Cabinet Quiz

  1. The ______department serves as the government’s attorney.
  1. The ______is the head of the above mentioned department.
  1. The responsibility of overseeing the nation’s schools falls under the supervision of the department of ______. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. Administration relating to farming is the responsibility of the department of ______. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. The ______department oversees the nation’s interstates, as well as air travel. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. ______administers programs for retired American military personnel. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. ______is the newest department established by President Bush after the September 11th attacks. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. The department of the ______administers the nation’s national parks and other public lands. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. Formed after World War II, the department of ______was initially called the department of War. It oversees the country’s military. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. The ______department is responsible for developing policy for the nation’s power sources, including electric and nuclear. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. The department of ______is responsible for creating and maintaining housing and urban renewal project within American cities. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. The ______department creates foreign policy and enters into diplomatic discussion with other nations. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. The department of ______aids businesses and conducts the US census. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. Considered the government’s banker, the ______department also makes the country’s currency. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. Originally the department of ______oversaw education and social security; it still is responsible for the maintenance of the nation’s welfare program. Who is the current Secretary? ______
  1. The ______department focuses on work issues within the country. A large portion of its policy is related to the relationship between companies and unions. Who is the current Secretary? ______