Cost of Treating Curly leaf Pondweed in PortageLake
2003-2008: $280/acre + $750 DNR multiple party permit
2009-2010: $288.40/acre + $750 DNR multiple party permit
Chemicals Used: (contact herbicides-guaranteed 90%control of whole plant)
Aquathol K, Aquathol K + Hydrothol 191, Reward
Year Cost Acres Treated
(Including $750 DNR permit)
2003 $15,200 55 acres
2004 $ 6,370 20.5 acres
2005 $13,350 45 acres
2006 $11,950 40 acres
2007 $ 9,150 30 acres
2008 $11,950 40 acres
2009 $ 8,767.52 27.8 acres +1 additional acre (7/21/09)
+ 428.40* *$288.40 for treating 1 acre + $140 for
Total $77,165.92 4 additionalDNR chem. treatment permits
Estimated treatment cost for up to 30 acres of CLP in 2010 is $9,402. The amount to be raised in 2010 is $8,057 because the CLP treatment fund already contains $1,345 left over from prior years. The lake association has paid for the chemical treatment by requesting voluntary contributions each year. The suggested contribution amount is calculated by dividing projected total cost by probable number of contributors—usually 65-70 contributors.
Residents voted by a mail back ballot in 2002 to financially support treatment. 84 ballots were returned out of 106 ballots mailed out. 85.7% of the 84 returned ballots voted yes to support the treatment. This was 67.9% of all possible votes.
Over the years the suggested contribution has varied due to: The amount of surveyed acreage of CLP, the amount of money in the CLP treatment fund that may have been left over from the previous year, and the number of likely contributors.
The number of contributors has varied from 65-74. The suggested contribution amount has varied from $218/resident (the first 2 yrs.) to $85. For 2010 the suggested contribution is $120 for treating up to 30 acres of CLP, the same amount requested in 2009. Residents have been very supportive, contributing, and reaching or surpassing the goal for all seven years of CLP treatment. Several residents contribute more than the amount requested, some less, though several residents (out of approximately 110 residents on the lake) do not or have never contributed.