WR 115 Calendar

Monday / Wednesday
Week 1 / January 5
Introductions, syllabus, and course overview / January 7
READ: Models for Writers pages 43-59 on reading
Homework: Get a notebook to use for your Term Journal and bring it to class.
Week 2 / January 12
READ: Gloria Naylor, “The Meanings of a Word” (113-116)
Henry Louis Gates Jr., “What’s in a Name?” (376-379)
Natalie Goldberg, “Be Specific” (90-92) / January 14
READ: Models for Writers 81-83 on thesis
READ: Helen Keller, “The Most Important Day” (84-87)
Langston Hughes, “Salvation” (228-230)
Sandra Cisneros, “My Name” (109-110)
Models for Writers pages 241-245, 251-254 on summary
Week 3 / January 19
Martin Luther King Jr. Day – COLLEGE CLOSED / January 21
READ: Models for Writers 7-12 on writing process
Homework: Write a summary and response for one of the essays we’ve read. Bring 3 copies to class for workshop
Homework: Term Journal due
Week 4 / January 26
READ: Russell Baker, “Becoming A Writer” (203-206)
David Raymond, “On Being 17, Bright, and Unable to Read” (197-200)
Models for Writers 372-375 on narration, 12-19 on writing process
Homework: Summary/Response #1 final draft due / January 28
READ: Models for Writers 99-102 on unity, 193-196 on transitions, 119-123 on organization, 145-150 on beginnings and endings
Homework: Term Journal Due
Week 5 / February 2
READ: Models for Writers 20-21, 33-42 on writing process
Homework: Bring 3 copies of your essay draft to class for workshop. / February 4
READ: Models for Writers 21-32 on grammar
Homework: Essay #1 final draft due
Week 6 / February 9
Mary Shelley, “In Praise of the F Word” (564-566)
Richard Lederer, “The Case For Short Words” (160-163)
“Intensify/Downplay” images (609-615) / February 11
Homework: Bring 3 copies of Summary/Response #2 draft to workshop in class.
Homework: Term Journal due
Week 7 / February 16
Presidents’ Day – COLLEGE CLOSED / February 18
Homework: Read the guidelines for Essay #2 online. BE READY to present your topic idea & thesis in class on this date.
Homework: Summary/Response #2 final draft due
Week 8 / February 23
READ: Models for Writers 539-546 on argument
READ: Thomas Jefferson, “The Declaration of Independence” (547-551)
READ: Martin Luther King Jr., “I Have A Dream” (553-557) / February 25
Homework: Bring 3 copies of your Essay #2 draft to workshop
Homework: Term Journal due
Week 9 / March 2
Read: Anne Lamott, “Shitty First Drafts” (PDF)
Individual conferences with me / March 4
Homework: Essay #2 final draft due
Week 10 / March 9
Final exam practice run / March 11
Final exam practice run/last day celebration
Homework: Bring your essay to share with the class.
Homework: Term Journal due
Finals Week / Final Exam

This calendar is subject to change over the term.

Note: Homework and readings are listed on the day they’re due.

Note: All page numbers listed in this schedule are from Models for Writers