Shields Stamps and Coins Pty Ltd

ACN 006 793 648

52 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Australia

Fax: 9459 5911 Tel: 9459 5953

Shop hours: Monday - Saturday 11am – 5pm

Members of APTA Melbourne

We are Royal Australian Mint accredited dealers and as such supply new issues (while available from the Mint) at mint issue price.

Price list for average condition: Selected coins, unbent, without verdigris and with all major lettering readable. Coins before 1936 are good or better and later dates will grade fine or better. A selection of better grade coins is always available at higher prices, and poorer grade coins, particularly pre-1921 silver, are available at cheaper prices.

Australian Pre-decimal Coins


1910...... 6.00...15.00....15.00.....30.00

1911...... 2.00.....2.00...12.00...15.00....20.00.....30.00

1912...... 2.00.....2.00...20.00...30.00....20.00.....25.00

1913...... 3.00.....2.00...... 20.00.....25.00

1914...... 5.00.....12.00...20.00...20.00....10.00...... 16.00

1914H...... 5.00...... 60.00

1915...... 8.00...50.00...... 50.00.....60.00

1915H.....45.00.....7.00...... 60.00.....30.00

1916...... 2.00.....2.00...20.00...25.00.....8.00...... 16.00

1917...... 2.00.....2.00....8.00...15.00.....8.00...... 16.00

1918...... 20.00.....7.00....8.00...40.00.....8.00...... 16.00

1919...... 2.00.....2.00....8.00....8.00...... 20.00

1919/...... 5.00......

1920...... 3.00.....4.00...12.00...15.00....13.00......

1920/...... 7.00......

1920/...... 7.00......

1921...... 2.00.....2.00....9.00......

1921 M...... 5.00....8.00...... 60.00..20.00

1922...... 2.00.....2.00....5.00...25.00....15.00...... 16.00

1923...... POR.....3.00...30.00...15.00...... 16.00

1924...... 12.00.....2.00....7.00...... 16.00

1925...... 4.00....175.00....3.00...14.00.....8.00...... 16.00

1926...... 2.00.....5.00....3.00...10.00.....8.00...... 16.00

1927...... 2.00.....2.00....3.00....6.00.....8.00.....18.00

1928...... 4.00.....2.00....3.00....6.00....18.00...... 16.00

1929...... 2.00.....2.00......

1930...... 12.00......

1931...... 8.00.....9.00...... 8.00.....16.00

1932...... 2.00.....3.00...... 380.00

1933...... 2.00.....2.00......

1934...... 2.00.....2.00....3.00....8.00....10.00...... 16.00

1935...... 2.00.....2.00....3.00...20.00....20.00...... 16.00

1936...... 2.00..... 2.00....3.00...... 4.00...8.00...... 16.00

1938...... 2.00..... 2.00....3.00...... 4.00...8.00...... 16.00

1939...... 2.00..... 2.00....3.00...... 4.00.....8.00.....30.00

1939 Roo...... 40.00..2.00......

1940...... 3.00..... 2.00....3.00...... 4.00.....20.00....16.00

1940 K.G...... 8.00......

1941...... 2.00.....3.00....3.00...... 4.00.....8.00.....16.00

1941 K.G...... 7.00......

1941 Y...... 2.00......

1942...... 4.00...... 25.00...... 4.00.....8.00.....16.00

1942 Y...... 2.00.....2.00...... D3.00...D4.00......

1942 I...... 2.00.....2.00...... S3.00...S4.00....S8.00....S16.00

1943...... 2.00.....2.00...... 3.00...... 8.00...... 16.00

1943 I...... 2.00.....2.00...... S3.00...S4.00....S8.00....S16.00

1944...... 5.00.....3.00...... 8.00.....16.00

1944 Y...... 2.00...... S3.00...S4.00....S8.00....S16.00

1945...... 2.00...... 4.00...... 16.00

1945 Y...... 2.00.....2.00......

1946...... 2.00.....80.00...... 3.00.....4.00.....8.00

1946 S...... 10.00......

1947...... 2.00....2.00...... 8.00

1947 Y...... 2.00.....4.00......

1948...... 2.00.....2.00....2.00...... 3.00.....4.00......

