Parish Council Meeting of 12th APRIL 2010

Police Report

For the period 8 March 10 and 12 April 10, there had been 8 crimes recorded, 4 Criminal damage, 2 burglary other, 1 theft and 1 damage to Motor vehicle.

District Councillors

The official opening of the straw houses will be on Friday 14th May 1 – 3pm.

There has been a change to the concessionary travel tokens, as of the 1 April 2010 they can no longer be used for a rail card.

Parish Council

The Skate Park and Parkour have been booked for the 2nd and 3rd of August at Redwood Drive Community Centre and the 9th and 10th August at the Village Hall.

The Parish Council currently have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor anyone interested should contact the Parish Clerk on 722793 or in the Parish Office, High Street, Waddington, 9.30 to 12.30, Monday to Friday.

The Parish Council would like to take the opportunity to advise residents of the parking on grass verges. Grass verges in the village are owned by the County Council, District Council or Parish Council and should not be used for car parking. The County Council will charge anyone who is found to have damaged a grass verge as it does cost to repair them.

The Parish Council are currently trying to improve the Hilltop, with the help of some residents, and they have noticed that due to cars parking on it, it is looking a bit of a mess. Please do not park on grass verges.

Date of the next meetings

The Annual Parish Council Meeting will take place on Monday 10th May 2010 in the Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm, open forum at 7.00pm, public and press welcome.

St. Michael's Parish Church, Waddington

High Street Waddington

Sunday Services are held at

8.30 am Holy Communion [Common Worship Rite 2 [BCP]]

10.00 am Parish Communion [Common Worship Rite 1] with Junior Church

12.00 noon Holy Baptism 1st Sunday in the month

2nd Tuesday each month 3.15 for 3.30 pm

After School Club for children & their carers

We hold services in Residential Homes and a Community Centre.

Arrangements for Occasional Offices, Baptism, Marriages and Funerals

through the Rector, Roland Parker 01522 720323.

Please note the Parish Church Office [720323] at the Rectory is open

on Monday mornings from 10.00 - 12.00 noon.

This is often a good time to make enquiries.

Pentecost Sunday is Sunday 23rd May [also known as WhitSunday]

April is the month of the Church’s Annual General Meeting. It happens after this copy needs to be in, so it might be tempting to write the results now before it has happened! A good annual general meeting is always on a knife-edge with the thanks for people’s service to the church needing to be balanced with plans for the future. Whether we like it or not the church throughout the nation is being called to review the way it works and to travel much lighter. The impact on Waddington will make itself plain in the coming years. The call is to focus ourselves and to be of use to the wider community in a way that people recognise. The church is always the ladder of faith and never simply its destination. We fail when all the church can do is simply point to itself. Simply watch this space.

The May Fayre is being held in church on Saturday 22nd May – 11.0 am to 3.00pm. We hope that this is a fun event that will also raise some much-needed finance. Please contact Stan Humberstone on 720805 or Peter Carlsson on 722533. Please do turn up for a grand event.

Work in Olinda As a church we have been supporting the work of Ian and Simea Meldrum in Recife in Brazil. They work with children of the street who live around a city dump. The children are often in danger, sometimes mortal. The Meldrums’ work needs all the support we can give, both prayer and finance. This year through Lent we raised over £900 – so thank you for this kind of support and please do keep them in your prayers.

Two Concerts in March – or rather a concert and an oratorio. We are grateful to two choirs who came to sing in church in March. The Lincoln Male Voice Choir gave us a concert full of variety and The CABRA singers came to give a most moving performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion. Choirs are finding a good place for a concert in the church building. More later.

Thank you to all those who help care for the upkeep of the building and the churchyard. It is good to have so many eyes looking out for difficulties and damage. Please don’t hesitate to contact members of the church if you think that there is something wrong or something we should attend to. The quicker it is fixed the less attention is drawn. At last the windows have been fixed.

Parish Registers

We congratulate on their marriage

Anthony John Rimmer and Carolyn Ann Bamforth

We commend to God’s care those who have died

Elizabeth Tagg, Jo Whitelam,


Christian Aid Week this year is Sunday 9th - Saturday 15th May. Last year we just managed to beat the total for 2008, and we hope to do even better this year - the economy here might be a mess, but conditions are much worse elsewhere in the world, and the help provided by Christian Aid makes a REAL difference right where it is needed - at the grass roots. If you would like to be part of things this year, it's easy to join the team. Maybe you don't fancy knocking door-to-door - well how about shaking a tin outside Budgen's for a couple of hours instead?

Either way, to volunteer, pleasecontact Mick Duffield Tel: 806390; e-mail .


St Michael’s Church, Waddington


Saturday 22 May

11am - 3pm

Come along for the bric-a-brac, jumble, quality clothing, 50-50 auction, cakes & jams, plants, jewellery, CDs/DVDs, books, toys, games, bouncy castle, raffle, refreshments and lots more!

A great day for all the family

We need loads of items to sell, auction, etc.


Stan Humberstone (720805) or Peter Carlsson (722533)

LIVES First Responders, Waddington Group

We are still recruiting in the Waddington area. If you would like to know more about LIVES First Responders, or are interested in becoming a First Responder or a fundraiser, please callColin or Shirley on 721391. You can also visit the LIVES website at If you run an organisation and would like a presentation about the work of LIVES, please call the above number.

