All carnivals will be held at HBF Stadium

E Division
Mon 9 March / D Division
Tue 10 March / C Division
Wed 11 March / B Division
Thu 12 March / A Division
Fri 13 March
1 / Carmel Adventist / 1 / Gingin / 1 / John Forrest / 1 / Leeming / 1 / Willetton
2 / Lakeland / 2 / Lynwood* / 2 / Comet Bay / 2 / Melville / 2 / Applecross
3 / Hampton / 3 / Moore Districts / 3 / Kelmscott / 3 / Darling Range / 3 / Perth Modern
4 / Warnbro / 4 / Ballajura / 4 / Ocean Reef / 4 / Duncraig / 4 / Churchlands
5 / South Fremantle / 5 / Governor Stirling / 5 / Kalamunda / 5 / John Curtin / 5 / Shenton
6 / Wanneroo / 6 / Ellenbrook / 6 / Kent St / 6 / Woodvale / 6 / Rossmoyne
7 / St George’s Anglican / 7 / Warwick / 7 / Como / 7 / Lesmurdie / 7 / Carine
8 / Belmont CC / Northam / 8 / 8 / Greenwood / 8 / Mt Lawley
Down in Division 2014
Up in Division 2014

[Note: Lanes are filled in the following order based on finishing position in the previous year. 4,5,3,6,2,7,1,8. Promoted schools fill lanes 1 and 8, demoted schools fill lanes 4 and 5] Please Note: Lanes remain constant for the carnival duration.*Lynwood to stay in D Division due to lower numbers in 2014


Carnival / Date / Carnival Manager / Computing
E Division / Monday 9March / Lynda Merritt / SSWA
D Division / Tuesday 10March / Lynda Merritt / SSWA
C Division / Wednesday11 March / Lynda Merritt / SSWA
B Division / Thursday 12March / Lynda Merritt / SSWA
A Division / Friday 13 March / Lynda Merritt / SSWA

SSWA OfficePhone 9264 4879Fax 9264 4015


Swimming Sport Coordinator: SSWA

Note:SIS school lists will be obtained from DoE by SSWA.


To be Supplied by Participating Schools

All schools are required to provide at least one staff official and AT LEAST six student officials to assist with pool deck duties.

Marshalling Assistants / 1 staff / 2 students
Poolside Recorders / 2 staff / 12 students
Announcers/Presentations / 2 staff / 6 students
Timekeepers / 12 students
Judges Assistants / 6 students
Starter Asst / False Start Rope / 4students
Refreshments / 1 staff / 6 students
Diving Pool Supervisor / 2 staff

Pool deck officials will be allocated by schooland published on the SSWA web site and at the end of this document. It is imperative that school officials and students arrive at 9.15am sharp and report to the announcer’s table to allow the event to start on time. Each school must supply at least 1 staff member and 6 students for pool deck duties.


SSWA will once again employ a Department Security Guard to patrol the areas outside the pool. The guard will be responsible for the following areas: Museum/Gym, Hall of Champions, Café, Concourse and Foyer. Schools will be levied ~$70 each to cover the cost of the guard. Schools will not need to bring an extra teacher to supervise these areas as they have had to do in previous years.


Team Names Submission

School Team Nominations are submitted online at the SSWA website.Schools on other systems will be required to submit whole of school lists by age and gender to facilitate the results program.SIS school lists will be obtained directly from DoE by SSWA.

Duty of Care

Schools are reminded that the DoE policies and guidelines as they apply to water based excursions operate for all competing schools.SSWA will insure that the competition is compliant with mandated requirements.HBF Stadium staff have indicated that students who are found in “no go” zones will be reported to the police.

MobilePhoneSchool Contact

All schools are required to provide a mobile phone contact number of a staff member at the event that can be used by SSWA for enquires about competitor details.


Because all carnivals will be conducted at the HBF Stadium there will be restrictions placed on the number of spectators who may attend.For 2015HBF Stadium additional temporary seating for extra spectators will only be available for the A Division Carnival if needed.Schools may be restricted to a maximum of 250 spectators including their swim team and cheer squad where appropriate.“A” Division schools may request seating for spectators and will be invoiced $1.50 per spectator [in addition to pool entry fee] by SSWA to cover the cost of hiring the seating.Schools should check the enclosed map to locate their seating allocation and marshalling area.A VIP area for principals and parents will be set aside; please keep competitors out of this area.

Marshalling & Finishing Procedure

The following procedures will operate for all events:

a)Competitors will use the bridge in front of the electronic score board as a means of getting to and from the marshalling and wet deck areas.No teachers or students will be permitted onto the wet deck area unless they have specific assigned duties to perform.

b)Competitors move to the marshalling area eight events prior to their own.

c)Prior to each event all competitors must report to the poolside recorders to have their name and school recorded.Timekeepers will advise swimmers of their place before they leave the pool.

d)Competitors should exit the pool from the side, not climb out over the starting block.