1948 Y...... 2.00.....6.00......

1949...... 2.00.....2.00....2.00......

1950...... 2.00....2.00...... 3.00.....4.00......

1950 Y...... 2.00.....2.00......

1951...... 3.00.....2.00....2.00...... 3.00...... 8.00

1951 Y...... 2.00.....2.00......

1951 PL.....2.00.....2.00....2.00...... 3.00......

1952...... 2.00....2.00....3.00...... 4.00.....8.00

1952 A...... 4.00.....2.00......

1953...... 2.00....5.00....3.00.....5.00.....8.00

1953 A...... 2.00.....2.00......

1954...... 2.00...... 3.00....3.00...... 4.00.....8.00

1955...... 2.00....2.00....3.00...... 4.00......

1955 Y...... 2.00.....2.00......

...... 1/2d...... 1d.....3d.....6d...... 1/-...... 2/-

1956...... 2.00....2.00....3.00...... 4.00.....8.00

1956 Y...... 2.00......

1957...... 2.00....2.00....3.00...... 4.00.....8.00

1958...... 2.00....2.00....3.00.....4.00...... 8.00

1958 Y...... 2.00......

1959...... 2.00.....2.00....2.00....3.00.....4.00...... 8.00

1959 Y...... 2.00......

1960...... 2.00.....2.00....2.00....3.00...... 4.00.....8.00

1961...... 2.00.....2.00....2.00....3.00...... 4.00.....9.00

1962...... 2.00.....2.00....2.00....3.00.....4.00...... 8.00

1963...... 2.00.....2.00....2.00....3.00...... 4.00.....8.00

1964...... 2.00....2.00......

1964 Y...... 2.00.....2.00......

Complete Set..210.00..395.00..250.00..300.00...... 625.00...1485.00

½dset excludes 1923, 1d set excludes 1930, Florins include commemoratives.

Commemorative Florins and Crowns

1927...... Canberra...... 18.00

1934/5...... Melbourne Centenary...... 450.00

1951...... Jubilee...... 9.00

1954...... Royal Visit...... 9.00

1937...... Coronation Crown...... 45.00

1938...... Crown...... 175.00

Australian Decimal Uncirculated Coins





















1985....3.00..3.00 30.00.....9.00...20.00..15.00..5.00......


1987....2.00..8.00..3.00..3.0012.00.....15.00 15.00.



1990..2.00..... 45.00 15.00


1992...... 3.00..5.00...20.00..30.00..65.00..12.00

1993...... 3.00..5.00...40.00..25.00..8.00..20.00

1994...... 3.00..5.00...9.00...15.00..

1995...... 3.0025.00.....50.00..7.00..15.00..15.00

1996...... 3.00..

