I,______, presently

domiciled at (address)______


pledge allegiance to the advancement of knowledge;to the quest for

spiritual nourishment; and to theunbridled right to question authority

that tends to, is seen to, or is proven to, disobey God’s Law, natural law

and justice, and to the maxims of equity,which are in compliance with a

need toestablisha moral militia as first enunciated by Lyman Beecher

in 1812.

I verilybelieve that the United States Constitution was primarily

ordained by the People in order to form a more perfect Union by being

able, being responsible,and being accountable. Andby ensuring that

thePeople donotsurrender their rights, liberties, privileges, and

immunities to thosethatgovern the People by mutual consent. Laws

thatapply to thegoverned should equally apply to those who govern.

Knowledge Village has the potential to define, refine, and reshape public policy in tandem with temperance, morals, and ethics. I verily and readily wish to contribute to this worthy cause.

Under penalty of perjury I further declare, aver, and attest that I do not work for any government agency or instrumentality; neither am I an undercover agent in the employ of the municipal, state, or federal governments. I understand that severe sanctions will apply by an Ecclesiastical and/or a tribal government under applicable laws if I am discovered to be an undercover agent by the Intelligence Unit of the Native American Law and Justice Center. I understand and accept that this pledge of allegiance is binding upon me.

My aim and sole intention of participating in the teachings of Knowledge Village promoted by the Native American Law and Justice Center is to learn how I can be free from oppression, and be liberated fromthe tyrannyimposed by an overreaching government.

I verily believe that I enjoy the sole and inalienable right to determine and plan the direction of my economic freedom by learning, inter alia, the science of wealth (aphnology); the science of international exchange of commercial paper (cambistry) under law of merchants (lex mercatoria); the science of human choice and action(praxeology); the science of values and value judgments (axiology),as taught by Knowledge Village. I also verily believe that this is the ultimate enlightening mandate enshrined in the Biblical 10th Commandment(thou shalt not covet), and the 9th Amendment, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution (enumerated rights shall not be denied or disparaged to the People).

I make these assertions and declarations freely, willingly, and voluntarily, with the full knowledge and understanding that I elect to invoke and evoke the jurisdictions of Ecclesiastical and tribal governments for my welfare, well-being, safety, protection, and security under applicable Constitutional provisions and applicable jurisdictional laws that advance the cause of the Church and tribal governments not limited to Public Law 97-280 (96 Stat. 1211) of 1982 declaring the Bible as the Word of God; 18 United States Code § 1151 (defining Indian country); 28 United States Code § 1738 (tribal court judgments are entitled to full faith and credit); 18 United States Code § 2265 (tribal court orders are entitled to full faith and credit); the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (Howard-Wheeler Act); and the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968.

Given under my hand this______day of ______, 20 ____.

By: ______

Name/Signature of Intendant