Paragraph / Title and Subject / OM / rev / chapter / Item to be approved / acceptable / BCAA check/actionEU-OPS*/OPERATIONS MANUAL COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST
AOC Holder: / Date : / Rev. n° :
Accountable Manager
Name :
Date :
Signature : / Quality Manager
Name :
Date :
Signature :
*EU-OPS is the annex III to the ECC 3922/91
Paragraph / Title and Subject / OM / rev / chapter / Item to be approved / acceptable / BCAA check/actionSubpart A / Applicability and Definitions
1.001 / Applicability
1.003 / Definition
(a)(4) Procedures to prepare or revise a MEL for the operators particular aeroplane / Approved
Subpart B / General
1.005 / General
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.005 Operations of performance class B aeroplane / Refer to Subpart H, Performance Class B
(d) Approval to use a specific flight simulator
1.020 / Laws, regulations and procedures
1.025 / Common language
1.030 / Minimum Equipment Lists - Operators responsibilities
(a) Acceptable of MMEL on which the MEL is based on / Acceptable / LEP MEL
(a) Approval for each MEL / Approval / LEP MEL
(d) Permission to operate an aeroplane other than in accordance with the MEL / Ferry Flight Permit
1.035 / Quality System
(c) Acceptable of the quality system / Acceptable
(c) Acceptable of the quality manager / Acceptable / Form 1118
(e ) Acceptable of two quality managers - operations and maintenance / Acceptable / Form 1118
(JAA) AMC OPS 1.035 / (4.7.2) Audit Schedule - Acceptable of increased audit frequency from 12 to 24 month / Acceptable
1.037 / Accident prevention and flight safety programme
1.040 / Crew members
1.050 / Search and rescue information
1.055 / Information on emergency and survival equipment carried
1.060 / Ditching
1.065 / Carriage of weapons of war and munitions of war
(a) Approval to transport weapons of war and munitions of war by all states concerned / Letter of approval by all states
(b) Approval to carry weapons etc. when loaded or accessible in flight / Approval / Letter of Approval
1.070 / Carriage of sporting weapons and ammunition
(b)(1) Acceptable for alternative stowage procedure for sporting weapons and munitions / Acceptable / Letter of Acceptance
1.075 / Method of carriage of persons
1.080 / Intentionally blank
1.085 / Crew responsibilities
(e) Acceptable of requirements on the restrictions of alcohol consumption / Acceptable
1.090 / Authority of the commander
1.095 / Authority to taxi an aeroplane
1.100 / Admission to flight deck
1.105 / Unauthorised carriage
1.110 / Portable electronic devices
1.115 / Alcohol and drugs
1.120 / Endangering safety
1.125 / Documents to be carried
1.130 / Manuals to be carried
(3) The AFM of a specific aeroplane does not to be carried on board / Acceptable / Letter of Acceptance
1.135 / Additional Information to be carried
(b) Presentation of information/forms, or parts thereof, in a form other than on printed paper / Permission / AOC
1.140 / Information retained on the ground
1.145 / Power to inspect
1.150 / Production of documentation and records
1.155 / Preservation of documentation
1.160 / Preservation , production and use of flight recorder recordings
1.165 / Leasing
(b)(2) Between community operators - Approval for wet lease in / Approval / Letter of Approval
(b)(2) Between community operators - Approval for dry lease in / Approval / AOC
(b)(2) Between community operators - Approval for dry lease out / Approval / AOC
(c)(1)(i) Between community and any entity - Approval for dry lease in incl. Agreement / Approval / AOC
(c)(1)(ii) Dry lease in from Non-Community, Differences in aeroplane equipment / Approval / Subpart K&L Compliance List
(c)(3) With state signatory to the Chicago convention - Dry lease out / Agreement between NAA's
(c )(2)(i) From non-community state, wet lease in, exceeding 5 days / Approval / Letter of Approval
(c )(2)(ii)(C) From non-community state, wet lease in, C of A of the aeroplane concerned / Acceptable
(JAA) ACJ OPS 1.165 / (c)(2) From non-community state, wet lease in, not exceeding 5 consecutive days / Letter of Acknowledgment
Subpart C / Operator Certification and Supervision
1.175 / General Rules for Air Operator Certification
(c)(1) Approval to hold additionally an AOC issued from another Authority / Approved
Appendix 1(e) To alter basic requirements to list an aeroplane registration on the AOC / Approval / AOC Variation
