Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 1 of 5

Date: April 13, 2009 Attachments: No

The regular meeting was called to order by President Johnson at 7:00 p.m., High School Media Center.

Present: Douglas Beckett, Douglas Bucholtz, Jack Jeppesen, Daryl Johnson, Edward Jonaitis, Timothy Rasmussen, and Catrina Woodruff

Absent: None

Douglas Beckett asked for the land purchase offer to be added to the agenda as Discussion Item C.

Douglas Bucholtz requested the lawn mowing position and painting position be removed from the consent items and voted upon separately (Personnel Item D & E).

President Johnson added Strategic Plan to Discussion Item D.

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Bucholtz to approve the agenda as amended. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Welcome/Public Communication/Recognition of Visitors: None

Points of Pride

v  Timothy Erspamer acknowledged Bright Start and Elementary Music Programs. Pam Behrenwald does a great job of organizing the music programs.

v  Lakeview High School Band was recognized by High School Principal, Ron Pincumbe. The band will be performing on April 25th as they qualified for finals.

v  LHS Forensics Team recently took first place in the CSAA League. Dawn Buchholz recognized the team for their outstanding performance at the recent CSAA competition.

v  Ron Pincumbe thanked the Girls Varsity Basketball Team and congratulated the team and Coach Kohler. Coach Kohler extended his thanks for the support of the team during the season. The administrations congratulated the team, and Dr. Pope read a letter from John Raffel of The Greenville Daily News. Dr. Pope informed the community that Representative Huckleberry has invited the team to come to Lansing to be recognized and given a tour of the capital. The team was introduced and congratulated by each board member.

v  Tricia Root was acknowledged for recently completing the MSBO Voluntary Certification Program.

Kaylee Krause recited “The Flag Goes By”; “The Ragged Old Flag”, and “Oh Flag of Our Union”. The board enjoyed this exceptional presentation.

Edward Jonaitis reported on the Finance/Personnel Committee meeting held April 2, 2009. The Committee recommends payment of this month’s bills and personnel recommendations. The Committee also discussed the budget revisions and the resurfacing of the high school gym floor.

Superintendent Pope spoke on the Parent/Community Survey. The Strategic Plan was discussed and Dr. Pope noted one board member will be needed on the Strategic Planning Committee. If anyone knows of a community member interested, please let Central Office know.

Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 2 of 5

Date: April 13, 2009 Attachments: No

Lukas Miller and Garrett Rasmussen reported on behalf of the LHS Student Government. They shared details of the 2009 Homecoming. The homecoming game/dance and scheduling was discussed. Class Council elections will be conducted with a new proposed format. Dr. Pope thanked the student government for their donations, along with community volunteers, during the girl’s basketball tournaments.

Administration Reports: Jack Jeppesen asked Mr. Pincumbe about the lack of attendance at the high school. Mr. Pincumbe indicated attendance is being addressed and shared options being considered.

Douglas Beckett commented on the written reports and indicated the principals are appreciated.

Sara Shriver, Director of Instruction, highlighted and followed up on the previous MiPhy reports. She spoke on bullying and the fact the district worked on making sure students recognize behavior that constitutes bullying. Sara also gave a Free/Reduce Lunch update including the on-line meal program. The most recent report indicates the district has 51% of students on Free/Reduced lunch.

Catrina Woodruff inquired about the state survey and noted there is no place for comments and asked if there is anything our district is doing for feedback? Sara Shriver noted this is a survey that will be done for two years. Trend data is needed and comparisons will be made between the first and second survey.

Douglas Bucholtz asked about the district’s Police Resource Officer and truancy duties. Principals noted the Police Resource Officer has been used for truancy in some of the buildings. He indicated the Montcalm County Sheriff’s Department is used for students needing court services.

Tim Erspamer praised the Lakeview Elementary students for their reading during March-Is-Reading Month. Students read over 105,000 minutes.

Moved by Beckett and supported by Woodruff to approve the consent items as presented. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Approval of Minutes

March 9, 2009

Approval of General Fund Claims #66412-66520 in the amount of $149,327.66, Food Service Checks #9898-9902 in the amount of $60,446.71, Athletic Checks #5720-5745 in the amount of $6,257.55, Preschool Checks #1383-1385 in the amount of $16,588.25, and Construction Checks #632 in the amount of $16,672.67.