Warm-Up/Down Pool

Two lanes will be allocated in the diving pool for warm up/warm down purposes.This area will only operate as a warm up/down facility as long as it is used only for the purpose for which it is assigned. It is an individual school responsibility to have qualified staff to supervise the warm up/warm down process.The carnival coordinator reserves the right to close down the facility if it is being used for recreational swimming.


Program is available as separate document.


  • Only ‘A’ and ‘B’ division schools will be competing in the mixed relay.
  • The program stipulates that age groups be Yr 10 and over and Yr 9 and under for mixed relays, medley relays, 50m butterfly and 100m freestyle.


First aid is located underneath the main grand stand, pool side. Access is via the main stairs to pool deck.


The Snack Bar and/or the Café will be open at HBF Stadium. HBF Stadium will provide prepared lunches to school on request to the catering department.


Nomination costs

The nomination fee of$420(including $90 levy to cover security guard costs) will be invoiced by the School Sport WA.

Pool Entry Charges

Entry cost is $3.40 per student competitor and student spectator and $3.40 per adult.Schools are to inform HBF Stadium of their numbers on the day of the carnival and a tax invoice will be forwarded to the school. Schools are asked not to bring a cheque to the event as HBF cannot issue receipts on the day.


Schools have been graded in 2015 according to their results in 2014.The top two from each carnival will move up to the next division and the last two place getters will move down to a lower carnival division.Some adjustments may be made to cater for nomination variations due to changing schools’ status.


  • These carnivals could not operate without considerable support from teacher and student officials.
  • Each school is required to provide a specific number of officials. Details are included in this package.
  • All officials should report to the carnival manager by 9.00 am.
  • It is the responsibility of all schools to supply the prescribed number of officials on time. In some cases senior, reliable students may be used for the wet deck duty.

Student Conduct

  • Warm up laps may be swum in the main pool prior to 9.15 am. Swimmers should warm up in their allocated school lane and under the supervision of their own staff.
  • Bugles, rattles and other noisy instruments should not be taken to the carnival
  • Crepe paper/streamers are not to be taken to the carnival.
  • Guidelines for supervision staff, (drawn up as a result of discussions between principals, HBFStadium staff and physical education teachers) are included in this package.

Presentation Ceremony

Team Marshals and supervising teachers are asked to have all students seated quietly in their areas immediately after the last event.The Captain(s) from each school is/are to assemble, with their school’s flag, next to the announcer alongside the main pool.SSWA will endeavour to notify year group champions prior to the final relay events and they will be required to be available at the presentation area to receive their championship medallion.If for any reason there is a mispronunciation of name or any other anomaly observed please notify the meet coordinator prior to departure.


Spectators are to remain seated until directed to move by the Carnival Manager and depart the stadium through the back gate under the supervision of staff.

Numbers to Attend

Schools have been asked to indicate spectator numbers on the Nomination Form.Please advise SSWA if there is a variation to this number.This is essential so that allocation to seating areas can be completed efficiently.This is particularly relevant to the “A” carnival where seating allocations are at a premium.

Student Photography

Official action photographers may be in attendance at the event and schools are reminded that they are required to inform SSWA officials prior to the event of any students who are not to be photographed.


Prior to Your Event

Report to your Team Marshal who will, in turn, direct you to the Chief Marshal.

Starting Procedure

Signal from Chief RefereeSwimmer’s Action

Whistle blastStep onto the block.

Stand steady on the block.


Signal from Starter

“Take your Marks”Move into your normal start position.

Look down your lane.

Wait in a steady position.

Horn will soundGo!

Finish Procedure

  • Swim hard to the wall and touch firmly with one or both hands according to stroke requirements
  • Rest on the lane rope until you are signaled to leave by the Chief Referee.
  • The first three place gettersto report to the presentation dais to be recognised.


Events and Year Groups / Ages

Events are conducted in year groups. There will be an age cutoff for the year group however. The age cutoff for the year group is 30th June. The following cutoffs will apply:

Year Group / Age cutoffs
Year 7 / 1 July 2002 – 30 June 2003
Year 8 / 1 July 2001 – 30 June 2002
Year 9 / 1 July 2000 – 30 June 2001
Year 10 / 1 July 1999 – 30 June 2000
Year 11 / 1 July 1998 – 30 June 1999
Year 12 & over / Before June 30 1998

Individual Events

There are no restrictions on the number of events that an individual may enter, providing the events are in accord with the particular year grouping. A swimmer may swim up a year group but may only swim in that year group other than an open event.Any student swimming in more than one year group will be disqualified.

Ages [Year Groups]

All ages are reckoned as on 30th Junein the year of competition.All swimmers must have their year group marked clearly on their left arm with a permanent felt marker pen – approx 8cm tall [similar to triathlon]. This will assist marshals in ensuring that swimmers are competing in the correct age group.

Year Group Champions

Points will be allocated to students who compete in A Division events and in other events for which they are eligible by year groupi.e. underage or open events.The points gained will be credited to their year grouping and will be allocated according to the points gained by the school event. i.e. A Division 1st place will be 12 points; 2nd place 9points etc.

Mixed Relay[Only contested at “A” and “B” division carnivals–Yr 9 & under and Yr 10 & over year groups].

