Florence Unified School District #1

August 2012 Board Report

Amy Vierling, Director of Differentiated Instruction

TRIAGE/Gifted Cluster

·  Observations of TRIAGE teachers will continue per administrator request. Principals will also evaluate TRIAGE teachers using the TRIAGE evaluation addendums for the 2012-2013 school year.

·  Observations of gifted cluster teachers will continue per administrator request. Principals will also evaluate gifted cluster teachers using the gifted cluster classroom evaluation addendums for the 2012-2013 school year.

·  All Arizona school districts are required to test three times per year for gifted services. Our first round of gifted testing will be held in August 2012. Parents will be notified of the testing results within thirty days after their child completes the gifted testing session.

·  Current gifted students have been placed in the appropriate gifted cluster classroom for the 2012-2013 school year.

·  Differentiated learning plans for gifted students will be completed via the FUSD intranet site. All DI plans will be reviewed by the site administrator and Director of Differentiated Instruction throughout the new school year.

·  New gifted site coordinators and new gifted cluster teachers have been trained for the upcoming year.

·  Gifted site coordinators will be responsible for onsite professional development throughout the school year for all gifted cluster teachers in addition to other assigned duties as in previous years.

TIPS (Teacher Induction Program and Support for New K-12 Educators)- Formerly known as BEST

·  The TIPS mentors and mentees met at our first meeting during New Teacher Academy. The next TIPS meetings will be held in August 2012 and will meet quarterly throughout the rest of the year.

·  TIPS Celebration Banquet will be held on May 2, 2013 at PBHS Banquet Room from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

·  Contact logs and observation notes/feedback will be collected from the TIPS mentees and TIPS mentors.

·  Mentors will receive a small stipend for their efforts throughout the year.

ALEKS (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces) Math Curricular Software Program

·  All ALEKS site coordinators met with the ALEKS representative and Director of Differentiated Instruction on July 16. Our next meeting will be in September 2012. ALEKS coordinators will meet quarterly with the Director of Differentiated Instruction.

·  Licenses were issued to each site per administrator request.

·  ALEKS and the site coordinators will continue to be supervised by the Director of Differentiated Instruction.

Professional Development/Additional Projects

·  Collaborating with IS team and principals regarding the district improvement plan and implementation of the common core, evaluation instrument for teachers and administrators, technology, and career and college readiness. Trainings including Literacy Foundations, Common Core and Assessment, and TAP trainings to be held in 2012-2013.

·  Will attend the TAP trainings in August 2012. Will continue to support the D-TAP.

·  Plans for all professional development trainings for 2012-2013 are ongoing. Trainings have begun throughout the district.

·  Professional development opportunities will be offered in order to meet the needs of the district based on district data.