BULLETIN 8th – 15th May 2017

DUTY MANAGER Monday – Thursday – Michael Jaffrain, Principal

Friday – Madeline Woolfenden, Vice Principal

Thought for the week
“Jesus stood among them and said ‘peace be with you”
Mental Health Week
Level 2 Sports Event Week (MPH)
RE Interviews
08:45 – 09:00 – Staff Briefing (Theatre) / THURSDAY 11
Mental Health Week
Level 2 Sports Event Week (MPH)
08:00-08:30 Quiet space for prayer and contemplation (Chapel)
08:30-08:45 Staff led prayer and reflection (Chapel) All welcome
09:30 SLT
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
16:00–18:00 External Hire Dance Studio
18:00-19:00 External Hire MPH
18:00 HE & Apprenticeship Evening
19:00-21:00 External Hire MPH
Mental Health Week
Level 2 Sports Event Week (MPH)
CCDEF Meeting – St Brendan’s Hosting – All day
12:10&13.00 ‘Alpha’ exploring Christian Faith programme
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
16:00-17:30 New Student Interviews – CRb (B6/B10)
16:30-17:30 New Student Interviews – Cev (B6/B10)
16:00-17:00 New Student Interviews – SKh (B6/B10)
17:30-19:00 External Hire MPH / FRIDAY 12
Mental Health Week
Level 2 Sports Event Week (MPH)
Destinations CEIAG Admin Interviews
10:30-12:00 College Assembly
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
17:30 – 19:00 – External Hire MPH
Mental Health Week
Level 2 Sports Event Week (MPH)
3Y2 resits
08:10 Mass with Fr. Richard – All Welcome (Chapel)
08:55 Human Rights Group (C101)
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
14:30 AGP Masterclass – Quantum Mechanics – Speaker –
Madeline Woolfenden
17 May Governors Ethos Safeguarding Welfare Committee (B207)
25 May All Staff Meeting, 14:30-15:30 (Theatre)
7 June Governors Strategy Search & Remuneration Committee
12 June Governors Resources Premises HR Committee (B207)
21 June Governors Audit Committee (B207)
Level 2 student briefing - There is no Level 2 Student Briefing this term, Level 2 Programme Co-ordinator will be arranging to visit each subject group to announce end of term arrangements and wish students a productive summer term.
Please note: Bursary and Attendance Office has now moved to B24.
Security Messages:
·  All students and staff to display their ID badges on the officially provided lanyard at all times.
·  A valid parking permit must be displayed on ALL staff/sudent vehicles parked on college premises. Parking registration forms are available from reception.
The booking link for the HE & Apprenticeship Evenings is still live; you can book onto talks by following this link: https://tinyurl.com/mrqf2mt - if you are unable to access the booking link please contact us via
*NEW LOCATION* for the Not Going to Uni drop in! 3Y2s – Not going to uni? Want help with finding and applying for jobs, apprenticeships, school leaver schemes and Gap years? Come along to the Career Zone office on Thursdays at 2:30pm!
Our main office is in Café Max – do pop in and say hello! -drop in times are break time and lunchtime If you want a longer appointment, you can book via Moodle: http://moodle.stbrn.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=126&section=1 Booked Careers appointments will take place up in the LRC- usually B211e, but check at the library desk if unsure!Don’t forget to look at the latest edition of Careers News which is sent to you every Wednesday !
Also look out for new opportunities on the new noticeboards outside our office.
Follow us on Twitter at @CareerZoneStbrn
Catrina, Clare and Genevieve, CEIAG Team
“Welcome to Our Chaplaincy!”
Use of Chaplaincy Space... Please note:
Please Respect this sacred Space of Prayer and stillness
Keep music and singing at a sensible, respectful volume… See John in order to use any amplified equipment as an organised group
No Mobiles… Other than Scripture used for prayer/reflection and and Music/Lyrics used by organised group singing
No Drink other than water…
No Food… You are welcome come to the Chaplaincy B209 to eat and share dialogue and discussion
Quiet Room B211D
Please Respect this sacred Space for quiet reading, meditation stillness and prayer time.
No Mobiles… Other than Scripture used for prayer/reflection
No Drink other than water…
No Food… You are welcome come to the Chaplaincy B209 to eat and share dialogue and discussion
See John for permission and use of Office B209