1997...... 3.0065.00..12.00....35.00..35.00..15.00

1998...... 3.005.00.....9.00...7.00..12.00..39.00

1999...... 3.005.00...8.00.....10.00 12.00 50.00

2000...... 3.005.00...8.00.....7.0070.00....60.00

2001...... 2.00..5.00...8.00.....6.006.00....50.00

2002...... 2.00..5.00...5.00.....6.00..6.00..15.00

2003...... 2.00..4.00...5.00.....6.00..8.00..15.00

2004...... 2.00..4.00...5.00.....4.00..7.00..15.00

2005...... 2.00..4.00..10.00.....6.009.00..15.00


(save up to 10%)Complete Lot $2300

Decimal Proof Sets

1966..First Decimal Set—scarce...... 375.00

1966..Proof Set Toned...... 150.00

1969..Scarce...... 325.00

1970..Captain Cook...... 190.00

1971..Mintage only 10,066...... 220.00

1972..Mintage only 10,272...... 210.00

1973..Mintage only 10,090...... 210.00

1974..Mintage only 11,103...... 185.00

1975...... 50.00

1976..Hard to find...... 74.00

1977..Silver Jubilee...... 36.00

1978...... 33.00

1979...... 38.00

1980...... 30.00

1981..Bargain...... 30.00

1982..Commonwealth Games...... 30.00

1983..Includes Scarce 20c...... 35.00

1984...... 40.00

1985..First Set with $1 coin...... 60.00

1986..Includes Year of Peace $1...... 65.00

1987...... 70.00

1988..Bicentennial 50c,$1: new $2...... 75.00

1989...... 70.00

1990..Lowest mintage since 1979...... 135.00

1991..Last 1c, 2c; Rams Head 50c...... 110.00

1992..Includes Olympic $1...... 90.00

1993..Includes Landcare $1...... 80.00

1994..Year of the Family...... 85.00

1995..Weary Dunlop...... 85.00

1996..Henry Parkes...... 130.00

1997..Kingsford Smith...... 175.00

1998..Bass & Flinders...... 175.00

1999..Year of Older Persons ...... 180.00

2000..Millennium Multicolour 50c...... 350.00

2001..Federation Multicolour 50c...... 180.00

2002 ..Outback Multicolour Dollar ...... 130.00

2003...Volunteers...... 110.00

2004..Hologram Dollar...... 110.00

2005..60th Anniv end of WWII...... 125.00

2006..40th Anniv Decimal Currency.....110.00

2007..Surf Lifesavers...... 110.00

2008..Planet Earth Set of 6...... 120.00

2009..Astronomy Set of 6...... 150.00

2009..Astronomy Set of 2...... 50.00

2010..Regular Designs...... 175.00

2010..Burke and Wills 2 coin set...... 50.00

2011..Wool Set of 2...... 55.00

2012..Wheat Set of 6...... 150.00

2012..Wheat Set of 2...... 60.00

2013...... 130.00

2014...... 140.00

2015..50th Ann Canberra Mint...... 120.00

2016..50th Ann Decimal Currency...... 100.00

These sets make ideal gifts for births, christenings, anniversaries, souvenirs and collectors!

Masterpieces in Silver

1988..Bicentennial Silver–1988...... 90.00

1989..50 Cents set...... 140.00

1990..$1 set...... 130.00

1991..25th Anniversary...... 195.00

1992..Royal Ladies...... 325.00

1993..Explorers 1 (5 coins)...... 225.00

1994..Explorers 2 (5 coins)...... 225.00

1995..Colonial Australia I (5 coins).....230.00

1996..Colonial Australia II (5 coins).....230.00

1997..Opening of continent...... 220.00

1998..Florins and Crowns...... 220.00

1999..Rare Coins...... 190.00

2000..Monarchs Heads...... 180.00

2001 ..Federation (Only 10000 minted) ...390.00

2002..Voyages Into History...... 190.00

2003..Port Phillip Patterns...... 185.00

2004..20 Years of the Dollar Coin...... 220.00

2005..Australian Art 20th Century...... 225.00

2007..Australian Art 20th Century...... 210.00

2009 ..Fine Silver Set of 6...... 310.00

2010..Fine Silver Set of 6...... 310.00

2012..Fine Silver Set of 6...... 310.00

2013..Fine Silver Set of 6...... 310.00

Perth Mint

1988..Holey Dollar & Dump Proof...... 55.00

1989..Holey Dollar & Dump Proof...... 66.00

1990..Holey Dollar & Dump Proof...... 66.00

$5 Commemoratives


1988..Parliament ......

1990..Anzac ......

1992..Space ...... 49.0012.00


1996..Bradman ......

1997..Bradman ...... 40.00

1998..Flying Doctor ......

2000..Pharlap...... 59.00...20.00

OlympicsSET of 28 in special album.....325.00

2002..Battle of Sunda...... 45.00.....

2002..Queen Mother...... 55.00.....

2002..Commonwealth Games (3)...... 40.00

2002..C’wealth Games Silver....65.00.....

2003..Volunteers Hologram.....150.00.....



