SUMMUM: Sealed Except to the Open Mind

Study Guide

Chapter 9 S U M M U M I N E V E R Y T H I N G


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, write definitions of each of the key terms from the chapter. Place the cursor in the brackets. Begin typing. Your words will be displayed within the brackets.


Summum: { }

Corollary: { }

Immanent: { }

Inherent: { }

Abiding: { }

Vociferously: { }

Grandiloquently: { }

Veracity: { }

Involution: { }

Rapt: { }

Ivolutionary: { }

Evolutionary: { }

Urge: { }

Meditation: { }

Contemplation: { }

Attention: { }

Awakens: { }

Rouses: { }

Gross: { }

Annihilated: { }

Futility: { }


This summary, when completed, gives you a comprehension of the primary points of the chapter in the text. Fill in the brackets with words or phrases that complete the ideas.

1. "While everything is in [ ], it is equally factual that [ ] is in everything. Those who understand this maxim have [ ] knowledge." -- Summum

2. How often have the majority of people repeatedly heard statements that their deity ([ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]) is within everything -- "All in all," "God is everywhere," "SUMMUM is in [ ]." How little have they suspected the esoteric truth concealed by these words?

3. You have been given the [ ]regarding the mental nature of the [ ]; the fact that "the [ ] is mental, held in the Mind of [ ]." As stated above, "Everything is in [ ]." Note also the corollary statement, "It is [ ] true that [ ] is in [ ]." This apparently [ ] statement is reconcilable under the [ ] of [ ]. It is an exact statement of the [ ] existing between [ ] and Its mental universe. You have seen how "[ ] is in SUMMUM." Now [ ] the other aspect of the subject.

4. SUMMUM is [ ]in (remaining within; inherent; abiding within) Its [ ], and in every part, [ ], unit or combination within the [ ]. This statement is usually illustrated by the reference to the Principle of [ ]. Form a [ ] image of something - a person, an [ ], something having a mental form. A [ ] example is that of the author or dramatist forming an idea of their characters; or a painter or sculptor forming an image of an ideal that they wish to express through art.

5. SUMMUM is within the [ ], but the worm is far from being [ ]. Still the wonder remains that though the earthworm [ ] merely as a lowly thing, [ ] and having its being solely within the [ ] of [ ], [ ] is [ ] in the earthworm and in the [ ] that go to make up the earthworm. Even down to the smallest units discovered by [ ] today, SUMMUM is [ ] within them. Can there be any greater [ ] than this, of "Everything in SUMMUM; and [ ] in Everything?"

6. In the [ ] that [ ] realize the existence of the indwelling [ ] immanent within their [ ], by directing their [ ] to the [ ] within and storing potential within that [ ], they empower themselves with the essence of [ ]. As they convert their [ ] of kinetic mental action to [ ] [ ], so will they progress in the spiritual levels of [ ]. This is what spiritual progression means --the recognition, [ ] and manifestation of the [ ] within you. Regarding this last definition, that of spiritual [ ], it contains the veracity of [ ] religion.

7. The word "[ ]" is used in describing the process of the mental [ ] of the [ ] in the Mind of SUMMUM. The word "[ ]" is also frequently employed. But the idea intended seems to be that of the employment of the Divine [ ]. "Attention" is a word derived from the Latin root, meaning "to reach out; to stretch out." So the act of attention is really a [ ]reaching out or extension of [ ]energy. Thus the underlying idea is readily understood when you examine the real meaning of "[ ]."

8. There is one more matter I desire to speak of in this chapter. It comes very near to an [ ] of the metaphysical field of [ ], although my purpose is merely to show the [ ] of such speculation. I allude to the question which inevitably comes to the mind of all thinkers who have ventured to seek understanding. The question is, "WHY does SUMMUM [ ] universes?" The question may be asked in different forms, but the above is the gist of the inquiry.

9. Humans have struggled hard to answer this question. Some have imagined that [ ] had something to [ ] by it. But this is absurd, for what could [ ] gain that It did not already possess?

10. It is difficult to [ ] the [ ] that in some infinite [ ] It must have what would [ ] to the "[ ] [ ]" or "[ ] [ ]" in humans, with correspondingly [ ] amounts of [ ] and Will. It could not act unless It [ ] to [ ]; and It would not will to act unless It [ ] to [ ]; and It would not [ ] to act unless It obtained some [ ] thereby. All of these things would belong to an "inner nature," and might be postulated as existing according to the Law of [ ].

11. SUMMUM merely [ ]. So you are compelled to say that, "SUMMUM ACTS BECAUSE IT [ ]." The ACT of [ ] is the copulation of [ ]; the joining together and splitting apart of NOTHING and [ ] infinite [ ] in a finite moment.

12. At the last, SUMMUM is [ ] Reason in Itself; Total Law in Itself; [ ] Action in Itself; and it may be said truthfully that SUMMUM is Its [ ] Reason; Its [ ] Law; Its own Act. Or still further, that SUMMUM, and Its act, as Law, are ONE; all being [ ] for the same [ ]. The Law of [ ] reaches only to that aspect of SUMMUM which may be spoken of as "The Aspect of [ ]." Behind that aspect is "The Aspect of [ ]," in which all laws are lost in LAW; all principles merge into PRINCIPLE; and SUMMUM, PRINCIPLE and [ ] are IDENTICAL, [ ] AND THE SAME. Therefore, a metaphysical speculation involved with human emotions on this point is futile.


Enter the number of the appropriate answer in the brackets in front of the description. There is one correct answer for each blank.

