IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover Services ad hoc group

Note: These are the partial and tentative minutes up to the time of uploading this file. More updates will be uploaded in future versions. Please send your corrections to secretary to incorporate into future versions.

TentativeMinutes of the January 2009 Interim Meeting

1.First Day PM1Meeting: Encino; Monday, January 19, 2009

1.1 Meeting called to order by Anthony Chan at about 1:40 PM. Minutes taken by Yoshihiro Ohba

1.2 Officers

At this first meeting of the ad hoc group, the officers: secretary and editor are TBD.

1.3 Agenda (DCN: 21-09-0009-00).

Date is incorrect and was corrected.

The agenda will only be approximate and may shuffle among the meetings of the different dates.

1.4 Minutes from meetings November 2008 MRPM SG minutes (21-08-0317-00), MRPM Jan 6 teleconference (21-09-0001-00), and MRPM Jan 15 teleconference (21—09-0002-00).

Discussion on approval of previous meeting minutes.

Comment that at some point somebody should approve the SG or ad-hoc meeting minutes.

Minutes of November SG meeting (21-08-0137-00) and January 6 teleconference minutes (21-09-0001-00) and January 15 teleconference minutes (21-09-0002-00) were approved.

1.5 Milestones of this Interim meeting (DCN: 21-09-0009-00).

Milestones were presented by Anthony Chan, mentioning Use Cases (21-08-0008-01) and more specific scope and work of MRPM (21-08-0177-02). A plan to submit tutorial for March 2009 was mentioned. Also, a plan to do a tutorial to 802.11 was mentioned.

1.6 Use Case Discussion (21-08-0008-01) presented by Junghoon Jee

The presentation was made in the context of preparation for MRPM tutorial for March Plenary.

Explained candidate Use Cases for MRPM tutorial. Specifically Use Case 1 (paging using the active interface) was presented in detail.

Filtering is another use case described in Dennis’s contribution (DCN: to be identified).

Comment that Use Case 1 is not just for power management but also relating to several other complicated aspects including who makes decision, where the call is originated and how the call gets routed.

Comment that there are many ways on how to deliver the call.

Another example was given. UE has 3G and WiFi. WiFi is turned off. Caller calls to 3G number, triggering an operation to wake up WiFi.

Comment that some use cases in the document was proposed a long time ago and it is not sure whether WG members are interested in all use cases.

Comment that Use Cases 1, 2 (location update using the active interface) and 4 (waking up wifi interface via wimax interface) are more important than others.

Comment that each Use Case in the tutorial should accompany with figures.

MRPM Tutorial Draft (21-09-0004-00-mrpm, presented by Anthony Chan)

Comment to show some numbers on how much power saving is possible with MRPM support by network entities.

Comment to split Slide #7 into multiple slides.

1.7 Recess at about 3PM until Tuesday AM1.

2.Second Day AM1 Meeting: Encino; Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2.1 Meeting called to order by Anthony Chan at about 8:30 AM.

2.2 Tutorial discussion (21-09-0004-01)

The brief tutorial to 802.11 during this interim is schedule at the 802.11 mid-week plenary on Wednesday AM2.

The slides before the backup slides are draft for presentation to 802.11 during this Interim meeting.

A longer tutorial is proposed for presentation to 802 at the March plenary. The backup slides in 21-09-0004-01 are taking from the slides from a prior tutorial of MRPM SG in July 2008.

Discussions on the scenarios mentioned in these slides are on (1) whether current 21 can perform the job and, if not,(2) whether simplier approach is possible.

2.3 Recess at about 9:30AM until Wednesday AM1.

3.Third Day AM1 Meeting: Encino; Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3.1 Meeting called to order by Anthony Chan at about 8:30 AM.

3.2 Brief tutorial to 802.11.

The brief tutorial to introduce MRPM PAT/5C will be in Los Angeles room at the AM2 session of 802.11. The brief tutorial to 802.11 during this interim is schedule at the last agenda of the 802.11 mid-week plenary on Wednesday AM2 in Los Angeles room. We need to arrive before 11:45AM. 802.21 WG only have 20 minutes between shared with ES PAR and MRPM PAR.

3.3 Discussion on tutorial and on PAR/5C improvement (21-09-0004-02)

The tutorial slides (before the backup slides) are discussed.

The specific MRPM mechanisms in slide #4 are discussed and revised after comparing with the Section 8.1 on additional explanatory notes in the MRPM PAR/5C in 21-08-297-06. The revised text of this slide results in 21-09-0004-03. It is suggested to use this text to improve Section 8.1 in the PAR/5C.

3.4 Recess at about 9:30AM until Wednesday PM2.

4.Third Day AM1 Meeting: Encino; Wednesday, January 21, 2009

4.1 Meeting called to order by Anthony Chan at about 4:00 PM.

4.2 Use of MRPM in 802.11 (21-09-0019-01) presented by Junghoon Jee

References show that idling 802.11 consume much more power than WWAN.

The following use cases are described:

Turning off interface

Waking up interface – Cost

Waking up interface - Resource.

Accept these use cases into the TR upon completion of text.

4.3 Discussion to revise PAR/5C (21-08-0297-06)

The text in Section 8.1 is revised. The updated PAR/5C is in 21-09-0021-00.

Motion to approved this revised PAR/5C is passed.

4.4 Teleconferences

2 teleconferences are scheduled to discuss the March tutorial:

Tuesday Feb 17 8:30PM EST

Tuesday March 3 8:30PM EST

4.5 Recess at about 6:00PM.