07G11389 -Management Information Systems
Professor Jonathan Wareham
07G11389 - Management Information Systems
Spring 2008
Mondays 9.00-10.30; Wednesdays 11.00-12.30
Building 3, 0014
Jonathan D. Wareham Ph.D.
Dept. of Information Systems, ESADE
Building 1, Room 143
Benjamin Hughes,
Ph.D. Candidate, ESADE
Immediately after class; or please make appointment by email.
Class Web:
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a broad knowledge of Information Technology as it relates to business operations and strategy. Information Technology is increasingly permeating all aspects of business operations, be it accounting, operations, sales, marketing, HR, etc. Today’s managers must be knowledgeable about the function, use and consequences of current IT applications.
While this is not a real programming class per se, we will be discussing technology issues on a functional level. The intent is to make students aware of what the main technologies are and how they work. Only by obtaining a certain level of “technology literacy” are managers able to assess the challenges in procuring, implementing, and successfully applying technology to their organization’s benefit.
Student Assessment:
Grade % / Date DueParticipation / 10% / Every day
Data Base Exercise / 10% / April23
Technology Brief 1 / 10% / May 30
Technology Brief 2 / 10% / May 7
Technology Brief 2 / 10% / May 19
Final Exam / 50% / May 28
Data Base Exercise
Data bases are the heart of almost every IT application: ERP, CRM, Data-Mining, CallCenters, Supply Chain, Revenue Management, etc. Therefore, an understanding of database operations is essential to “technical literacy”. The data base exercise will be a simple exercise completed in Microsoft Access (or any other application if you prefer). This exercise is fairly easy. The purpose is to familiarize students with relational databases, data normalization, and simple query operations. The exercise will be distributed on April7 and is due onApril 23.
Technology Briefs
Technology briefs are 3 page “white papers” completed by students. The purpose of these exercises is to give students the chance to gain an in depth knowledge of specific technology applications or trends.
These “white papers” are to be a maximum of 3 pages (remember less is often more) and should follow this simple template:
- Description of technology purpose/motivation
- Description of how technology functions
- Discussion of how organizations employ the technology to their benefit
- Analysis of current market for technology
- Estimation of future evolution of technology
Sources: Please use a minimum of 5 different sources. Cite all of your sources correctly. Please see my comment under student conduct concerning plagiarism.
As some topics are more or less relevant, some variation in this structure is acceptable according to your judgment. You may choose three of any topics from the following list. If you would like to write on a different topic, then please have it approved by me first.
- Data Base Management Systems
- Web Services
- Open Source
- Supply Chain Management Systems
- CRM Systems
- Wireless, 2G & 3G
- IT Security
- Digital Convergence
- Nano Technology
- Out Source/Offshoring
- Scientific Computing
- Grid or Cloud Computing
- Other topics are also acceptable; please get them approved by me first.
You may submit the technology briefs whenever you prefer. However, please note the deadlines of April 30th, May 7th, May 19th. Please turn in a physical copy to me of Ben in class.
Final Exam
The final exam will be held on May 28thfrom 9.00 to 12.00. The exam is closed book. However, a single, 2-sided sheet of notes is permitted.
Student Conduct:
I encourage active participation in class. We are here to learn, but there is no reason to be miserable or bored.
Plagiarism is defined as the act of presenting the ideas or writings of another as one's own. This includes cut and paste off the Internet, as well as cheating on an exam. Plagiarism is a serious violation of ESADE student conduct regulations, as well as all traditional academic norms. All instances of plagiarism will receive the maximum penalties. If you are in doubt as to what constitutes plagiarism, I would encourage you to review the following website, or simply ask me.
Here is some common sense:
- If you use someone else's ideas, you should cite the source.
- If the way in which you are using the source is unclear, make it clear.
- If you received specific help from someone in writing the paper, acknowledge it.