Mixed relayteams shall consist of 2 boys and 2 girls who may swim in any order. Competitors in this event shall NOT be eligible to swim in the boys and girls’ Freestyle Relays. However they may swim in the Medley Relays.

If a swimmer named in the boys’ or girls’ Freestyle Relay becomes incapacitated during the carnival, they may only be replaced with a member of the mixed Relay by obtaining the permission of the Carnival Manager.


A Division event12, 9, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1

B & C Division events 9, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1

D Division events 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1

Mixed Relays 18, 14, 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1

Relays24, 18, 14, 10, 6, 4, 2, 1

Meritorious School

The meritorious school award is calculated by dividing the schools overall pointsby theTOTAL [Yrs 7-12] school population. The school with the highest calculation wins the award. If the winning champion school ranks as the highest meritorious school the 2nd place school will be awarded the meritorious award.


Schools will swim in their allocated lane for all events. Lane allocations are found in the front of this booklet.


1.Time - either prior to the start of an event or up to 30 minutes after the conclusion of an event.

2.By the school Team Manager or Coach. the Carnival Manager.

4.Decision - will be made by the Carnival Manager in consultation with the Carnival Referees.

Cheer Squads and Music

Music will only be accepted on CD.Performances will only occur during 100m and relay events.Cheerleaders must remain in the seating area belonging to their team when they are not performing in their allocated time slot. Cheerleaders are not to be on the pool deck more than five minutes before or after their routines.


False Start Rope Stewards

Take control of the false start rope when the Referee blows the whistle indicating the race is about to start.In the event of false start, which is signaled by the Starter sounding the hooter again, the Rope Stewards shall immediately lower the rope and hold it stretched tight on the surface of the water thereby preventing any competitor from continuing the race.

Presentation Area

The first 3 place getters will be required to assemble at the presentation dais and be announced.


Take result sheets from poolside recorders to Announcer and computer recording room before each event.

Poolside Recorders

Ensure results copies are taken immediately to;

  • the computer recording station and
  • the announcer

Record name and school of all competitors in school lane order before each event.


Manually operate the timing buttons in each lane at the finish end of the pool. These are a back up for the computer operator.

Computer Room Assistants

Assist with certificates, collating results and problem solving as required.

Refreshment Attendants

Commence duties at 10.15AM.Ensure that all pool deck officials, both staff and students, receive adequate refreshment during the carnival. (Please insure that non-slip shoes are worn by these students).Assist with drinks for other staff members in the refreshment room.Ensure the refreshment room is kept tidy at all times.Refreshments are only supplied to carnival officials who have been assigned duties by the meet manager.This includes student officials.Teachers in the stand will be required to purchase their own refreshments and food.


Duty of Care
Schools are reminded that the Department policies and guidelines as they apply to water based excursions operate for all competing schools.This is an individual school responsibility.School SportWA will insure that the competition is conducted in compliance with mandated Department requirements.
  • Supervising staff should endeavor to maintain relative quiet for start of events and while PA is in use.
  • Noise making instruments and crepe paper streamers are not permitted at carnivals.
  • For ‘Duty of Care’ requirements it is necessary for school to provide staff for maximum carnival supervision. After the provision of team marshals and carnival officials, the minimum staff/student ration is to be 1:20.
  • Specific teacher supervision instructions should be given to staff.
  • Schools should provide their supervising teachers with passes to help control student movement to the toilets and kiosk.Individual schools can decide how best to use these passes.The following strategies have been used successfully in the past:
  • A limited number of passes to be held by teachers with provision for name, time and teacher’s initials.
  • Each spectator to be issued with a pass requiring teacher’s endorsement of time.
  • All staff are asked to wear identification showing name and school.This will greatly assist students, carnival officials, teachers from other schools, and venue staff.
  • Swimming is restricted to competitors in the main pool only – i.e. there will be no recreational swimming.
  • To avoid overcrowding in kiosk/vending machine areas, a release of students at a rate of 2% of spectators each 5 minutes would allow a steady flow and permit students an absence from the stands for about 20 minutes.


Carnival Manager (supplied by School SportWA)

Responsible for the overall organisation and operation of the carnival.

Referee (Swimming WA accredited official)

  • PRE-REQUISITE - Must have a thorough knowledge of swimming, swimming laws and carnival procedures.
  • Assist Carnival Manager to check all officials are present and aware of their duties 20 minutes before competition is due to start.
  • Will be positioned on both sides of the pool to observe the stroking of competitors during each race.The Assistant Referees have no power to disqualify but may recommend to the Referee that a certain lane should be disqualified for certain infringements.
  • Act as referees for relay changeovers for the first and third change.
  • He/she should signal the starter by a whistle blast to start the next event.
  • To clear pool at the conclusion of each race.


The Starter assumes control of the competitors from the time they step up onto their blocks until after the signal to start has been given.

The Starter must explain to the competitors:

  • The method of starting the race (may be done by Assistant Starter).
  • When the whistle is blown by the Referee, the competitors will position themselves on to their blocks.

The Starter gives the command “Take Your Marks”. All competitors will immediately and without delay assume their starting position.