2004..Tasmania...... 90.00 20.00

2004..AFL...... 65.00.....

2004..Adelaide to Darwin...... 200.00.....

2004..150 Years of Steam...... 75.00.....

2006..C’wealth Games – Baton...

2006..C’wealth Games – Nations...... 15.00

2006..City of Sport...... 70.00.....

$10 Commemoratives


1982...Commonwealth Games ...32.00..20.00

1985...Victoria...... 30.00..20.00

1986...South Australia...... 30.00..20.00

1987...New South Wales ...... 40.00..27.50

1988...Bicentennial ...... 35.00..22.00

1989...Queensland...... 35.00..22.00

1990...West Australia...... 35.00..32.00

1991...Tasmania...... 35.00..25.00

1992...Northern Territory...... 35.00..33.00

1993...ACT ...... 35.00..33.00

Boxed Set of 8 Coats of Arms...... 325.00 225.00

1994...2 x $10 Olympic Silver ...50.00......

1995...2 x $10 Olympic Silver ...77.00......

1996...2 x $10 Olympic Silver...185.00......

Cased Set of Six $10 Olympics...260.00......

1997...Coins of HarbourCity....90.00......

1998...Coins of Melbourne...... 90.00......

1999...SnowyMountains...... 90.00......

1999...Millennium – Past...... 390.00....

2000...Millennium – Present...... 225.00....

2001...Millennium – Future....140.00......

2002...Adelaide Pound...... 210.00......

2003...Sydney Mint 1853 pattern.150.00......

2005...Sydney Mint 150 years...... 110.00..