Date / Lect # / Topic / Readings
02/4 / 1 / Introduction /
- “A Conversation about Information Technology” HarvardBusinessSchool, 9-605-023
- “Information Technology Management from 1960-2000” HarvardBusinessSchool 9-30147
- Friedman T. “The Ten Forces that Flattened the World” chapter 2, The World is flat: A Brief History of the 21st Century pp. 48-172.
07/4 / 2 / Databases & Open Source /
- Hillyer. M “An Introduction to Database Normalization”
- “MySQL Open Source Database in 2004” StanfordGraduateSchool of Business Case SM-124
09/4 / 3 / ERP Systems /
- “Putting the Enterprise into the Enterprise System” Harvard Business Review, 2003.
- “Nestle´s ERP Odyssey” CIO Magazine, May 15 2002.
- “Tektronix, Inc. Global ERP Implementation” HBS Case 9-699-043
14/4 / 4 / Supply Chain Systems & RFID /
- The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview with Dell Computer's Michael Dell,Harvard Business Review
- Jacobs, D. “Anatomy of a Supply Chain,” Supply Chain Technology News, March, 2003
- Kotha et al. “Boeing 787: The Dreamliner” HBS Case 9-305-101 2005
16/4 / 5 / Technology and Marketing:
CRM Systems & beyond /
- Loveman D. “Diamonds in the Data Mine” Harvard Business Review 2003
- “Hendler R. and F. Hendler “ Revenue Management in Fabulous Las Vegas: Combing relationship management and revenue management to maximize profitability” Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
21/4 / 6 / XML & Web Services /
- Johnston E. “An XML Primer” Technical Support 2000.
- McAfee, A. “Will Web Services Really Transform Collaboration” Sloan Management Review 2005
- Hagel J. “Web Services: Technology as a Catalyst for Strategic Thinking”
23/4 / 7 / Systems Integration /
- “Toy Box: Managing Dynamic Digital Products” Teaching Case: IveySchool of Business
- “eStore and Shell Canada Limited” Teaching case: IveySchool of Business
28/4 / 8 / Re-engineering & Control Structures /
- Hammer M. “Reengineering Work,: Don´t Automate, Obliterate” Harvard Business Review 1990
- Gurbaxani, V. and S. Whang (1991) “The Impact Of Information Systems on Organizations and Markets,” Communications of the ACM 34,(1), pp. 59-73
- Davenport, T. “Business Process Reengineering: Its Past, Present and Possible Future” HarvardBusinessSchool 9-196-082
30/4 / 9 / IS Security /
- “iPremier” HBS case 9-605-022
- “How Hackers Break In, and How they Are Caught” Scientific American, October 1998 pp. 69-89.
- Austin R. & D.R. Darby “The Myth of Secure Computing” Harvard Business Review. June 2003.
05/5 / 10 / Telecom, Wireless & Digital Convergence /
- “iPod vs. Cell Phone: A Mobile Music Revolution?” HBS case 9-707-419
- “Teleconglomerate” The EconomistFeb 23, 2005.
- “Communications, Media and Technology|2008” Oliver Wyman
07/5 / 11 / The Long Tail, Web 2.0 and Internet Business Models
Guest Lecture
Paul Fox /
- McAfee (2006), "Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration", Sloan Management Review, April, 2006
- (online) Anderson (2006), "The Long Tail" (
- (online) Anderson (2008), "Free! Why $0.00 is the Future of Business" (
14/5 / 12 / IT Management: From CIO to CEO /
- “Otis Elevator: Accelerating Business Transformation with IT” HBS Case 9-305-048
- “Volkswagen of America: Managing IT Priorities” HBS Case 9-606-003
19/5 / 13 / Offshoring /
- “The Global Software Industry in 2006” Asia Case Research Center HKU582
- “Will you Survive the Services Revolution?” Harvard Business Review, 2004.
26/5 / 14 / ICT and Inclusion
Review /
- Austin R., J. Wareham, X. Busquets, “Specialisterne: Sense and Detail” HBS Case 9-608-109, March 2008.
28/5 / 15 / Final Exam