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Appendix A – Sample Book Description, Contents and Readership
edited by Istvan Majoros James Baker, Jr. (University of Michigan, USA)
In recent decades, dendrimers — free-shaped synthetic macromolecules — have garnered a great deal of scientific interest due to their unique molecular nanostructure. Used in a variety of scientific applications, the use of dendrimers is now widely regarded as a safer, more precise, and more effective way to practice medicine.
This bookcompiles and details cutting-edge research in science and medicine from the interdisciplinary team of the Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences, who are currently revolutionizing drug delivery techniques through the development of engineered nanodevices. Edited by Istvan J Majoros and James Baker, Jr., two prominent nanotechnology researchers, this book will appeal to anyone involved in nanotechnology, macromolecular science, cancer therapy, or drug delivery research.
Contents: Targeted Drug Delivery (B Ward & J Baker, Jr); Drug Carriers in Cancer Therapy (T Dunham & J Baker, Jr); Dendrimer Conjugates (T Norris & J Ye); Dendrimer Conjugates in Cancer Therapy (I Majoros et al.); Biological Testing (T Thomas & J Kukowska-Latallo); Apoptosis Detection (A Myc & I Majoros); Diagnosis MRI and Others (S Swanson); Dendrimer-Bilayer Interactions (S Hong et al.); Gene Delivery (A Bielinska); Computer Simulations of Dendrimers (S K Kandasamy et al.); Dendrimer-Entrapped and Dendrimer-Stabilized Metal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications (X Shi & S H Wang).
Readership: Advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students in nanotechnology; researchers in macromolecular science, nanotechnology, chemistry, biology, and medicine, especially those with an interest in drug delivery or cancer therapy.
Key Features
•Covers research on PAMAM dendrimer-based nanodevices for use in nanomedicine, including aspects from chemistry, biology, various diagnostic methodologies, and computer simulation
•Includes contributions from and is coedited by Dr James Baker, Jr, MD, an international leader in biological nanotechnology and a member of the Nanotechnology Technical Advisory Group of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
•Illustrated throughout with excellent figures and references to accompany each section
Computational Physics for Nano Science and Nano Technology
edited by James J Y Hsu (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the computational physics for nano science and nano technology. Based on MATLAB and the C++ distributed computing paradigm, this book gives instructive explanations of the underlying physics for mesoscopic systems with many listed programs that readily compute physical properties into nano scales. Many generated graphical pictures demonstrate not only the principles of physics, but also the methodology of computing.
The book starts with a review on quantum physics, quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics, followed by a discussion on the computational and analytical tools and the numerical algorithms used. With these tools in hand, the nonlinear many-body problem, the molecular dynamics, the low dimensionality and nanostructures are then explored. Special topics covered have include the plasmon, the quantum Hall effect, chaos and stochasticity. The applications explored here include graphene, carbon nanotube, water dynamics and the molecular computer.
Contents: Little Big Science; Tools for Analysis; Mesoscopic Systems; Analytical Chapter; Numerical Chapter; Nonlinear Many-Body Physics and Transport; OOP, MPI and Parallel Computing; Low Dimensionality and Nanostructures; Special Topics; Applications.
Readership: Graduate students of physics, chemistry, electrical & electronic engineering, materials science and engineering; researchers in nanoscience; engineers in nanotechnology.
Key Features
•Contains many working codes which are capable and expandable to compute research-level theoretical calculations
•Demonstrates the underlying physics based on listed programs and 3D graphical pictures
•Is suitable as a graduate-level textbook or for training courses on nanocomputing, covering in great depth current research interest in nano science and nano technology
An Introductory Textbook
by Chin Wee Shong, Sow Chorng Haur Andrew T S Wee (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Nanotechnology is one of the most important growth areas of this century. Nanoscience, the science underpinning nanotechnology, is a multidisciplinary subject covering atomic, molecular and solid state physics, as well as much of chemistry. Nanostructures are known to exhibit novel and improved material properties, fundamentally because the physical and chemical properties are very different when dimensions are reduced to the nanometer range. This book thus aims to introduce the various basic principles and knowledge needed for students to understand science at the nanoscale.