Car Boot Sales. Unfortunately, we had to cancel our sale on 3rd April two days before the event. This was on the strength of the weather forecast and the fact that only 10 people had booked a pitch. This would have made a pretty miserable event! Our next Car Boot sale is on Saturday 1st May at the Village Hall car park. It's still £5 a pitch, and refreshments will be available at a reasonable price. Sellers can turn up from 8:30am and the event is advertised from 10am to 1pm. Ifyou want to book a pitch, please call Colin or Shirley on 721391. Booking doesn't oblige you to attend, but it does give us an idea of how many to expect.

Events First Aid. Several of our responders are now qualified to provide First Aid cover at events. If you are planning an event, and require First Aid cover, please consider us for your needs. Please call Shirley on 721391 to discuss your requirements.


Sunshine Club

Sadly we have lost Mrs Bernice Hutcheon after a very short illness, our thoughts go out to her family she was a very well liked member of our club and will be sorely missed.

The Annual Competition Trophy was won by Eve Toyne for her Pretty Plate entry.

Visit to Asda for shopping and tea was once again enjoyed by members as a special free treat, thanks to June Toyne for her organisation.

Next outing is to Twycross Zoo on May 4th further details from June on 721857.

Wish to remind members that the annual subscription of £7.50 is due.

Meetings are held in the Village Hall 2.30pm - 4.30pm on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, transport is available from Brant Road and the Village at a nominal fare, contact Carol 722167 for route. We cater for the 60+ age group both Male and Female for a sociable afternoon with refreshments.

Georgina M Rainthorpe 823718

Waddington Dramatic Society

The Waddington Dramatic Society are currently making plans for projects for the coming year, so please keep your eyes out in the coming editions.

If you would like to be a part of the group, in whatever capacity, or you want to make any general enquiries please feel free to get in touch or visit our website.

Graham Pues – 826840 or

The Royal British Legion Club, Malt Kiln Lane.

Opening times

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8pm to 11.30pm Sunday 12pm to 3.30pm

The club is available for private functions. For further information please contact Kath on 01522 789175 or Sandra on 01522 869252.

Waddington Gardening Association

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 6th April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, anyone welcome. For further information call 720440 or 720418.

Monday Thrift Shop

We are open every Monday during School term time from 1.30pm – 3.30pm in the Village Hall. We hold a large selection of items – clothes, books, bric a brac etc; for sale at very reasonable prices and of course that welcome “cuppa”. If you wish t bring your unwanted articles for us to try and sell for you we accept up to 8 items at one visit. Please bundle up together with your name and address and price you would hope to get. We add 20% to help towards the hire of the hall and our very few expenses.

Ring 720440 or 720418 for further details.

Waddington Toddler Group

We meet every Thursday during School term time from 1.30-3.00pm in the Village Hall. Mums, Dads, Grandparents or Childminders are all welcome. £1.75 a session which includes a drink and biscuit for the children and a hot drink for the adults.

Waddington W.I.

The next meeting is on Wednesday May 12th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall with guest Midge Thomas with a Culinary Quiz.

Waddington Scout Group Paper Collections

We are still looking for your continued support and our next paper collection will be on Saturday 22nd May.

Waddington Cricket Club

After just escaping relegation by one point last season the club are hoping for a more successful campaign this season. The first game is on Sunday April 25th at home to Carholme and we will be holding early season practice sessions at the ground Wednesday evenings commencing on April 14th at 6.15pm and every Wednesday for the following six weeks. New players are welcome to come along and try their hand, equipment will be provided, just show up.

Lincoln City Radio Still Needs You!

About a year ago, I wrote an article for this magazine under the heading Lincoln City Radio Needs You!

I asked for volunteers to become part of our exciting new community radio station, and said there was a particular need to involve retired people with good communication skills, employing them on a voluntary basis as presenters and researchers. I detailed our 25-year campaign to provide a mature ‘grown-up’ station that would play the best popular music from seven decades, and which would highlight local events, issues and personalities across a range of subjects.

The response was good. We didn’t exactly experience a rush of volunteers but those who came to us were exactly the kind of people we wanted to involve.

Unfortunately, our aim to get the station on the air by the Autumn proved too optimistic. It was important we our funding base the highest priority and, in the economic climate, fund raising proved difficult. To save money we had to ‘cobble together’ a studio from equipment that was borrowed, donated or adapted, rather than achieve the state of the art affair to which we’d aspired to. More recently, you may have read, because our transmitter and aerial were planned to be sited on the main tower of Lincoln Cathedral, we were obliged temporarily to give way to the peregrine falcon nesting season and find a temporary site. We’d waited 25 years – what was a month or two extra?!

Now we’ve overcome the problems!

By the time you read this article Lincoln City Radio will be on the air to Lincoln and surrounding villages, on 103.6 fm, though perhaps not yet at full strength (which will be the case when we transmit from Lincoln Cathedral in early August).

So the invitation stands… If you have spare time and would like to help as a researcher or presenter, come and talk to us about joining what is now a dedicated team of volunteers. We have a strong core team but we need more people to ensure the station is a continuing success. There’s a particular demand for retired people with good proven communication skills in other areas. We’ll give you the training you need.

Much of our income will be generated through commercials, supplemented by donations and sponsorship. Low budget advertising will be offered to small businesses and groups who would otherwise never be able to contemplate running a radio campaign. Thus, the aim of the station is to ‘grow’ the radio advertising market in Lincoln rather than compete with existing broadcasters. Programme sponsors are also being sought whereby programmes or airtime will be presented courtesy of a group or individual.