HCM560: Midterm Exam
Please respond to two of the following questions in precise, well-informed essays. Submit the completed exam to the Dropbox and Turnitin.com no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.
1. The amount of health care-related litigation in the United States has increased dramatically in the past 20 years. Some people say the health care system is overwhelmed because capability and capacity have been outdistanced by demand. Others claim that profit-driven organizations have encouraged health care organizations to cut corners to improve the bottom line. Finally, some say that in the rush to digitalize operations and improve efficiencies, consumer information mistakes are being made. You may expound on any one of the three reasons for the increase in health care litigation or develop a fourth theme of your choosing.
2. The shift in health care delivery expectations and demands seems to have surprised many providers. While some are clearly ahead of the curve in terms of becoming more consumer-focused, others have dug in their collective heels to maintain the traditional provider-centered approach. Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each perspective and provide a cogent argument for promoting either one.
3. It is a best practice in customer service to manage consumers’ expectations. Doing so can avoid confusion and frustration and make a transaction much more enjoyable and/or productive. Managing consumer expectations, however, has traditionally been the exception rather than the rule in most health care events, and it appears that it has not changed much in the last 100 years. In a cogent, precise essay, explain why managing expectations is apparently so lacking in contemporary health care. In addition, explain how and if well fabricated communication activity might provide a vehicle for improving the situation.
4. It is clear that the health care landscape is changing from a patient/consumer perspective. In part, this is said to be a generational phenomena. Others argue that it just makes financial sense in the long run to please consumers. While both of these arguments have merit, make a case for either one in a concise, well-argued essay. Also, discuss the role of communication in addressing either position.