Anderson County High School

Family and Consumer Sciences

Foods and Nutrition 1A

Teacher: Jessica Harley

Course Description: This course is designed to assist students in making critical decisions about food, which contributes to health and well-being. Laboratory instruction is included as an application process. Practical problems addresses relate to attitude towards food, nutrition facts, special health concerns and diets, managements of food resources, preparation skills and careers in nutrition and food service. Leadership development will be provided through Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.

Units of Study

Nutrition & Wellness

Food Choices

Safety & Sanitation


Daily & Group Activities

Open Responses/On-Demand Writing

Class Participation

Special Projects

Quizzes/Unit Exams and Final Exam

Evaluation: Points are given based on the activity. Point totals are converted to a percentage for a final grade. The school-wide grading scale will be used. Final Exam is worth 20% of the class grade. Exam exemptions given per school policy.

Course Requirements:

·  Successfully complete foods 1A class with a “C” in order to continue the ACHS Culinary program

·  Successful completion of all activities, projects, and labs

·  Responsible for general care and maintenance of equipment and the lab

Class Expectations:

  1. Do not disrupt others from learning.
  2. Respect the rights and property of others.
  3. Keep the classroom clean.
  4. Be organized.
  5. Come to class prepared to learn.
  6. Respect Yourself.
  7. Do your very best!

Consequences: Disruption to the classroom routine will result in consequences which will be logical and determined according to the offense. Possible consequences include conference with teacher, parent contact or written referral to the office.

Class Fee

There is $20.00 class administered for Foods & Nutrition. This helps cover the price of food, sanitation items, and other resources. The class fee is due ______.

Materials Needed: (Please have materials by______)

  1. Binder w/ loose-leaf paper & dividers
  2. Pen or pencil
  3. Dish Soap

Binders: You will need a binder to serve as your foods and culinary binder. This binder will journey with you throughout your duration in this area of study. You will need to keep this binder every trimester and bring it with you for the next foods or culinary class that you enroll in. You will also need 5 page dividers to use in your binder. They will need to be labeled: Vocabulary, Notes, Recipes, Lab Reports and Professional. You will receive a binder grade end of each unit and at the end of the trimester for staying organized with your binder. You will need this binder along with notebook paper and writing utensil each day.

Extra Info:

·  Excused Absences: Students are required to make up work for an excused absence. They are given one week to complete these assignments. If a student misses school the day of a lab they are expected to make this lab up at home.

Classroom Procedures:

1.  First Five: When it is time for class to begin, be prepared for the bellringer. You only have 5 minutes to write down and answer the question/statement on the board.

2.  Class Assignments/Projects: All assignments must be turned in on time; assignments turned in late will result in point deductions. There will be no participation in food labs (this includes eating) if a student has more than one zero for a missing assignment.

3.  Turning in Assignments: In order to maintain daily assignments and homework, there is a turn in tray. You will turn in all assignment/work into your class’ designated tray. The grading scale will be followed according to school policy. Work turned in at other locations will result in no grade on that work.

4.  Make-Up Work: Each class has a designated folder that absent work will be placed in. It is neatly organized according to class period. The assignments will be showcased for one week. If you miss a day of school, please check the folder to gather missed assignments. It is your responsibility to get your work and ask me questions about what you have missed in a timely manner.

5.  Make up Exams/Labs: Always feel free to see me before or after school if you need any help or need to make-up an exam from an excused absence.

6.  Hall Passes: Each student will receive four passes that may be used throughout semester. These passes will allow students to visit a locker or to go the restroom during class if needed. Students will only be allowed to leave class four times for necessary visits and any pass that is not used by the end of the semester can be turned into me for five bonus points per pass. All students understand that no one may leave my classroom during the first ten class minutes or last ten class minutes. (If you have any reasons that would affect this, please notify me.)

7.  Final Five: There will often be an Exit Activity for which you must complete and turn in before leaving class. When I dismiss class, you need to make sure that all books/materials are picked up and put away. No one will leave the classroom until the room is straight.

8.  Foods Labs: While in the kitchen, everyone must work together as a team and follow all lab expectations. Safety is the number one priority during lab and anyone not adhering to this will be asked to sit down and receive a zero for that lab.

9.  Purses and Backpacks: These items should be placed away from counter tops and tables. You may store under class tables. If you do not like this procedure leave these items in your locker.

10.  Cell Phones: No cell phone use is allowed in the classroom. Cell phones should be kept in backpacks and purses at all times. On the first offense, cell phones can be picked up by student at the end of the day; second offense, a legal guardian will need to pick up phone after school.