(h) Acceptable of the Accountable Manager within the organisation / Acceptable / Form 1118
(i)(1) Acceptable of the Postholder Flight Operations / Acceptable / Form 1118
(i)(2) Acceptable of the Continuous Airworthiness Manager / Acceptable / Form 1118
(i)(3) Acceptable of the Postholder Crew Training / Acceptable / Form 1118
(i)(4) Acceptable of the Postholder Ground Operations / Acceptable / Form 1118
(j) Acceptable for a person, holding more than one nominated posts / Acceptable
(k) Acceptable if the accountable manager fills additionally nominated posts / Acceptable
Appendix 2 (b)(3) Acceptable of a postholder on more than one AOC / Acceptable / Agreement NAA's
1.180 / Approval for the operators maintenance system / Approval / Subpart G Approval
1.185 / Administrative requirements
Subpart D / Operational Procedures
1.192 / Terminology
(f) Acceptable to consider a specific destination aerodrome as an isolated aerodrome / Acceptable
(k) Refer to OPS 1.246 / Refer OPS 1.246
1.195 / Operational control / Approved
1.200 / Operations manual
1.205 / Competence of operations personnel
1.210 / Establishment of procedures
1.215 / Use of air traffic services
1.216 / In-flight operational instructions
1.220 / Authorisation of aerodromes by the operator
1.225 / Aerodrome operating minima
1.230 / Instrument departure and approach procedures
(c) Any variation of an approach and departure procedure must be approved by the state in which the aerodrome is located / Approval / Letter of Approval
(c) The approved variation of an approach and departure procedure must be acceptable to the authority of the operator / Acceptable
1.235 / Noise abatement procedures
1.240 / Routes and areas of operation
1.241 / Operation in defined airspace with RVSM / Approval / AOC
1.243 / Operations in areas with specific navigation performance requirements - MNPS/RNAV/RNP / Approval / AOC
1.245 / Maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome for two-engine aeroplanes - Non-ETOPS
(a)(2)(ii) Approval for more than 120 minutes up to 180 minutes OEI flying time / Approval / AOC
1.246 / Extended range operations with two engine aeroplanes - ETOPS
(a) / EASA AMC 20X6 - Approval for maximum diversion time / Approval / AOC
EASA AMC 20 20X6 10 f. (1) (ii) (c) Approval for particular area and routes in combination with a particular airframe/engine grouping / Approval / AOC
EASA AMC 20, 20X6 4(j)(1) Approval for One Engine Inoperative (OEI) cruise speed / Approval / AOC
1.250 / Establishment of minimum flight altitudes
(b) Approval of the method, of establishing minimum flight altitude / Approved
1.255 / Fuel Policy
Appendix 1, 1.3 (a)(iv) Approval for the statistical method and analysis for the calculation of the amount of contingency fuel / Approved
1.260 / Carriage of persons with reduced mobility
1.265 / Carriage of inadmissible passengers, deportees or persons in custody
1.270 / Stowage of baggage and cargo
1.275 / Intentionally blank
1.280 / Passenger Seating
1.285 / Passenger Briefing
1.290 / Flight preparation
1.295 / Selection of aerodromes
(b)(1)(ii) Refer to OPS 1.246 / Refer to OPS 1.246
1.297 / Planning minima for IFR flights
1.300 / Submission of ATS Flight Plan
1.305 / Refuelling/Defuelling with passengers embarking, on board or disembarking
1.307 / Refuelling/Defuelling with wide-cut fuel
1.308 / Push back and towing
1.310 / Crew members at stations
1.311 / Minimum Number of cabin crew required to be on board an aeroplane during ground operations with passengers
(a)(1) Acceptable of procedure for the evacuation of passengers with a reduced number of minimum cabin crew complement / Acceptable
1.313 / Use of Headset
1.315 / Assisting means for emergency evacuation
1.320 / Seats, safety belts and harnesses
1.325 / Securing of passenger cabin and galley(s)
1.330 / Accessibility of emergency equipment
1.335 / Smoking on board
1.340 / Meteorological conditions
1.345 / Ice and other contaminants - ground procedures
1.346 / Ice and other contaminants - flight procedures
1.350 / Fuel and oil supply
1.355 / Take-off conditions
1.360 / Application of take-off minima
1.365 / Minimum flight altitudes
1.370 / Simulated abnormal situations in flight
1.375 / In-flight fuel management
1.380 / Intentionally blank
1.385 / Use of supplement oxygen
1.390 / Cosmic radiation
