Give Me The Time!

Grade Kindergarten, One, or Two

Objective: The student will develop an understanding of the times the various races will start and end and be able to display that time on an analog clock.

Virginia Standards:

Math SOL K.9 Tell time on an analog clock or a digital clock to the hour.

Math SOL 1.8

·  Tell time shown on an analog or digital clock to the half-hour.

·  Match a written time to the time shown on a digital and analog clock to the half-hour.

Math SOL 2.12

·  Show, tell, and write time to the nearest five minutes, using an analog and digital clock.

·  Match a written time to a time shown on a clock face to the nearest five minutes.

Materials: Model Analog Clocks (1 per pair of students); 1 set of time cards (choose cards most appropriate for your grade level)

Share with your students the following information related to the Richmond 2015 UCI Championships.

The Road World Championships (Worlds) will take place in Virginia’s historic capital city from September 19-27, 2015. (Have students identify Richmond on a map and discuss the distance from their city.) This is the first time in 29 years that the World Championships will be held in the United States. This is truly a great global sporting event. There will be more people watching the World Championships (300 million) than the Super Bowl (115 million viewers).

Approximately 1,000 men and women from among the world’s top cyclists, representing about 75 countries, will compete in the 12 championship races. The World Championships and two of the threeGrand Tours(the Giro d'Italiaand theTour de France) form theTriple Crown of Cycling. But unlike the Tour de France or any other pro race, at the World Championships you represent your country’s team, not your professional trade team. It is a rare opportunity for the athletes to compete for their country, just as they do during the Olympic Games.

The athletes will compete in three race events including the traditional Road Race, the Individual Time Trial, and the recently introduced Team Time Trial. World Champions are crowned for each event and they are entitled to wear therainbow jersey until the next Championships.


v  Display one of the racing times and have students create that time on an analog clock model.

v  Partner Game – “Give Me The Time” Give each pair of students a clock and a set of the time cards. One partner shuffles the cards and turns one card over at a time; the partner displays the given time on his/her clock. Students should switch roles after about 10 minutes.


One student pulls a card, shows that time on the clock, and then asks the partner to tell the time. Students should switch roles after about 10 minutes.

Team Time Trial Training
Start Time
9:00 / Team Time Trial Training
Finish Time
Time Trial Circuit Training
Start Time
1:00 / Time Trial Circuit Training
Finish Time
Team Time Trial (Women)
Start Time
11:30 / Team Time Trial (Women)
Finish Time
Team Time Trial (Men)
Start Time
1:30 / Team Time Trial (Men)
Finish Time
Individual Time Trial
(Jr. Women)
Start Time
10:00 / Individual Time Trial
(Jr. Women)
Finish Time