Many ideas proposed in nanotechnology are frontier and futuristic, although some have immediate technological applications. The core scientific principles of all nanotechnology applications, however, are grounded in physics and chemistry. There are currently numerous specialized nanoscience and nanotechnology-related texts or monographs at the graduate and senior undergraduate levels. This textbook is targeted at the junior undergraduate level or as a reference text for advanced learners at pre-university and senior high school. It has evolved from the authors’ own teaching experience at tertiary institutions.
Contents: Introduction and Historical Perspective of Nanoscale Science; Classical Physics at the Nanoscale; Quantum Phenomenon at the Nanoscale; From Atoms and Molecules to Nanoscale Materials; Surface Activity at the Nanoscale; Artificial Nanostructures; Formation of Nanoscale Objects and Self-Assembly; Nanotools and Nanofabrication; Future Trends.
Readership: This book is suitable for science undergraduates, and can be used as a reference for pre-university science students.
Key Features
•Practical and user-friendly textbook that can be adopted for introductory undergraduate courses in nanoscience and nanotechnology, materials science and engineering, physics and chemistry unlike most graduate-level and specialized texts on nanoscience
•Instructor-friendly, with sample test questions and practical laboratory exercises included in the Appendices to assist the instructor
•Offers numerous interesting, well-illustrated and recent examples from the three authors’ research work. The combined authorship further provides a unique multidisciplinary flavor needed for the teaching of nanoscale science.
Appendix B – Subject Listing Directory
Arts & Social Sciences
International Relations/Policy Studies / Philosophy / PsychologyPolitical Science / Sociology/Social Issues / Others, please specify
Asian Studies
Asian Business/Management / Asian Culture/Politics/Society / Asian Literary Studies/LiteraturesAsian Economies / Asian History / Others, please specify
Business & Management
Decision Sciences / Innovation Technology/ Knowledge/ Information Management / Operations Management/ Operations Research/ Management SciencesEntrepreneurship / International Trade/Business / Organizational Behavior
Others, please specify
Analytical Chemistry / Fullerene Chemistry / Polymer ChemistryCatalysts Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / SolidState Chemistry
Computational Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry / Supramolecular Chemistry
Electrochemistry / Nuclear Chemistry / Surface/Interface Chemistry
Emulsion/Microemulsion Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Theoretical/ Quantum Chemistry
Environmental/Atmospheric Chemistry / Photochemistry / Polymer Chemistry
Physical Chemistry / General / Others, please specify
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence / Neural Networks / Supercomputing (Parallel Computing)Databases / Pattern, Handwriting Recognition/Image Analysis / Theoretical Computer Science
Fuzzy Logic / Robotics & Automated Systems Software / Networking
Machine Perception/ Computer Vision / Software Engineering/ Programming / General
Others, please specify
Economics & Finance
Asian Economies/ International Economics/ Developmental Economics / General Economics/ Macroeconomics/ Microeconomics/ Industrial Organization / Mathematical Economics/ Modeling/ Game Theory/ EconometricsComputational Methods for Economics & Finance/ Statistics for Economics & Finance / Health Economics / Mathematical Finance
Environmental Economics/ Management / History of Economics Thought/ Economic History / Money & Banking/ Corporate Finance/ Investments/ Financial Markets & Institutions
International Finance / Political Economy / Others, please specify
Education / Others, please specifyEngineering
Aerospace Engineering / Biomedical Engineering/ Bioengineering / Chemical EngineeringElectrical & Electronic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Computer Engineering