1989...Kookaburra ...... 40.00..79.00

1990...Cockatoo ...... 40.00..70.00

1991...Jabiru ...... 40.00..70.00

1992...Penguin ...... 40.00..75.00

1993...Palm Cockatoo ...... 40.00..80.00

1994...Eagle ...... 65.00..80.00

Cased set of six Birds...... 275.00.450.00

1995...Numbat...... 40.00..80.00

1996...Whale...... 66.00..95.00

1997...Cockatoo...... 50.00..85.00

1998...Wombat...... 60.00..99.00

Endangered Species Mint Box (4)...... 240.00. 370.00

Other RAM Issues

1984...Proof $1, First $1 coin...... 14.00

1988...Proof $2, Sterling Silver...... 30.00

1988...Aust Coin & Note Collection.....165.00

1993...Landcare $1, Milled was $110...... 50.00

1994...Olympic 2 x $20 Silver Proof.....140.00

1994...Family Silver $1 Proof Plain Edge..49.50

Kangaroo Silver Dollars

1993...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

1994...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 65.00

1995...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

1996...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

1997...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

1998...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

1999...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

2000...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

2001...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

2001...ditto Proof...... 100.00

2002...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

2002...ditto Proof...... 85.00

2003 ..1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

2003 ..ditto Proof...... 80.00

2004 ..1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

2004 ..ditto Proof...... 60.00

2005...1oz Silver $1 Kangaroo...... 55.00

2005...ditto Proof...... 65.00

2006...1 oz Silver $1 Kangaroo ...... 55.00

2006... Proof...... 60.00

Uncirculated Sets

1966...First Year inc. Silver 50c...... 75.00

1969...Red Wallet Key Set—very scarce.....125.00

1970...Captain Cook...... 65.00

1971...Scarce...... 125.00

1972...Scarce...... 120.00

1973...Scarce...... 120.00

1974...Scarce...... 90.00

1975...... 40.00

1976...... 40.00

1977...Silver Jubilee...... 20.00

1978...... 20.00

1979...... 20.00

1980...... 15.00

1981...... 15.00

1982...Commonwealth Games Set...... 11.00

1983...Includes scarce 20c...... 30.00

1984...First set in colour folder...... 33.00

1985...Key set, first set with $1 coin...... 45.00

1986...Includes Year of Peace $1...... 28.00

1987...Includes coins unissued for circ...... 30.00

1988...Bicentennial Year Set...... 32.00

1989...Regular Coins...... 45.00

1990...Very scarce year...... 135.00

1991...Last 1c, 2c; Rams Head 50c...... 35.00

1992...With Olympic $1...... 80.00

1993...With Landcare $1...... 60.00

1994...Year of the Family...... 50.00

1995...Weary Dunlop...... 60.00

1996...Henry Parkes...... 60.00

1997...Kingsford Smith...... 95.00

1998...Bass & Flinders...... 55.00

1999...Year of Older Persons...... 55.00

2000...Incl. Millennium 50c...... 110.00

2001...Federation...... 55.00

2002...Outback...... 55.00

2003 ..Volunteer...... 35.00

2004……Regular Coins ……………………..40.00

2005...60th Anniversary end of WWII...... 60.00

2006...40th Anniversary Decimal Currency.40.00

2007...Surf Lifesavers...... 40.00

2008...Planet Earth...... 40.00

2008...Planet Earth 20c & 50c...... 20.00

2009...Astronomy 6 coin set...... 50.00

2009...Astronomy 2 coin set...... 25.00

2010...Regular Designs...... 40.00

2010...Burke and Wills 2 coin set...... 25.00

2011...Regular Designs...... 95.00

2011...Wool 2 coin set...... 25.00

2012...Wheat set with coloured 50c...... 165.00


2014...Colour $1 coin...... 75.00

2015...50th Ann Canberra...... 35.00

2016...50th Ann Decimal Currency...... 30.00

Baby Sets

Proof Unc

1993...First Year issued...... 110.00

1994...Gumnut Babies set...... 55.00

1995...Gumnut Babies set...... 80.00

2000...Koala...... 295.00...110.00


2003 ...Koala...... 210.00..80.00

2004 ...Koala...... 160.00.....80.00

2005...Koala...... 350.00.....125.00

2006...Magic Pudding...... 200.00...60.00

2007...Magic Pudding......

2008...Magic Pudding...... 175.0050.00

2009...BlinkyBillYellow...... 200.00..60.00

2010...Blinky Bill Green...... 200.00..60.00

2011...Blinky Bill Red...... 210.00..75.00

2012...Dot & the Kangaroo......