Approval of Personnel


Jennifer Rasmussen, resignation from 7th & 8th grade Boys Track Coach, effective March 18, 2009

Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 3 of 5

Date: April 13, 2009 Attachments: No

Leave of Absence

Elizabeth Naasko, BSE Elementary, request for maternity leave from April 3, 2009 through June 4, 2009

Sarah Johnson, BSE Teacher, request for maternity leave from May 12, 2009 through June 4, 2009

Mark Nichols, Bus Driver, request for leave of absence from afternoon bus run during 2008-09 middle school track season.

New Hires

Carolyn Muessman, Interim Athletic Director to June 2009

Mark Nichols, 7th & 8th Grade Boys Track Coach, new to the position, effective 4-14-09

Nicholas Herblet, High School Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, new to the position, effective July 1, 2009

Satisfactory Completion of Probation

Year 1) David Albert

Rachel Bucholtz

Jessica Orr

Courtney Krebill

Jessica Pabst

Carolyn Lovelace

Year 2) Nichole Straub

Vernon Smith

Kristina Kirshman

Mary Behrenwald

Year 3) Courtney Dusterwinkle

Year 4) Brad Hoekstra

Discussion occurred on the lawn mowing and painting positions.

Moved by Beckett and supported by Jeppesen to approve consent items C and D.

Glen C. Reed, Sr., Lawn mowing/Groundkeeping position, new to the position, effective April 14, 2009

Helen Johnson, Temporary part-time Painting Position, effective June 15, 2009

Jonaitis – yes

Jeppesen - yes

Woodruff - no

Bucholtz – no

Beckett –yes

Rasmussen – yes

Johnson – yes

Motion carried 5-2.

Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 4 of 5

Date: April 13, 2009 Attachments: No

Budget revisions were presented for General Fund, Preschool, Food Service, Athletics, 1999 Debt, and 2009 Debt Fund.

Dr. Pope noted the resurfacing of the high school gym floor was recently put out for a bid. The board discussed the resurfacing of the floor.

Moved by Beckett and supported by Jeppesen to move Discussion Item C (Land Purchase) to Action Item C. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Dr. Pope asked for a board member for the Strategic Planning Committee. Douglas Beckett volunteered to be on this Committee.

Moved by Beckett and supported by Woodruff to approve the budget revisions as recommended. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Moved by Jonaitis and supported by Jeppesen to approve and award the resurfacing of the high school gymnasium floor to Floor Care Concepts. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Moved by Beckett and supported by Jeppesen to approve the sale of the land with a net $5,000 with closing costs being the buyer’s expense, earmark the proceeds for a special project to the school, and give the Superintendent authority to negotiate and be the signing agent for the contract.

Jeppesen – yes

Jonaitis - yes

Woodruff – no

Bucholtz - no

Beckett – yes

Rasmussen – yes

Johnson – yes

Motion carried 5-2.

Dr. Pope recognized Carolyn Muessman as the district’s interim Athletic Director. She thanked Carolyn and Tricia Root for their recent athletic work for the district.

President Johnson read the following announcements:


Tuesday 14 BOE/LEA Negotiations 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday 15 Two-Hour Early Release for Professional Development

Wednesday 15 Economic Forum 7:00 p.m. Lakeview Middle School

Wednesday 22 Two-Hour Early Release for Professional Development

Tuesday 28 Board Candidate Forum 6:00 p.m. Lakeview High School

Wednesday 29 Two-Hour Early Release for Professional Development


Tuesday 5 School Board Election

Thursday 14 LHS Honors Night

Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 5 of 5

Date: April 13, 2009 Attachments: No

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Bucholtz to go into closed session at 8:38 p.m. for purpose of Negotiation Strategies. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Beckett to resume open session at 9:53 p.m. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Moved by Bucholtz and supported by Rasmussen to adjourn at 9:54 p.m. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Rasmussen, Secretary

Minutes Recorded by Pam Main