The Arkansas Eastman Scholarship Trust was established on October 21, 1992 by Arkansas Eastman Division of Eastman Chemical Company, a Division of Eastman Kodak Company, a N.J. Corporation as an irrevocable trust, construed and governed by the laws of Arkansas, to be administered by a trustee according to the terms of the trust agreement.

The Scholarship Committee, as established under the trust agreement, and within the limits of that agreement, has the following responsibilities:

  1. Determining the number and amount of scholarships that will be awarded each year.
  2. Establishing eligibility and selection criteria.
  3. Establishing, maintaining, distributing, and publicizing an appropriate application form and instructions.
  4. Reviewing, evaluating and selecting scholarship recipients from the pool of applicants.


Each year the trustee reports to the scholarship committee the funds that are available for this purpose. Based on this and other considerations, the committee establishes the number and amount of scholarships to be awarded that year.


Eligibility is limited to full-time students who are planning to attend college in the coming fall to pursue studies in math, science, or related studies and who have obtained or will obtain prior to starting college a state-approved high-school degree and who meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Are a graduate or will be a graduate from any high school district represented in IndependenceCounty,
  1. An IndependenceCounty resident,
  1. An immediate family member (spouse or dependent) of a full-time FutureFuel employee.

Applicants who are not selected for a scholarship are eligible and encouraged to re-apply in the future. However, previous recipients of the Arkansas Eastman Scholarship are not eligible to re-apply.


The application form is attached. Distribution of the application form normally begins in January each year. The application forms are provided to all IndependenceCountyHigh Schools, the Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce, and other distribution points as may be appropriate. The availability of application forms is publicized in the local news paper and other media, as appropriate.


Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of:

  1. demonstrated academic performance
  2. career goals
  3. school and community citizenship and activities

Using a ten-point scale, with 10 being the best and 0 being the worst, the committee scores each applicant on how well the applicant appears to meet each of the above criteria on the basis of their application and transcript. This is done by each member of the Scholarship Committee individually. The applicants are ranked based on the total of these scores. Then the Scholarship Committee meets as a group to review the results and determines the number of applicants that will be interviewed that year. Then thatnumber of applicants who are at the top of the list are invited to interview. Those applicants who accept this invitation are interviewed by the Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee makes the final selections based on all the information that is available to them, including the application, the applicant's performance in the interview, and the number of scholarships to be awarded that year.


The scholarship committee has established the following guidance regarding the basic selection criteria.

Career Goals/Field of Study: Chemistry, Computer Science,Engineering,Environmental Science, Math/Science Education, and other natural science-related disciplines.

Academic Performance: Cumulative GPA equivalent to a minimum 3.0 on a 4.0 scale high school and college GPA. Consideration is also given to ACT/SAT scores. Consideration will also be given to the number of math and science courses that are part of the applicant's transcript. Applicant must furnish an official transcript to verify GPA, ACT/SAT scores, and all courses completed. Pass/Fail courses will not be considered.

Citizenship: Leadership and participation in school, civic and community organizations.

FutureFuel Relationship:FutureFuel relatives receive the same consideration as other candidates.

Arkansas Eastman Trust Scholarship



The Arkansas Eastman Scholarship Trust is established to encourage and assist IndependenceCounty area students pursuing a math or science related career. Each year, a limited number of scholarships, not to exceed $2000, are awarded to graduating high school seniors or students currently attending a college or university. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated academic performance, career goals, and school and community citizenship and activities.

Please complete the application and return it toLaraine Platt, Attn: Scholarship Committee by March 10, 2017. Scholarship recipients will be announced by May.



LastFirstMiddleE-mail Address


Address______Telephone #______P.O/Street City State Zip


Address (if applicable)______Telephone #______


2.HIGH SCHOOL CREDENTIALS (Must include a copy of your official transcript)

Yes No

H. S. Name______Graduation Date______College Prep ______

Mo/Yr Other

ACT Grade Avg. Current

City/State______Score_____ To Date______Class Rank #______No. in Class____


Clubs/activities/awards/offices held______





4.COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY CREDENTIALS (Must include a copy of your official transcript)


Coll/Univ______Entrance Date______Graduation Date______

Mo/Yr Mo/Yr

Major(s)______Grade Point Average______


Scholarships Received/Clubs/Organizations/Activities/Awards______

5.ACADEMIC PLANS AND CAREER GOALS (Discuss below & include intended major)

6.COMMUNITY INFORMATION (# of hours donated to the organization & list the year)


Date EmployerPosition/Job DutiesAvg. Hours

From ToWorked per Week




8.REFERENCES (Include at least one reference not related to school activities)






Signature of Applicant______

Applications should be returned to: Laraine Platt, Attn: Scholarship Committee, P. O. Box 2357, Batesville, AR 72503 by

March 10, 2017.