2013...Dot & the Kangaroo....160.00....70.00

2014...... 140.00.....65.00


Commemorative Dollars

Silver Proof Unc

1986...International Peace ...... 4.00

1988...Bicentenary...... 4.00

1992...Olympic...... 85.00..60.00

1993...Landcare No Mintmark ..50.00.....6.00

.Landcare Mintmark S...... 7.00

.Landcare Mintmark M...... 7.00

1994...Decade...... C.65.00....15.00

...... M...... 20.00

...... S...... 20.00

1995...Matilda...... B...... 30.00

...... C.75.00.....30.00

...... M...... 30.00

1995...Matilda...... S.95.00.....60.00

1996...Henry Parkes ...... A...... 12.00

...... B.60.00..12.00

...... C...... 10.00

...... M...... 12.00

...... S...... 12.00

1997...Kingsford Smith.....A...... 35.00

...... B...... 35.00

...... C.65.00..25.00

...... M...... 30.00

...... S...... 25.00

1998...Howard Florey...... A...... 15.00

...... B...... 15.00

...... C.55.00.....10.00

...... M...... 15.00

...... S...... 15.00

1999...Last ANZACS...... A...... 30.00

...... B...... 30.00

...... C.65.00....25.00

...... M...... 30.00

...... S...... 30.00

1999...Older Persons...... 6.00

2000...HMAS Sydney...... C.65.00..30.00

...... S...... 30.00

2000...Victoria Cross...... 270.00

2000...Olymphilex...... C...... 20.00

...... S...... 25.00

2000...Last ANZACS...... 140.00

2001...Centenary Of Federation...... 3.00

2001...Centenary Of Army...C.60.00.....15.00

...... S...... 20.00

2001...RAAF 80th Anniversary...... 20.00

2001...Navy...... 75.00

2001...3 Coin set: Army Navy Airforce....100.00

2001...Volunteers...... 15.00

2002...Outback...... B...... 5.00

...... C.60.00..5.00

...... M...... 5.00

...... S...... 5.00

2003...Volunteers...... 15.00

...... Silver Proof..Unc

2003...Women’s Suffrage...... 5.00

2003...Vietnam Folder...... 40.00

2003....Korean War...... B...... 5.00

...... C.55.00..5.00

...... M...... 5.00

...... S...... 5.00

2003...Women’s Suffrage...... 4.00

2004...Eureka...... B...... 6.00

...... C.50.00..5.00

...... E...... 7.00

2004...Eureka...... M...... 6.00

...... S...... 6.00

2005...60th Anniversary WWII...... 5.00

2005...Gallipoli...... B ...... 6.00

...... C.50.00.....5.00

...... G...... 50.00

...... M...... 6.00

...... S...... 6.00

2006...Commonwealth Games...... 15.00

2006...TV...... B...... 5.00

...... C.50.00....5.00

...... M...... 5.00

...... S...... 5.00

2007 75th Anniv. Sydney Bridge.B...... 5.00

...... C.75.00..5.00

...... M...... 5.00

...... S...... 5.00

2008...Coat of Arms...... B...... 5.00

...... C.50.00..5.00

...... M...... 5.00

...... S...... 5.00

2009...Citizenship...... B...... 4.00

...... C.65.00..4.00

...... M...... 4.00

...... S...... 4.00


1994...Year of the family...... 40.00

1995...End of WWII Weary Dunlop...... 25.00

1997...Sir Donald Bradman tribute...... 40.00

1998...Bass & Flinders...... 25.00

1999...Year of the Older Person...... 35.00

2000...Last of the ANZACS...... 140.00

2000...For Valour (Victoria Cross)...... 300.00

2000...Sydney Olympics: Swimming....125.00

2000...Sydney Olympics: Athletics...... 125.00

2001...Centenary of Australian Army....160.00

2002...Queen Elizabeth Accession...... 300.00

2003...Queen Elizabeth Golden Jubilee...... 38.00

2004...Eureka...... 30.00

2005...Australian Tennis Centenary...... 25.00

2006...Queens Birthday...... 25.00

2006...Commonwealth Games...... 25.00

2007...Sydney Harbour Bridge...... 25.00

2007...Ashes Victory...... 175.00

2007….Surf Lifesaver...... 30.00

2007...SAS...... 40.00

2007...Kangaroos...... 25.00

2008...Scouting Centenary...... 20.00

2008...World Youth Pope...... 20.00

2008 ..World Youth Limited Issue...... 40.00

2008...Quarantine...... 20.00

2008...Australian Football...... 20.00

2008...WW1 Remembrance...... 25.00

2008...BEIJING Olympics...... 20.00

2009...Post Office Bicentenary...... 20.00

2009...Post Office Medal...... 20.00

2010...Centenary of Coinage...... 20.00

2010...Girl Guides...... 20.00

2010...Melbourne Cup...... 25.00

2011...Royal Wedding 50c...... 25.00

2011...Queen’s Birthday...... 25.00

Philatelic & Numismatic Cover Albums

Royal Australian Mint

Volume 1....Apr. 1994 to Jun. 2003...... $60

Volume 2....Apr. 2005 to Jun. 2009...... $60

Volume 3....Feb. 2012 to Nov. 2011...... $60

Set of three volumes...... $170

Perth Mint

Volume 1....Jun. 2004 to Nov. 2008...... $60

Volume 2....Jan. 2009 to Jun. 2011...... $60

Volume 3....May 2011 to Oct. 2011...... $60

Set of three volumes...... $170

Postal Medallions

Volume 1....Mar. 2006 to Nov. 2009...... $60

Volume 2....Apr. 2010 to Oct 2011...... $60

Volume 3....Nov. 2011 to TBA...... $45

Set of three volumes...... $155

Complete set of albums as above

9 Volumessave $45...... $450

Individual pages

2 division page...... $2.50

1 division page...... $2.50

Backing page...... $1.50

4 ring padded binder...... $21.00

Deluxe slipcase...... $21.00

“Australian Coins and Banknotes” 2015 –22ndedition

At over 500 pages this superb book by Greg McDonald lists prices and describes every Australian coin and banknote ever issued.