(JAA) ACJ OPS 1.390 1 a Acceptable of other methods for assessment of exposure level / Acceptable
(JAA) ACJ OPS 1.390 1 a Approval for other than CARI 3 computer program / Approved
1.395 / Ground proximity detection
1.398 / Use of Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS)
1.400 / Approach and landing conditions
1.405 / Commencement and continuation of approach
1.410 / Operating procedures - Threshold crossing height
1.415 / Journey log
1.420 / Occurrence reporting
1.425 / Reserved
Subpart E / All Weather Operations
1.430 / Aerodrome operating minima -General
(a)(1) Lower aerodrome operating minima than those established by the state in which the aerodrome is located; require specifically approval of that state / Approval / Letter of Approval
(a)(1) Approval for the method of determining aerodrome operating minima / Approved
(a)(2) Acceptable of method for in-flight calculation of unplanned alternate aerodrome operating minima and for approaches utilising Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) / Acceptable
(d)(1) Approval for a particular approach to a particular runway if not flown as stabilised approach (Sap) / Approved
(d)(2) Approval for a particular non-precision approach to a particular runway if not flown as continuous descent final approach (CDFA) / Approved
(d)(3) Exemption to the RVR increment when using approved 1.430 (d)(2) Non-CDFA / Exemption
(e)(2) Exemption from the requirement to increase the RVR above 1500m (CAT A/B) or above 2400m (CAT C/D) / Exemption
(b)/ Appendix 1 Old to OPS 1.430(a)(4)(i) Approval for Low visibility take-off in less than 150/200m RVR / Approval / AOC
Appendix 1 Old to OPS 1.430(a)(4)(ii) Approval for Low visibility take-off in less than 125/150m, but not lower than 75m RVR, using lateral guidance system / Approval / AOC
Appendix 1 Old to OPS 1.430 (b)(3)(x) The use of other visual references instead of those provided by the runway lights, approach lights and markings must be acceptable / Acceptable
Appendix 2 to OPS 1.430 (c)(b)(1) Approval for permanent change of aeroplane approach category - landing mass and the use of this mass to determine the VAT / Approved
1.435 / Terminology
1.440 / Low visibility operations - general operating rules
(a)(1) Aeroplane equipment other than CS-AWO to conduct Category II and III operations requires Acceptable / Acceptable
(a)(3) Approval for IR Category II operations / Approval / AOC
(a)(3) Approval for IR Category III operations / Approval / AOC
(b) Approval for Low visibility take-off 125m RVR (CAT A/B/C) or 150m RVR (CAT D) / Approval / AOC
(c) Approval to conduct lower than Standard Category I Operations / Non-applicable until New Appendix 1 to OPS 1.430 is implemented
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.440 (b) / (JAA) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.440 Approval for the Category II/III operational demonstration programme / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.440 (b)(1) Approval for the number of approaches required during the Category II/III operational demonstration programme / Approval / Letter of Approval
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.440 (g) Approval for Category II/III and LVTO equipment and maintenance programme / Approval / Subpart K&L/ Part 26 Compliance List
1.445 / Low visibility operations - Aerodrome considerations
1.450 / Low visibility operations - Training and qualification
(2)/ JAA Appendix 2 to JAR-FCL 240&295 Section 6 Approval for low visibility training and checking / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450 (a) Acceptable of abbreviated LVO training and checking / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450 (a)(2)(ii) Approval for the reduction or the required minimum number of approaches and landings depending on the equipment used / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450 (e) Approval for the reduction or the required minimum number of approaches and landings using EVS systems / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450 (c)(5) Approval for the use of non-type specific aeroplane flight simulator / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450 (e)(3) Authorisation to reduce command experience requirements for commanders with previous CAT II/III experience / Authorised
