Kendal BID is a partnership between Kendal’s businesses, the local authority and other organisations, working together to improve the trading environment of Kendal, to make it a more pleasant place to live, work, invest and visit. Driven by the private sector we are committed to providing new and additional activity to complement what is already going on; our board of directors are volunteer representatives from Kendal businesses and meet regularly to discuss the way forward under the agreed priorities.
1-CONFIDENT: Marketing and Promotion- help provide Kendal with an identity through for example consumer focussed materials, social media or events (please see appendices 3). The objective for a CONFIDENT Kendal is to market and promote Kendal as a centre for retail, leisure and tourism, including better use of a digital and mobile technologies, and extending cultural activities, festivals and events to raise the profile of the town regionally and nationally.
2-CLEAN: Providing a clean, safe and attractive environment- getting people to have more pride in Kendal town with the objective of investing time and resources where it is needed to enhance its appearance and ensure an attractive and welcoming environment for all.
3-CONVENIENT: Convenient and accessible for all- helping make Kendal easier and more affordable to park in either through car parking initiatives or other modes of transport.
4-COMPETITIVE: Enterprising and Competitive- making Kendal adapt to local and visitor expectations whilst still keeping its heritage and culture through investment in people and businesses, positively encouraging entrepreneurial ship.
We are also committed to making everything we do transparent to everyone who pays the levy and regular updates can be seen on the website.
This document provides guidelines for all requests for funding and specifically festivals and events. Applications will be considered on their own merits and will be dealt with on an individual basis but the justification for all funding must be transparent and consistent throughout, fitting in with our overall vision.
“Our Kendal is a place where people want to come to live, work, visit and shop, have a good time and come back again. It is the most attractive and diverse town in the North of England”
From the moment someone sees the Kendal sign, they should know they are going to have an unforgettable experience either through shopping, visiting our wonderful unique attractions and landscape or simply enjoying it as a place to work.
Our businesses continue to thrive and expand, offering greater choices for all.
Kendal, gateway to the Lake District and The National Park, is diverse in all its experiences from its cobbled streets and intimate yards to the beautiful picturesque river walks and parks. We are renowned for ourindependent and multiple shops, a culture of entertainment and relaxationthrough our successful and established program of festivals and activities, and a diverse range of professional services.
It is easy to park your car, catch a bus, cycle safely or walk into Kendal and the streets are clean, everyone works together to ensure that Kendal is unforgettable and that everyone wants to keep coming back again”
Any request for financial support must meet the following criteria;
1-BID monies must add value rather than be a gap fill for missing funding
2-All requests must be able to fit into at least one of our overall priorities outlined as the four C’s, showing a wider benefit to the BID area.
3-All projects must be able to communicate our marketing ‘messages’ and will need to work with BID to ensure that this happens
4-Only requests done in the correct format will be accepted
5-All decisions by the board are final
6-All project benefits to the Kendal BID area must be measurable
7-Projects should be for eligible activities only[i].
8-VAT can only be included if it cannot be recovered by the applicant
9-BID monies will only be given if value for money is shown for example 3 quotes must be provided for any work over £150.
10-All applications must have a champion from the private sector and from the BID area
11-All applications should in the first instance be made to the BID manager and in the correct format. The BID manager are encouraged to discuss their application with the BID Manager.
12-A maximum of 40% of the total activity/ product or £5000 whichever is the lesser can be applied for. Activity/ product is defined as the element that you are requesting funding for. In exceptional circumstances the Board has the right to decide if more can be offered.
13-A minimum of 80% of the activity/ project must take place within the BID zone.
Priority will be given to applications that have the following;
1-Match funding, in kind contributions will be considered as such
2-Proven partnerships within the BID area (private or public sector)
3-Where commercially and operationally viable priority will be given to those applications that have engaged with BID businesses for any quoted services/ products.
4-Proven to be challenging and innovative(it will be up to the applicant to provide information on this area- you can use a separate piece of paper)
5-Unique or being experienced in Kendal for the first time
6-Provide additional proven benefits over and above the KPI’s (see appendices *)
1.Name of Business2. Contact Name
3.Contact Address
4. Day Time - Tel Number
5. Email Address
6. Website/ Twitter
7. Description of a new project or specific activity.
8. How will this add value to the BID Area and Businesses? (think about our 4 C’s and explain how they fit into a least 1 of them)
Weighting 3
9. How will you prove it has added value? Explain what you hope to achieve and how you will show it has happened. The BID process is measured on certain KPI’s[ii] please refer to these. You will be asked to provide this information as a condition of support. You do not need to meet all KPI’s as not all may be achievable through your project but we expect that you will be able to achieve at least 1.
Weighting 2
10. When and Where will the project take place?
11. Is it a New Event/project or activity or linked to a special event/activity already happening in Kendal BID area?
Who will this project be aimed at (specific business sector and/or public)
Weighting 1
12. The BID board has identified a number of key ‘messages’ it wishes to portray, please explain how you will push these key messages[iii] (this will probably be in your marketing materials or another innovative way). You will be expected to show these before going to print for authorisation from the BID board as a condition of support.
Weighting 2
13. If you were not awarded the full amount you were looking for what would the impact be on your project?
14. Please indicate who your support business from the BID area is (please provide all contact details) .
15. Who will manage the project and how will it be managed?
Weighting 2
16a Please tell us about any matched funding confirmed and separately hope to have confirmed. Including named partners, value and activity (are the activities the same thing or different elements). Please also indicate your contribution and for what activity. The more information you provide here will help speed up the process.
Please also indicate the total costs of the individual activities you have funding for and explain if there are any short falls how you will mitigate the shortfall. This is to establish if you have a viable project.Please use a separate piece of paper if you need to add further detail, however it must be in bullet format only. / CONFIRMED
BID Contribution (please detail exactly which activities the BID Funding will be used for wholly or in part )
Please indicate your total costs (if you have had to get quotes under GUIDELINE 11 please attach these with your application) / VAT (INC) / VAT (EXC)
Declaration on behalf of the organisation, group or company. I confirm that:
- The information on this form is correct.
- The funding for the project will be confirmed before commencement, or adjustments made and the budget resubmitted to BID for approval.
- That any form of licence or other approval for this project has been received or will be prior to the commencement of this project eg Musical entertainment licence, permission to use a public space and completion of a contingent Risk Assessment Form and any method statements
- That the necessary public liability insurance etc will be in place prior to commencement of the project
- Audited Accounts of the event will be held and made available on request.
Signed______Print Name______
(The signatory must be the main contact for the project)
Position within Organisation, Group or Company ______
Date ______
Please return this Initial Application Form for funding –
To: The KENDALBID Manager c/o Beales, Finkle Street, Kendal LA9 4AB Email:
The BID Manager will contact you directly if we require any further information. It will then be forwarded to the Board for consideration and you will be contacted within 14 working days. The Board meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. If you are successful we will forward a declaration and acceptance form plus a request for bank details.
Visit us at or tweet us @Kendalbid
Working for a Confident, Clean, Convenient and Competitive Kendal
[i] Please refer to NON ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES appendices PAGE 1
[ii] Please refer to the KPI’s attached appendices PAGE 2
[iii] Please refer to the KEY MESSAGES appendicesPAGE 3