NOW IN COLOUR! Also has lots of advice for collectors. $40.00 (plus $5.00 post)

Australian Decimal Banknotes (All are Uncirculated unless otherwise indicated)

One Dollar

R73/Mc103....Phillips/Randall Unc...... 75.00

R74/Mc104....Phillips/Wheeler ‘C of A’ Unc...... 55.00

R75/Mc105....Phillips/Wheeler ‘AUST’ Unc...... 75.00

R76a/Mc106...Knight/Wheeler Centre Thread Unc...... 40.00

R76c/Mc108...Knight/Wheeler Side Thread Unc...... 25.00

R77/Mc109....Knight/Stone Unc...... 12.00

R78/Mc110....Johnston/Stone Unc...... 5.00

Two Dollars

R81/Mc121....Coombs/Wilson Unc...... 60.00

R82/Mc122....Coombs/Randall Fine...... 15.00

R83/Mc123....Phillips/Randall aUnc...... 40.00

R83/Mc123....Phillips/Randall Unc...... 60.00

R84/Mc124....Phillips/Wheeler ‘C of A’aUnc...... 40.00

R85/Mc125....Phillips/Wheeler INSCRIBED AUSTRALIA Unc...60.00

R86a/Mc126...Knight/Wheeler Gothic Centre Thread Unc...... 150.00

R86b/Mc127...Knight/Wheeler OCRB-Centre Thread Unc...... 100.00

R86c/Mc128...Knight/Wheeler OCRB-Side Thread Unc...... 35.00

R87/Mc129....Knight/Stone Unc...... 15.00

R87/Mc129....Knight/Stone aUnc...... 10.00

R88/Mc130....Johnston/Stone Unc...... 15.00

R88/Mc130....Johnston/Stone aUnc...... 10.00

R89/Mc131....Johnston/Fraser Unc...... 7.00

Five Dollars

R203/Mc142...Phillips/Randall Unc...... 190.00

R203/Mc142...Phillips/Randall aUnc...... 95.00

R206a/Mc145...Knight/Wheeler Gothic Centre Thread Unc...... 65.00

R206b/Mc146..Knight/Wheeler Gothic-Side Thread Unc...... 60.00

R206c/Mc147...Knight/Wheeler OCRB-Side Thread Unc...... 50.00

R207/Mc148...Knight/Stone Unc...... 35.00

R208/Mc149...Johnston/Stone Unc...... 35.00

R209a/Mc150...Johnston/Fraser OCRB Unc...... 30.00

R209b/Mc151..Johnston/Fraser Gothic Unc...... 45.00

R212/Mc152...Fraser/Higgins Unc...... 30.00

R213/Mc153...Fraser/Cole Unc...... 20.00

R214/Mc301...Fraser/Cole Polymer Unc...... 35.00

R214/Mc301...Fraser/Cole Polymer AA var Unc...... 45.00

R214/Mc301...Fraser/Cole Polymer light green serial Unc...... 70.00

R216/Mc302...Fraser/Evans Old Colour Unc...... 50.00

R216/Mc302a...Fraser/Evans ‘BA93’ First Prefix Unc...... 50.00

R216/Mc203b..Fraser/Evans ‘EA93’ Last Prefix Unc...... 50.00

R217a/Mc303...Fraser/Evans New Colour Unc...... 25.00

R217b/Mc303a..Fraser/Evans Fine Bands HH95 Unc...... 40.00

R218/Mc304...MacFarlane/Evans Unc...... 25.00

R218/Mc304a...Macfarlane/Evans ‘BA98’ Unc ...... 35.00

R219/Mc305...MacFarlane/Evans Centenary of Federation Unc....15.00

R219/Mc305a...MacFarlane/Evans ‘AA01’ 1st Prefix Cent Fed.....25.00