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450 (f)(2) The use of the aeroplane for LVTO training in less than 150/200 m RVR where no type specific flight simulator is available, must be approved / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450 (g)(4) Authorisation for CAT II/ LVTO recurrent training & checking on the aeroplane, where no FSTD to represent that specific aeroplane or an acceptable alternate is available / Approved
1.455 / Low visibility operations - Operating procedures
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.455 Note 2 Other forms of guidance systems or displays may be certified and approved / Approval
1.460 / Low visibility operations - Minimum equipment
1.465 / VFR Operating minima
Subpart F / Performance General
1.470 / Applicability
1.475 / General
(b) Performance data, contained in the AFM, supplemented with data, for the purpose of showing compliance with the applicable requirements / Acceptable
1.480 / Terminology
(a)(6) Passenger seating capacity used by the Operator must be approved / Certification according Manufacturer / Certification NAA
Subpart G / Perfomance Class A
1.485 / General
(a) Performance data, contained in the AFM, supplemented with data, for the purpose of showing compliance with the applicable requirements / Acceptable
(b) for the wet and contaminated runway case, performance data not determined in accordance with the applicable requirements on certification of large aeroplanes / Acceptable
1.490 / Take-off
1.495 / Take-off obstacle clearance
1.500 / En-route - One engine inoperative
1.505 / En-route-aeroplanes with three or more engines, two engines inoperative
1.510 / Landing - destination and alternate aerodromes
(b) Approval to use an alternative method for the achievement of the required Missed Approach Climb Gradient / Approved
(c) Approval to use an alternative method for the achievement of the required Missed Approach Climb Gradient in case of instrument approaches with DH below 200ft / Approved
1.515 / Landing - Dry runways
(a)(3) Factored landing distance data based on reduced screen height: approval to reduce the screen height below 50 ft, but not less than 35 ft, for steep approach procedures / Approval / Letter of Approval
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.515 (a)(3) Approval for the application of Steep Approach procedures / Approval / Letter of Approval
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.515 (a)(4) Short Landing Operations: Approval of the use of a declared safe area / Approval / Letter of Approval
1.520 / Landing - wet and contaminated runways / Acceptable
(b) Acceptable of other landing distance data, which are equivalent to the AFM / Acceptable
Subpart H / Perfomance Class B
1.525 / General
1.530 / Take-off
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.005 (a)/(b)(23) Acceptable of special procedures and associated performance data, based on demonstration and/or document experience / Acceptable
(JAA) AMC OPS 1.530 (c)(5) Acceptable of correction factors for runways with slopes in excess of 2% in the direction of take-off / Acceptable
1.535 / Take-off obstacle clearance - Multi-engine aeroplanes
1.540 / En-route - Multi-engine aeroplanes
1.542 / En-route - Single-engine aeroplanes
(a) Landplanes require a place on land, along the intended flight, at which a safe forced landing can be made. All other circumstances require approval. / Approved / Letter of Approval
1.545 / Landing - Destination and alternate aerodromes
1.545/ Appendix 1 to OPS 1.005 (a)/ (25) Acceptable of special procedures and associated performance data, based on demonstration and/or document experience / Acceptable
1.550 / Landing - Dry runways
1.550/ Appendix 1 to OPS 1.005 (a)/ (26) Acceptable of special procedures and associated performance data, based on demonstration and/or document experience / Acceptable
(a)(1) Approval for the use of factored landing distance data, based on a screen height of less than 50ft, but not less than 35ft / Approved
(a)(2)/ Appendix 2 to OPS 1.550 (a)/ (a) Short Landing Operations: Approval of the use of a declared safe area / Approval
Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.550 (a)/ (a) Approval for Steep Approach procedure / Approval / Letter of Approval
(JAA) AMC OPS 1.550 (b)(4) Acceptable of correction factors for runways with slopes in excess of 2% in the direction of landing / Acceptable
1.555 / Landing - wet and contaminated runways
