News and Information from your Parents as Teachers Program of the Winsted Family Resource Center January, 2015
Batcheller Early Education Center 201 Pratt St. Winsted, CT
Happy New Year!
We are very excited about starting another new year with our families. Although the weather is still cold and wintery, the days are slowly getting longer. Why not consider this New Year’s resolution: I can make a difference! We will be scheduling a new program for parents called Parent Voices. We will explore ways to effectively become agents for change in our community.
We will also be offering the Conscious Discipline series.
Watch for dates and times.
January Dates to Remember
Jan. 5Preschool Screening
Jan. 9Pasta Dinner Benefit
Jan. 19Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan. 29Field Trip to KidsPlay
Preschool screening, Jan. 5th If your child turned 3 or 4 before January 1st , please call our office to schedule a screening. Please inform any other Winsted parents that this service is available and attending screening qualifies your child to enter the lottery to be selected as a peer model for our Batcheller Pre-K program for children with identified needs.
Pasta Dinner to benefit Jacob Keesler on Friday,Jan. 9th at 5:00 until 7:00. Jacob is the 22 month old son of our colleague, Rachel Keesler. Rachel is a home visitor to our Winsted Early Head Start families and is a member of many of our local committees. Her son was recently diagnosed with Glut1-DS after months of searching for reasons for various delays. Please take the time to read more about this special boy on Robin and Lisa always make the best pasta so please join us. Tickets are $10 and available in the FRC.
Field Trip to KidsPlay, Thursday, Jan. 29th .
We have a wonderful new resource closer to home – KidsPlay in Torrington. They have added many more exhibits so we’re sure to have a great time. The group will meet at KidsPlay at 10:00 AM. More information to follow.
.860 379-0828
Miss Robin is helping Julissa with her ornament at Miss JoAnne”s home child care.
Reach Out & Read: The Power of Parents & the Influence of Doctors
Reach Out & Read is a nonprofit organization preparing our youngest children to succeed in school by partnering with doctors to prescribe books and encourage families to read together. The organization trains and supports medical providers who give books to children and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud at well-child exams. Because the first five years of life offer a critical window for learning, with rapid brain development that does not occur at any other time, their literacy approach not only promotes language and literacy skills but builds a sound relationship that secures a strong foundation for social emotional development. Research shows that children who start school on track are more likely to reach their full educational, social and life potential.
We have one practice in Litchfield County that participates in this program. Why not talk to your child’s pediatrician about joining. They can read about the importance of this project and obtain resources by going to the American Academy of Pediatrics website and searching “books build connections toolkit” and by going to
Parent Voices Parent engagement and parent involvement have become “buzz” words at the state and local levels. It is the expectation that parents have a voice in their child’s education. Ruthann will bring together a group of interested parents to explore and design strategies, based on the vision of the group, to influence positive change in our district. Join us on Wednesdays, starting January 21stat the FRC. More info to follow.
The following information is taken from the CT ELDS (Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards) Action Guide: What Can I Do to Support Early Learning and Development? The Action Guide can be accessed on the Office of Early Childhood website:
Language & Literacy
Communicating using your body, language, signs and written communication
What adults can do……
You really can change the world if you care enough.
Marian Wright Edelman