R220/Mc306...MacFarlane/Henry ‘BA02’ First Prefix...... 25.00

Ten Dollars

R301/Mc161...Coombs/Wilson Unc...... 80.00

R302/Mc162...Coombs/Randall Fine...... 65.00

R304/Mc164...Phillips/Wheeler ‘C of A’ aUnc...... 40.00

R306a/Mc166...Knight/Wheeler Centre Thread aUnc...... 100.00

R306a/Mc166...Knight/Wheeler Centre Thread Unc...... 190.00

R306b/Mc167..Knight/Wheeler Side Thread Unc...... 80.00

R307a/Mc168...Knight/Stone Gothic Unc...... 110.00

R307b/Mc169..Knight/Stone OCRB Unc...... 95.00

R308/Mc170...Johnston/Stone aUnc...... 50.00

R308/Mc170...Johnston/Stone Unc...... 90.00

R309/Mc171...Johnston/Fraser Unc...... 40.00

R310a/Mc173a..Johnston/Fraser Polymer ‘AB’ 1st Release Unc.....65.00

R310b/Mc173b..Johnston/Fraser ‘AB’ 2nd Release Unc...... 35.00

R310b/Mc173c..Johnston/Fraser ‘AB10’ 2nd Release, aUnc...... 275.00

R310b/Mc173c..Johnston/Fraser ‘AB10’ 2nd Release, Unc...... 495.00

R310c/Mc173c..Johnston/Fraser ‘AA’ Polymer Dated...... 30.00

R312/Mc175...Fraser/Higgins Unc...... 40.00

R313/Mc176...Fraser/Cole Unc...... 35.00

R316/Mc401...Fraser/Evans Blue Dobell Unc...... 50.00

Twenty Dollars

R401/Mc181...Coombs/Wilson aUnc...... 50.00

R401/Mc181a...Coombs/Wilson ‘XAA’ First Prefix VG...... 60.00

R406a/Mc186...Knight/Wheeler Centre Thread EF...... 90.00

R406b/Mc187..Knight/Wheeler Side Thread Unc...... 400.00

R407a/Mc188...Knight/Stone Gothic Unc...... 140.00

R407b/Mc189..Knight/Stone OCRB Unc...... 290.00

R408/Mc190...Johnston/Stone Unc...... 150.00

R409a/Mc191...Johnston/Fraser OCRB VF...... 40.00

R409b/Mc192..Johnston/Fraser Gothic aUnc...... 450.00

R411/Mc193...Phillips/Fraser Unc...... 90.00

R412/Mc194...Fraser/Higgins Unc...... 95.00

R413/Mc195...Fraser/Cole Unc...... 80.00

R413/Mc195b..Fraser/Cole ‘AAA’ First Prefix Unc...... 110.00

R415/Mc196...Fraser/Evans Unc...... 75.00

R416/Mc501...Fraser/Evans Polymer Unc...... 70.00

R419/Mc503d..MacFarlane/Henry Unc...... 40.00

Fifty Dollars

R508/Mc205...Johnston/Stone Unc...... 250.00

R516/Mc601...Fraser/Evans Polymer Unc...... 190.00

R518/Mc602...MacFarlane/Evans Unc...... 140.00

R519/Mc603b..MacFarlane/Henry Unc...... 80.00

R519/Mc603c...MacFarlane/Henry Unc...... 80.00

One Hundred Dollars

R608/Mc221...Johnston/Stone Unc stained...... 200.00

R608/Mc221a...Johnston/Stone ZAA First prefix Unc...... 600.00

R612/Mc2234..Fraser/Cole consecutive pair Unc...... 500.00

R613/Mc224...Fraser/Cole Unc...... 260.00

R613/Mc224...Fraser/Cole ZLD Last prefix consecutive pair Unc..500.00

R616/Mc701a...Fraser/Evans Unc...... 230.00

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