BiologyMr. McCarthy

St. John’s College High

Course Description

This survey course is a combination of lectures/discussions and laboratory experiments. Areas of study include the characteristics of life, basic chemistry, the cell, genetics, classification, single-celled organisms, plants, simple and complex animals, evolutionary change, and ecology. Learning how to properly analyze lab results is an integral part of the courses.

Required Materials

Students must bring the following to class every day:

  1. iPad with sufficient charge and required apps
  2. Pearson Biology iBook
  3. Notebook and folder for any worksheets or handouts distributed in class
  4. Pens and Pencils

Tests and Quizzes

Quizzes will be given at least once a week to assess short-term learning and completion of reading assignments. These quizzes will be unannounced, but should be expected every time a reading assignment due. Students can expect 2-3 tests a quarter that will assess a significant amount of content from multiple chapters.


Students will be assigned reading from the textbook and/or homework questions two to three times a week. All written homework assignments must be submitted electronically by 8:00am the day the homework is due. The method of submission is subject to change throughout the year. Homework submissions will be graded at the discretion of the instructor for both completion and correctness. Note that not all submissions will be graded. Half credit will be given for work turned in up to 24 hours late. No credit will be given for work submitted after that time. Homework will also frequently be assessed by reading quizzes.


It is important that you are in class on time every day. Unexcused lateness could result in loss of participation points, loss of points on quizzes, and/or late homework. Excused lateness will negatively affect your grade due to lost opportunities to earn participation points.


It is the responsibility of any student requiring accommodations to contact me in the beginning of the school year to work out necessary arrangements.


It is an absent student's responsibility to determine what work was missed during the absence and complete the assignments. If a quiz is missed, you must meet with me to determine if and when it must be made up. If you miss a test, you will have two days from the time of your return to school to complete it in the test center. Any tests not made up within those two days will receive a grade of zero. Deadline extensions will only be made in severe cases. Work that is missed due to an unexcused tardy, unexcused absence or suspension will receive a grade of zero.

Extra Credit

Extra Credit will not be given to an individual student to enhance his or her grade. Any extra credit opportunities will be educational in nature and available to the entire class.


You must be prepared to participate every day. Participation includes arriving on time, staying awake and attentive, taking notes, and following the school rules. Students are expected to remain in the classroom during the entire class period. Trips to the bathroom, water fountain, and nurse should happen during free periods and in between classes.

Assignments for the beginning of class will be posted on the board. Students must be in their desks working on their assignment when the bell rings or points will be deducted.

Students should expect to receive a grade of “C+” for simply being in class on time, with appropriate materials, and not being disruptive. Higher grades must be earned through active participation. This includes actively working on in class assignments, asking appropriate questions, and fully participating in all labs and activities.


Grades for this course will be based on a total points system. The number of points possible will vary depending on the assignment, but will be near the general ranges below:

Tests: 65-85 pts

Quizzes: 5-20 pts

Labs: 15-25 pts

Homework: 5-15 pts

Worksheets: 5-15 pts

Participation: 10 pts/week

Extra Help

Students should get in the habit of reviewing their notes from each class period every day, in addition to completing formal homework assignments. If you find yourself struggling with a topic or feel behind at any time, it is important to seek help from your peers or your teacher. Do not get behind!

Academic Integrity

Please refer to the school policy on Academic Ethics in the Student Handbook. Any student found violating any of the ethical guidelines will receive no credit for the assignment and a report of the behavior will be submitted to the Assistant Principle for Academic Affairs.

iPad Usage

The iPad may only be used for class related activities. Any other use including, but not limited to, playing games, working on assignments for other classes, and messaging other students may result in loss of iPad privileges in this class. Under no circumstances may you take a picture or video during class without permission. Taking video of me demonstrating a math problem is a poor substitute for working through it on your own. You are expected to have enough battery for the entire class, all appropriate apps, and the materials for the day downloaded before class. Inability to complete any in-class assignments due to lack of an iPad for any reason will result in a zero for that assignment. You will be able to use the iPad on some quizzes but not on any tests.

Classroom Rules

In addition to following the school rules, I expect all students to behave with proper decorum in the classroom. Running, loud noise, and horseplay are unacceptable. Rude or discourteous behavior towards anyone or their property will result in disciplinary action and a significant loss of points.



Biology 2012-2013

In order to ensure that time spent in the Biology Lab is a safe and positive learning experience, rules and regulations have been established that require each student’s cooperation. Read the information below; if you have questions, please ask. It is absolutely vital that you understand each statement before participating in a laboratory experiment. This agreement will be kept on file.

As a student of science at St. John’s College High School, I will:

  1. Perform only authorized experiments, following all instructions of the teacher.
  2. Come to class properly prepared to do the experiment, by having read the procedures in advance and completing any pre-lab work.
  3. Only be permitted to work with adult supervision.
  4. Wear appropriate protective equipment as requested by the teacher.
  5. Learn the location and operation of emergency equipment; such as fire extinguishers, safety showers, and eye wash fountains.
  6. Not bring any form of food or drink into the lab.
  7. Treat all chemicals, specimens, and equipment with the care they deserve.
  8. Never remove chemicals or equipment from the lab without teacher’s consent.
  9. Clean up the lab station and wash hands at the completion of lab.
  10. List below any allergies or medical conditions that may affect lab performance.
  11. Report all accidents immediately to the teacher.
  12. Act in a responsible manner at all times in lab.

Because a science laboratory can be a potentially dangerous place if not treated properly, any student whose behavior is deemed inappropriate and/or in violation of the above rules, will be sent to the Office of Student Affairs. Removal from lab will seriously impact the student’s participation and laboratory grades.



I have read the Biology course syllabus and Lab

Student Name

Safety Contract. I understand all expectations of me and agree to follow all of the rules set forth in this contract by Mr. McCarthy as well as all rules described in the St. John’s Student Handbook.

Student SignatureDate

I have read the attached course outline and Lab Safety Parent/Guardian Name

Contract. I understand that my student must obey these rules to ensure the safety of all participants in the class.

Does the student have any allergies?

 Yes NoIf Yes, please describe below

Parent/Guardian signatureDate

Parent/Guardian phone numberParent/Guardian email address