October 1st.

*Forms are located in the coaches’ folder to hand out. A link to the flyer is also in the soccer page on

NOTE: All Munford teams must use Roger Cotton Photography for pictures

Age Divisions:

U4 -2013 Birth Year

U6 -2011-2012 Birth Year

U8 -2009-2010 Birth Year

U10 -2007-2008 Birth Year

U12 -2005-2006 Birth Year

U18 -1999-2004 Birth Year

All-Teams are Co-Ed

Ages determined by the Birth Year and Season Matrix provided by US Soccer


Enclosed in this packet you will find your team roster. All rosters are final unless changed by MPR or approved by MPR. If you have incorrect names or numbers on your roster please contact MPR as soon as possible. Please know that mistakes will happen.


Each team will be allowed one to two week-night practices during the season. Also each team will be allowed one Saturday practice until the season begins.

After practice times are decided then no team may add a practice time unless pre-approved by MPR. Practice times may only be changed if approved by MPR.


Each team will play at least 7-8 season games. Please note that teams may not reschedule games without pre-approval from MPR. We typically make-up all games.

Rain-Out Conditions:

If it rains on a day that you have a game scheduled please call (901) 837-5965 for a recorded message or check on Facebook. You will also receive a call/text. Field conditions will be announced at 7:30am on Saturdays. Cancelled games will be made up if possible. Field decisions on practice nights will be made at 3:30pm. After we call/text the coach’s, it is the coach’s responsibility to contact all of their players.

Coach’s Form:

Coaches Code of Conduct: Before coaching each coach must sign and turn in the coach’s code of conduct (see attached). Please read before signing

Background: All coaches will be given background checks (including asst. coaches)

Contact Sheet: Coaches must also fill out the contact sheet (see attached)

Every coach will abide by City Ordinance 2002-8-01

MPR's 10 Ways to be a good coach:

1.) Have a parents meeting at the first practice
a.) explain your expectations
b.) explain your coaching style
c.) have everyone introduce themselves (parents and players)
d.) remind parents what equipment is needed
2.) Be organized and prepared
a.) have a lesson plan for practices (stay busy)
b.) have a pre-game routine
c.) keep parents informed about practices, games, pictures, etc
3.) Wear athletic clothes (shirt and shorts for example) to all practices and games
4.) Have the proper equipment
5.) Know the rules
6.) Treat players as individuals
7.) Remember that every player must play 50% of each game
8.) Don't put the entire emphases on winning. Winning is important but don't make that the overall focus
9.) Try and be the first one to every practice and game
10.) Assign asst. coaches to help you in any way you need


Concessions will be available at all games at Valentine Regional Park. Please visit the concessions for all your drink and food products.


Tipton County Trophies

(901) 647-0890

CCH Trophies

(901) 840-3651

We DO NOT provide trophies.

You can order trophies from either company if you like. They both give great prices!

Each team will get participation certificates if you request them to hand out to their team. It IS NOT your responsibility to provide/pay for the trophies and we prefer you not to. Collect money ($4-$5) to purchase the trophies.

Valentine Regional Park

Please remind players, parents, & spectators to throw away their garbage in a trash receptacle during practices & games.

Also please keep in mind that the field crew works daily on the fields so please do not let any players dig holes in the grass

2016 Fall Dates to Remember:

Practices Begin: Week of August 15th, 2016

Games Begin: Saturday September 10th, 2016

Pictures: September 17th, 2016

Spectator Behavior:

Please inform team parents that unacceptable behavior such as fighting, cursing, etc will not be tolerated in Valentine Regional Park. A minimum of a one month suspension will be issued to the Parent / Spectator involved in any unacceptable behavior at Valentine Regional Park.

Please remember that Spring Soccer is a Recreational League!!


Arguing, pushing or bad mouthing a MPR referee is unacceptable. Remember referee’s are there to call what they see and are not partial to one team versus the other. Any coach, parent, or player caught in an incident with a MPR umpire will be dealt with accordingly.

Email, Text, & Facebook:

Making phone calls can be very time consuming. Please provide an email that you check regularly so you are aware of updates, schedules, etc. Also for short messages I can text if you are okay with that. If you have a Facebook you can also add Munford Parks and Recreation to stay updated on our happenings.

Parents Meeting:

Your first practice should consist of a parents meeting. Introduce yourself to the parents. Fill them in on everything for the season. It is also good to designate a team mom to help with phone calls, game snack schedule, etc. Let them know that they need shin guards and prefer that they bring a soccer ball to practice. Please COMMUNICATE with you parents!


Everything that is in your coaches’ packet (excluding rosters) is located at on the soccer page. If you need more copies of something you are welcomed to go by the Rec Center and request them.

Concussion Training:

Cardiac Arrest Training:

Both of these trainings must be done and turned in ASAP. They must be done every year so if you have done it before it may be time for you to do it again. It is state mandated and very important we have it on file.