Earthquake Engineering / Engineering Mechanics / Industrial Engineering
Materials Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Ocean Engineering
Systems Engineering / Others, please specify
Environmental Science
Biological Conservation & Preservation / Environmental Management & Planning / Natural ResourceEnergy Research / Environmental Technology / Oceanography
Environmental Economics / Geology/Earth Science / Pollution
Environmental Education / Hydrology / Waste Management
Environmental Engineering / Meteorology/Climatology / Others, please specify
General Interest / Reference / Chinese PublicationsOthers, please specify
History of Science
History of Science / Others, please specifyLife Sciences/Biology
Animal/Plant Physiology / Biotechnology / GeneticsBiochemistry / Botany / Human Biology/ Biological Anthropology/ Primatology
Biocomputing / Cell/Molecular Biology / Natural Product Research
Bioinformatics/ Computational Biology / Ecology / Neurobiology/ Neuroscience
Biomathematics / Evolution Biology / Psychology
Biophysics / Fish & Marine Biology / Zoology
General / Others, please specify
Materials Science
Amorphous Materials / Semiconductors & related areas / PolymersCeramics / Liquid Crystals & Crystallography / Spectroscopy & other Analytical Techniques
Electron Microscopy Scanning Tunneling / Metallography / Superconductivity & Magnetic Materials
Glasses, Insulators & Optical Materials / Microelectronics / Surface Science
New Materials / Tribology / Others, please specify
Algebra & Number Theory / Combinatorics & Graph Theory / Fuzzy MathematicsAnalysis & Differential Equations / Control Theory / General Mathematics
Approximation Theory / Fluid Mechanics / Geometry & Topology
Logic / Mathematical Physics / Optimization
Mathematical Biology / Mechanics / Probability & Statistics
Mathematical Finance / Numerical & Computational Mathematics / Stochastic
Mathematical Modeling / Others, please specify
Alternative Medicine / HIV & AIDS Research / PathologyAnaesthesia / Human Physiology / Pharmacology/ Pharmacy
Anatomy/ Embryology / Infectious Diseases / Psychiatry
Cardiology / Immunology / Public Health
Clinical Biochemistry / Internal Medicine / Respiratory Medicine/ Pulmonary Medicine
Community & Occupational Health / Microbiology/ Virology / Rheumatology
Dentistry / Nephrology/ Renal Medicine / Social Medicine
Dermatology / Neurology/ Neuroscience / Surgery, General
Ear, Nose & Throat / Nuclear Medicine/ Radiology/ Medical Imaging / Toxicology
Endocrinology / Obstetrics & Gynaecology / Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
Forensic Medicine / Oncology/ Cancer Research / Urology
Gastroenterology / Ophthalmology / Vascular Medicine
Geriatric Medicine / Orthopaedics / General
Haematology / Paediatrics / Others, please specify
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Atom Manipulation / MEMS/NEMS (Micro- and Nano- Electromechanical Systems / Nanomaterials & NanostructuresElectron States in Nanoscale Systems / Molecular Mechanics & Robotics / Nanomedicine & Nanobiology
Fullerenes / Nanoelectronics / Picotechnology
Magnetic Properties of Nanostructures / Nanofabrication / Quantum Information
Nanoinstrumentation & Nanocommunication / Single Molecule Kinetics / General
Others, please specify
Nonlinear Science, Chaos & Dynamical Systems
Nonlinear Science, Chaos & Dynamical Systems / Others, please specifyPhysics
Accelerator/ Experimental Physics / Condensed Matter Physics / Low Temperature PhysicsApplied Physics / Geophysics / Mathematical Physics
Astrophysics, Astronomy & Cosmology / High Energy Physics/ Particle Physics / Molecular Physics
Atomic Physics / High Temperature Superconductivity / Optics
Classical Mechanics/ Electrodynamics / Laser Physics / Plasma Physics
Computational Physics / Liquid Crystals / Quantum Physics
Semiconductors / Theoretical Physics / Thermodynamics
Nuclear Physics / Statistical Physics / General
Others, please specify
Popular Science
Popular Science / Others, please specifyOthers
Others, please specifyPage 1 of 9