[ ] It is factual that within everything is

[ ] SUMMUM is immanent in (remaining

within; inherent; abiding within)

[ ] to empower yourself with the essence

of SUMMUM you have to turn your

attention to your

[ ] moving upward and onward along the

Scale of Life is know as

[ ] Despite all seemingly contradictory

appearances, all movement is toward spiritual

[ ] the outpouring stage of Creation is known as

[ ] when the urge ceases during the outpouring,

the vibrations are at the

[ ] the word Meditation is used in describing the

process of mental creation of the universe in

the Mind of SUMMUM. Another term frequently

employed is

[ ] as the spirit of each soul is drawn back into

SUMMUM it is not


Type your answers within the brackets.

Using the Systematic Law of Learning, apply the following Principles.

1. Create a character with the following:

a. Include parts of your personality but also include some traits you do not have.

{ }

b. Explain how you are found in the character, and, if possible, explain how you are not.

{ }

2. Give illustrations of the use of Attention.

a. Explain or describe what happens when your attention is placed on something.

{ }

c. Describe the relationship between attention and contemplation.

{ }


Formulate answers to these questions. Refer to both your text and your lecture notes. You need not write out the answer in full sentences, but make notes on all the details you would include in a full answer. Review your answers with someone else in the class after each of you has completed the exercise. Type your answers within the brackets.

1. Explain how SUMMUM is in Everything.

{ }

2. Discuss how the term SUMMUM can satisfy any name given God.

{ }

3. How can SUMMUM be in Everything and Everything be in SUMMUM?

{ }

4. How can SUMMUM be in an earth worm?

{ }

5. Explain how the Principle of Correspondence shows the difference in degree between SUMMUM in Everything and Everything in SUMMUM.

{ }

6. What happens when your ATTENTION is directed toward your spirit?

{ }

7. What determines your level of being?

{ }

8. What is the end of all Paths?

{ }

9. At what stage is SUMMUM when in the aspect of Being?

{ }

10. At what stage is SUMMUM when in the aspect of Becoming?

{ }

11. Describe the process of involution.

{ }

12. Describe the process of evolution.

{ }

13. What is the coming home idea?

{ }

14. What happens when the urge ceases during the outpouring?

{ }

15. What is the Law of Individualization?

{ }

16. Tell what the word Meditation is used for in this chapter.

{ }

17. Explain how Contemplation is used in this chapter.

18. What is as of the twinkle of the eye to SUMMUM?

{ }

19. Explain the Divine Ego.

{ }

20. Why does SUMMUM create Universes?

{ }

21. How does SUMMUM create?


Place an ‘X’ next to the phrase that most correctly completes each statement.

1. How often have the majority of people repeatedly heard statements that their deity

a. is the only true God.

b. knows those who are born good and those who are born bad.

c. (called by many names) was within everything.

d. allows people to choose good or bad.

2. You have been given the teaching regarding the mental nature of the universe; the fact that

a. there is a large brain in the universe which controls everything.

b. the universe is mental, held in the Mind of SUMMUM.

c. a man with super natural powers created the universe.

d. nothing makes any difference anyway.

3. "Everything is in SUMMUM." Note also the corollary statement, "It is equally true that SUMMUM is in Everything." This apparently contradictory statement is reconcilable under

a. the bodhi tree.

b. the Law of Standing Vibrations.

c. an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

d. the Law of Paradox.

4. SUMMUM is within the earthworm, but the worm is far from being

a. a snake.


c. complete enough to be within SUMMUM.

d. capable of rising above it's station.

5. In the degree that humans realize the existence of the indwelling spirit immanent within their being, by directing

a. those around them to change their way of thinking to fit the way they know it should be, they control their destiny.

b. their ATTENTION to the spirit within and storing potential within that spirit, they empower themselves with the essence of SUMMUM.

c. their consciousness, they can allow themselves never to surrender for fear of losing control of the who they think they are.

d. their ATTENTION to the affirmations of gaining love, they gain control over their destiny to have mansions, servants and golden roads in heaven.

6. As you convert your treasure of kinetic mental action to spiritual potential, you will rise in the

a. spiritual levels of life.

b. elevator at Nieman Marcus, and be blessed with riches of gold, power and glory.

c. levels of social life.

d. eye of God.

7. Spiritual progression means

a. the recognition, realization and manifestation of the spirit within you.

b. spending time reading scripture to confirm your point of view and being able to testify that your truth is the only way.

c. concentrated, repetition of positive aphorisms.

d. spending time with those people who have chosen the only true God.

8. There are many levels of being, many sub levels of life, many degrees of existence in the universe. All depend upon the advancement of beings in the scale, in which the lowest point is the grossest matter and highest is separated only by the

a. knowledge of which church is the true church.

b. secret formula, and sacred vows, which if known will instantly catapult you into the highest heaven.

c. magic crystal which when applied will make all formal education unnecessary.

d. thinnest division from the SPIRIT of SUMMUM.

9. The process of involution, in which SUMMUM becomes "involved," or

22. "wrapped up" in Its creation corresponds to the

a. changes of species in nature.

b. movement of the planets from one solar system to others.

c. mental process of an artist, writer, or inventor who becomes so wrapped up in their creation as to almost forget their own existence and who, for the time being, almost live in their creation.

d. none of the above.

10. The "Outpouring" of the Divine Energy, can be called

a. crystal healing.

b. involutionary stage of Creation.

c. the time to call for offerings.

d. deep inner full body massage.

11. The extreme opposing point of the creative process is considered to be the furthest removed from

a. your soul mate.

b. shaman channeling.

c. dynamic relaxation.


12. During the outpouring, the vibrations become lower and lower until finally the urge

a. explodes and turns into group rebirthing.

b. causes you to becomes a new age author.

c. ceases, and your dreams come true.

d. ceases, and the return swing begins.

13. The word "Meditation" is used in describing the process of

a. travelling the highway to happiness.