(b) Acceptable of used landing distance data for contaminated runway conditions / Acceptable
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.005 / (30) / (JAA) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.005 (a) Approval for the use of and abbreviated form of technical log systems / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.005 / (33) / Acceptable for an abbreviated command course / Acceptable
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.005 / (35) / Acceptable of commanders, cunducting operator proficiency checks / Acceptable
Subpart I / Perfomance Class C
1.560 / General
Performance data, contained in the AFM, supplemented with data, for the purpose of showing compliance with the applicable requirements / Acceptable
1.565 / Take-off
(JAA) AMC OPS 1.565 (d)(4) Acceptable of correction factors for runways with slopes in excess of 2% in the direction of take-off / Acceptable
1.570 / Take-off obstacle clearance
1.575 / En-route - All engines operating
1.580 / En-route - One engine inoperative
1.585 / En-route - aeroplanes with three or more engines, two engines inoperative
1.590 / Landing - destination and alternate aerodromes
1.600 / Landing - wet and contaminated runways
(b) Acceptable of used landing distance data for contaminated runway conditions / Acceptable
Subpart J / Mass and Balance
1.605 / General Introduction
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.605 (b) Approval for special standard masses, for load items other than passenger and baggage / Approved
Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.605 (d)(1) Acceptable of the CG margins and associated operational procedures, including assumptions with regard to passenger seating / Acceptable
1.607 / Terminology
1.610 / Loading, mass and balance
1.615 / Mass values for crew
(a)(3) Acceptable of other standard masses, than listed in OPS 1.615 (a)(2) / Acceptable
1.620 / Mass values for passengers and baggage
(g) Approval for the weighing survey plan, based on the statistical analysis method given in Appendix 1 to OPS 1.620(g), and the use of revised standard mass / Approval / Letter of Approval
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.620 (g)/ (c)(4) Approval for a deviation from the revised standard mass value, based on the detailed survey plan / Approval / Letter of Approval
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.620 (g)/ (c)(5) / Approval / Letter of Approval
1.625 / Mass and balance documentation
(c ) Approval for alternative procedures concerning mass and balance documentation including last minute change procedure / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.625 (a)(1)(ii) Approval to may some of the data, listed in Appendix 1 to OPS 1.625 (a)(1)(i) / Approved
Appendix 1 to OPS 1.625 (c) Approval to use an on-board mass and balance computer system (EFB), as primary source / Approval / Letter of Approval
Subpart K / Instruments and Equipment / Compliance to this Subpart must be shown to the Commercial Aviation Division
(C-COM) of the BCAA with a separate document, by the AOC Holder.
1.630 / General introduction
(a) Approval for the required instrument and equipment specified in Subpart K / Approval / Subpart K&L Compliance List
1.635 / Circuit protection devices
1.640 / Aeroplane operating lights
1.645 / Windshield wipers
1.650 / Day VFR operations - Flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment
1.652 / IFR or night operations - Flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment
1.655 / Additional equipment for single pilot operation und IFR or night
1.660 / Altitude alerting system
1.665 / Ground proximity warning system and terrain awareness warning system
1.668 / Airborne collision avoidance system
1.670 / Airborne weather radar equipment
(b) weather radar equipment may be replaced by an other equipment / Approval / Subpart K&L Compliance List
1.675 / Equipment for operations in icing conditions
1.680 / Cosmic radiation detection equipment
(a)(2)/ (JAA) ACJ OPS 680 (a)(2) Acceptable of a on board quarterly radiation sampling system / Acceptable / Subpart K&L Compliance List
1.685 / Flight crew interphone system
1.690 / Crew member interphone system
(JAA) AMC OPS 1.690 (b)(6) Acceptable of any other indicating signal / Acceptable / Subpart K&L Compliance List
1.695 / Public address system
1.700 / Cockpit voice recorders - 1