Supplemental Sermon Notes: Revelation 2:18-29 (page 1029)
Removing the Land Mines
Introduction: An illustration of three timeless truths:
- We are able to rationalize even the most obvious of sins.
- We tend to involve others in our sins to make them normal & acceptable.
- We can easily be talked into sin as long as we think it benefits us.
I. Thyatira
- Longest letter, written to least known, least important, & least remarkable city.
- Little is known about the city.
- 40 miles SW of Pergamum on the road to Sardis
- ½ way around the circle of churches.
- It is on the plain.
- Not easy to defend, was a much-conquered city.
- Made it important as an outpost to slow down invading armies.
- After Rome took over in 190 B.C.
- It was still an important frontier outpost
- Roman domination was a time of peace very profitable for Thyatira.
- Located on trade routes, supplied Roman garrison – business was good!
- A “bull market” prosperity by 90 A.D. that peaked 200 years later.
- Everyone wanted their share of the business!
- Business and manufacturer guilds were powerful.
- Joining was the key to economic success.
- Guilds were the heart of civic & social life.
- Each guild controlled a section of the city.
- Guilds also impacted the religious life of Thyatira
- Each guild worshipped their own patron god or goddess.
- Syncretism – blending different religions – was a way of life.
- No record of a Jewish community.
- But there was a church faithful to Jesus.
- No persecution from community, but guilds put on a lot of pressure.
- To do business, Christians were expected to join guilds & worship patron god/goddess.
- Refusing meant becoming a social & religious outcast, unable to make a decent living.
- Yet joining made them idolaters!
II. Introduction of the letter (v. 18)
- Address & commission – like all the others, proclaims Jesus’ sovereignty.
- Prophetic messenger & character of Christ.
- Contrasts Jesus with the idols of the guilds.
- “Son of God,” as opposed to Apollo of the guilds, the “son of Zeus.”
- “Eyes like a flame” as opposed to dull eyes of lifeless idols.
- “feet like burnished bronze” – pure brass produced by an Apollo-worshipping guild.
- Point: Jesus is the true Son of God; Apollo of the guilds is nothing!
- Jesus is to be feared, not the guilds of Apollo.
- Matthew 10:28: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
- Application: Jesus is still on His throne…
- And we must recognize the peril of walking away from Him!
III. Strengthsof the Church in Thyatira – Found in their “Works”(v. 19)
- Love – The foundation of all the rest of the “works.”
- They love God AND their neighbors – the two most important commands.
- Faith – Their trust in the Lord.
- Service
- Action taken on behalf of others
- Reflects the love Jesus has for us as well as our love for Him.
- Includes many diverse activities.
- It MUST take place – in us, and in our church!
- The life of the Christian is service.
- Patient endurance – continue to follow Jesus no matter what.
- All done on an increasing basis.
- Point: What they believe is visible in the way they live, and Jesus commends them for it because that’s the way it’s supposed to be!
- WE are to do the same!
IV. Weaknesses of the Church in Thyatira (vv20-23)
- They “tolerate that woman Jezebel…”
- “Tolerate” = “allow” or “permit”
- “Jezebel” – symbolic of a real woman, though we don’t know who.
- Calls herself a prophetess
- A leader in the church
- Claims to bring teaching directly from God.
- Teaching and seducing servants to practice sexual immorality & eat food sacrificed to idols.
- In Kings, Jezebel was the Phoenician wife of King Ahab.
- Led Israel to worship Baal, which included sexually immoral acts.
- Same 2 sins in the letter to Pergamum.
- Most likely, Jezebel teaches Syncretism – worshipping “Jesus AND…”
- Point: Just as the first Jezebel led the People of God away from Yahweh into immorality and idol worship…
- …THIS “Jezebel” is leading the People of God (Christians) away from Christ into immorality and idol worship.
- What makes this so serious in Thyatira
- Though the church in Pergamum had Nicolaitans in the church…
- …Thyatira accepted this Jezebel!
- She’s important to the church.
- Perhaps even a leader!
- She’s rationalized her sin.
- Invites, seduces, deceives… other believers to join her!
- They, in turn, participate and rationalize their sin as well.
- It happens all the time today.
- We are constantly pulled toward compromise.
- vv 21 & 22 – Jesus describes the consequences of the deceiver & the deceived.
- This “Jezebel” refuses to repent – nothing is left but judgment.
- There is a price for sin, & God is not obligated to remove it (though He often chooses to do so).
- Though God is loving, kind, and patient, we can reach a point where there is nothing left but to pay the price that is demanded.
- Dan doesn’t think the judgment in this case is loss of salvation (though we have to wonder if this “Jezebel” has a saving faith in Christ).
- In this case it’s an illness.
- Not all who get sick are sinners.
- But sometimes God uses sickness or even death to discipline His children (see 1 Cor. 11:30)
- The purpose is for our benefit.
- 1 Cor. 11:32, “But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world.”
- Dan believes the illness Jesus speaks of is intended to bring this “Jezebel” to repentance.
- “Those who commit adultery with her”
- Those in the church who have been drawn in by her teaching…
- …But have not yet refused to repent.
- They are given another chance to repent.
- Yet they will face “tribulation”
- Not the “Great Tribulation…”
- …But trouble.
- This is a warning and a call to repent.
- “her children”
- Not her natural children, but a metaphor for her “spiritual children”
- Those who are committed to her teaching & now live like she lives.
- Their consequences is death! God takes them home.
- Why such a severe consequence? Last part of v 23:
- Jesus is concerned about the integrity of the church.
- He doesn’t want the church corrupted.
- So He is going to remove those who refuse to follow Him.
- This is a warning for at least 4 groups of Christians.
- Those who teach (with our words or our lives) are to be careful to teach what the Bible says.
- James 3:1:“Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.”
- Those who learn (which includes all of us) vv 24 & 25:
- Be students of the Bible.
- Pray and strive to draw close to Jesus.
- Evaluate what people teach according to Scripture
- If there’s a difference, hold to God’s Word rather than man’s teaching.
- Be careful of drifting into compromise.
- Those who discover they’re following a false teacher & false teaching
- Repent.
- Turn from the false teachers and the way they’re leading you.
- To churches: We must be careful to teach the Bible and the Gospel accurately, and live to reflect the love of Christ to the world. Both are essential.
- “No man has a right to lead such a life of contemplation as to forget in his own ease the service due to his neighbor; nor has any man a right to be so immersed in active life as to neglect the contemplation of God.” Augustine
VI.Challenge to overcome and Call to Listen (vv26-29)
- The last 4 letters put the call to listen at the end.
- Challenge to overcome (vv26-28)
- “One who conquers” = The one who continues to do Jesus’ will to the end.
- By definition, that’s the Christian.
- He/she is not sidetracked with false teachers or false teaching.
- Reward – vv 26-27 is a paraphrase of Psalm 2:8-9.
- In the Psalm, Jesus as the Messiah, has the authority over the nations.
- Here that authority is promised to those who overcome.
- Somehow Christians participate in Jesus’ final victory.
- “Morning star” – in Numbers 24:17, speaks of the Messiah
- But in the Roman culture, Venus, the “morning star,” was a symbol of Roman power.
- Jesus seems to be reinforcing the promise of vv 26-27.
- Those who overcome will join in His final victory.
- Point: Not only will Christians see the world set right…
- …We’ll have a hand in setting it right!
- Until Jesus returns, we have an obligation to watch our teaching…
- …And at the same time, strive to grow in love, faith, service, & perseverance…
- …To strive to reflect the love of Christ to each other and to the world.
“He who has an ear. Let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”